- 8/29 Signed up a week after class started
- 8/30 Read all of the class overview, watched the Intro videos, accessed Piazza
- 8/30 Signed up for Github, Chameleon, Futuresystems
- 9/15 Started this class notebook on Github
- 10/7 Signed up for Sharelatex account
- 10/7 With help from professor, learned how to use Sharelatex, transfer a MS Word document to latex, and connect Jabref citations to the latex document, then transfer all of these files to github
- 11/25 Significantly updated this class notebook
- 12/5 My paper did not load into the proceedings. Change title listed in yaml file to match title of loaded paper. Created readme file with paper title as content.
- 9/5: Read & watched all videos in 3.1: Introduction
- 9/6 Read & watched all videos in 3.2: Overview
- 9/7 Read & watched all videos in 3.10: Web Search/Text Mining
- 9/17 Watched all videos in 3.3: Big Data Use Cases
- 9/18 Watched all videos in 3.7: Radar Case Studies
- 9/23 Watched all videos in 3.4: Physics
- 9/24 Watched all videos in 3.6: Healthcare
- 10/13 Watched all videos in Sensors, Commerce
- 10/14 Finished watching all remaining theory videos: Sports
- 9/2 Installed Virtualbox, Ubuntu & Python 2 & 3 via pyenv
- 9/9 Bought Raspberry Pi and required accessories. Installed NOOBS
- 9/19-9/23 Started learning how to use Linux.
- 10/20 Started learning Python. Used Ubuntu installed on Virtualbox on Windows 10
- 11/4-11/5 Searched for and found data for final project
- 11/6-11/7 Cleaned the data to be used for final project. Required manually looking up 60 different homicide victim's place of death
- 11/9 Discovered Paper 2 did not compile. Had to upload several files to Github account. Professor also placed some files
- 11/9 Placed several technical files on Github account for the final project so that it would compile--copied from Paper 2 files
- 11/10-11/11 Learned new regression model for final project. Had not previously done work with 'count' data or 'mass at zero' data
- 11/12-11/15 Worked on regression analysis model & regression diagnostics using RStudio
- 11/12-11/16 Collected and read resources on 'count' data analysis
- 11/16-11/17 Had to start regression analysis from the beginning. Had assumed I needed to use "zero-inflated negative binomial" model, however, realized this was theoretically unsound. Switched to simple negative binomial in GLM
- 11/16 Worked in QGIS to create mapping of homicides
- 11/17 Coded R-script to automatically perform all of the statistical analyses for the final project
- 11/18 Uploaded Final Project R-script to Github as RScript, data as data1.csv, variables as variables, and list of original data that had to be cleaned as baddata
- 11/19 Working in Ubuntu using Virtualbox was incredibly frustrating. Installed Python 2.7 and 3.6 directly onto Windows, learned how to use Powershell to access Python
- 11/20 Learned how to use PYQGIS--Python console in QGIS
- 11/20 Coded Python script to automatically create the QGIS map for the final project
- 11/20 Learned how to use Box at IU. Shapefile was too big to upload to Github, so shapefile and dbf file were zipped and uploaded to Box
- 11/21 Uploaded Python script to Github as QGISScriptKilledByPolice.py
- 11/24 Submitted my first experiment, visualizing class data ("Classification 2"), and loaded to Github as R-Script
- 9/1 Installed Latex & jabref
- 9/10 Had Paper 1 topic approved. Began researching appropriate journal articles, have found 10 that seem relevant & useful
- 10/5 Learned how to use Jabref
- 10/4-10/6 Gathered more articles for Paper 1
- 10/5-10/7 Wrote Paper 1
- 10/8 Submitted Paper 1 to Github
- 10/11 Submitted a review of HID311's Paper 1 to Piazza for discussion assignment
- 10/20 Fixed noted issues with Paper 1
- 10/21 Created folder for Paper 2
- 10/24-26 Explored Final Project topic
- 10/25-26 Gathered resources for Paper 2
- 10/26 Had Paper 2 topic approved
- 10/27 Had Final Project topic approved
- 10/27-11/1 Gathered resources Final Project
- 10/27-11/4 Gathered resources for Paper 2
- 11/1-11/4 Wrote Paper 2 on Sharelatex
- 11/5 Submitted Paper 2 to Github
- 11/6-11/16 Gathered literature review for Final Project
- 11/17-11/22 Wrote the final paper on Sharelatex
- 11/24 Finished final draft of Final Project and submitted to Github. Set status=99% on yaml file
- 11/28-29 Made final changes to Final Project and set status=100% to yaml file
- Address: 425 University Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202
- Latitude: 39.773739
- Longitude: -86.175216