ForneyLab v0.12.0
Closed issues:
- Use PDMats.jl to work with positive-definite matrices (#30)
- Cryptic error messages (#27)
- Write a "how to build a node" demo (#29)
- Improve error message for algo contruction on model with dangling edges (#70)
- How to implement boolean operations/factors for binary random variables, or more generally conditional probability tables? (#100)
- Probability density estimation for marginals parameterised with SampleList (#137)
- ERROR: LoadError: KeyError: key nothing not found (#146)
- Error: No applicable marginal update rule for GaussianMeanVariance node with inbound types: Message{GaussianWeightedMeanPrecision}, Message{GaussianMeanVariance} (#194)
- Multiplication of two categorical variables (#197)
- Incorrect outbound message update rules for GaussianMeanVariance (#198)
- Where are parameters stored in ForneyLab.Bernoulli? (#199)
- ForneyLab.step! must be explicitly imported (#200)
Merged pull requests:
- Refactor rule matching (#188) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Natural parameter distributions (#189) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Conjugate variational Inference (#192) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Rename (#193) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Update citation file (#195) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Fix gaussian update (#203) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Improve error messages (#204) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Update compat (#205) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Write And node demo (#206) (@ThijsvdLaar)
- Prepare for release 0.12.0 (#208) (@ThijsvdLaar)