cd pyflink-using-docker
docker build --tag pyflink:latest -f ./flink-cluster.dockerfile .
docker build --tag pyflink-client:latest -f ./flink-client.dockerfile .
docker-compose -f ./kafka-cluster.yaml up -d
docker-compose -f kafka-cluster.yaml exec kafka kafka-topics --create --topic input_topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --bootstrap-server kafka:9092
docker-compose -f ./flink-cluster.yaml up
Please open a new terminal.
docker-compose -f kafka-cluster.yaml exec kafka kafka-console-producer --topic input_topic --bootstrap-server kafka:9092
Then in the terminal from the kafka cluster, input following json messages for test(after typing each line, remeber to type 'enter'):
And then in the termial of flink cluster, you could the following output of each kafka record: