When, after fixing bugs and adding new features, you'd like to bring those changes to the general public, it is time to make a new release of jGridstart. This would involve the following steps:
Make sure that everything works. When you've made changes that might involve platform-specific behaviour, make sure to test affected functionalities on the major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X and Windows). Please see
for more information on that. -
Update version numbers. Consider what modules have changed. For those modules, update the version number. Also update the version number where these are used as dependencies.
If you just changed
, you can run the following commands (using xmlstarlet) to update the relevant modules to version x.y (e.g. 1.15):VERSION=x.y xml ed -P -L -N m=http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 \ -u "/m:project/m:version" -v "$VERSION" \ -u "/m:project/m:dependencies/m:dependency[child::m:groupId='nl.nikhef.jgridstart' \ and starts-with(child::m:artifactId,'jgridstart-')]/m:version" -v "$VERSION" \ -u "/descendant::m:artifactItems/m:artifactItem[child::m:groupId='nl.nikhef.jgridstart' \ and starts-with(child::m:artifactId,'jgridstart-')]/m:version" -v "$VERSION" \ jgridstart-*/pom.xml sed -si '/^<?xml.*$/d; s/\( xsi:schemaLocation\)/\n \1/' jgridstart-*/pom.xml
To view the version numbers of all modules, you use the following command:
xml sel -N m=http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 -t -f -o ' ' -v /m:project/m:version */pom.xml
Create final version and sign resulting JAR. You can either first create the jar file, and then sign it using jarsigner, or do both combined:
Separate building and signing. First create the final version by running from the project's root:
mvn clean install
Now sign the resulting jar file using jarsigner:
jarsigner -tsa TIMESTAMP_URL -keystore /my/codecert.jks jgridstart-jws/target/jnlp/jgridstart-wrapper-x.y.jar store_entry_name
where TIMESTAMP_URL depends on the codesigning CA; for COMODO, it is
whereas for DigiCert it is
is ready for deployment. -
Do all combined via mvn. Make sure you have a `$HOME/.m2/settings.xml' file containing something like:
<settings> <profiles> <profile> <id>codesigning</id> <properties> <codesigning.keystore>PATH_TO_P12_STORE</codesigning.keystore> <codesigning.storetype>pkcs12</codesigning.storetype> <codesigning.storepass>MYPASSWORD</codesigning.storepass> <codesigning.alias>CERT_ALIAS</codesigning.alias> <codesigning.tsa_url>TIMESTAMP_URL</codesigning.tsa_url> </properties> </profile> </profiles> </settings>
must be replaced with the appropriate values. Then enable the<sign>
blob in thejgridstart-jws/pom.xml
file and run from the project's root:mvn -P codesigning clean install
is ready for deployment. Note: verify the created jar file using jarsigner -verify (use -verbose to get details if something is wrong).
Upload release. Each release is uploaded to http://jgridstart.nikhef.nl/release/x.y . Update the URL locations in the JNLP so that it works from there:
cd jgridstart-jws/target/jnlp sh deploy.sh http://jgridstart.nikhef.nl/release/x.y
Then copy all files found in
to the location. -
Publish javadoc. Generate javadocs by running the following command from the top-level directory, which puts the API documentation from all modules into
:TITLE='jGridstart top-level x.y API' mvn javadoc:aggregate -Ddoctitle="$TITLE" -Dwindowtitle="$TITLE"
Now publish it on Github using the gh-pages branch, assuming that once exists (create a new orphaned branch, if not):
git checkout gh-pages rm -Rf javadoc mv target/site/apidocs javadoc git add javadoc git commit -m 'release documentation for jGridstart x.y' -a git push
Update the Wiki. http://jgridstart.nikhef.nl/Releases contains a list of jGridstart's releases. Add a new entry, make sure the links point to the correct release location; review source code history and add changes relevant for users and CAs (with bug links when present).
Also update http://jgridstart.nikhef.nl/Test to point to the new release. -
Commit and create tag so that the source code reflects the release as well.
git commit -m 'release x.y' git tag jgridstart_x.y git push --tags
Prepare for Certificate Authority. The DutchGrid CA uses jGridstart directly, and we prepare the release for them a little more. Just run the script
copyrelease.sh x.y
in jgridstart.nikhef.nl's/ca
directory. Then you're ready to mail them!
It would be nice to eventually use the Maven release plugin to automate a lot of this. For now, stick to this and you're fine. And finally: please feel free to update and improve this file!