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145 lines (102 loc) · 5.87 KB

Creating a jGridstart release

When, after fixing bugs and adding new features, you'd like to bring those changes to the general public, it is time to make a new release of jGridstart. This would involve the following steps:

  1. Make sure that everything works. When you've made changes that might involve platform-specific behaviour, make sure to test affected functionalities on the major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X and Windows). Please see jgridstart-tests/ for more information on that.

  2. Update version numbers. Consider what modules have changed. For those modules, update the version number. Also update the version number where these are used as dependencies.

    If you just changed jgridstart-main, you can run the following commands (using xmlstarlet) to update the relevant modules to version x.y (e.g. 1.15):

     xml ed -P -L -N m= \
         -u "/m:project/m:version" -v "$VERSION" \
         -u "/m:project/m:dependencies/m:dependency[child::m:groupId='nl.nikhef.jgridstart' \
                     and starts-with(child::m:artifactId,'jgridstart-')]/m:version" -v "$VERSION" \
         -u "/descendant::m:artifactItems/m:artifactItem[child::m:groupId='nl.nikhef.jgridstart' \
                     and starts-with(child::m:artifactId,'jgridstart-')]/m:version" -v "$VERSION" \
     sed -si '/^<?xml.*$/d; s/\( xsi:schemaLocation\)/\n \1/' jgridstart-*/pom.xml

    To view the version numbers of all modules, you use the following command:

     xml sel -N m= -t -f -o ' ' -v /m:project/m:version */pom.xml
  3. Create final version and sign resulting JAR. You can either first create the jar file, and then sign it using jarsigner, or do both combined:

    1. Separate building and signing. First create the final version by running from the project's root:

      mvn clean install

      Now sign the resulting jar file using jarsigner:

      jarsigner -tsa TIMESTAMP_URL -keystore /my/codecert.jks jgridstart-jws/target/jnlp/jgridstart-wrapper-x.y.jar store_entry_name

      where TIMESTAMP_URL depends on the codesigning CA; for COMODO, it is

      whereas for DigiCert it is

      Now jgridstart-wrapper-x.y.jar is ready for deployment.

    2. Do all combined via mvn. Make sure you have a `$HOME/.m2/settings.xml' file containing something like:


      where PATH_TO_P12_STORE, MYPASSWORD, CERT_ALIAS and TIMESTAMP_URL must be replaced with the appropriate values. Then enable the <sign> blob in the jgridstart-jws/pom.xml file and run from the project's root:

      mvn -P codesigning clean install

      Now jgridstart-jws/target/jnlp/jgridstart-wrapper-x.y.jar is ready for deployment. Note: verify the created jar file using jarsigner -verify (use -verbose to get details if something is wrong).

  4. Upload release. Each release is uploaded to . Update the URL locations in the JNLP so that it works from there:

     cd jgridstart-jws/target/jnlp

    Then copy all files found in jgridstart-jws/target/jnlp to the location.

  5. Publish javadoc. Generate javadocs by running the following command from the top-level directory, which puts the API documentation from all modules into target/site/apidocs:

     TITLE='jGridstart top-level x.y API'
     mvn javadoc:aggregate -Ddoctitle="$TITLE" -Dwindowtitle="$TITLE"

    Now publish it on Github using the gh-pages branch, assuming that once exists (create a new orphaned branch, if not):

     git checkout gh-pages
     rm -Rf javadoc
     mv target/site/apidocs javadoc
     git add javadoc
     git commit -m 'release documentation for jGridstart x.y' -a
     git push
  6. Update the Wiki. contains a list of jGridstart's releases. Add a new entry, make sure the links point to the correct release location; review source code history and add changes relevant for users and CAs (with bug links when present).
    Also update to point to the new release.

  7. Commit and create tag so that the source code reflects the release as well.

     git commit -m 'release x.y'
     git tag jgridstart_x.y
     git push --tags
  8. Prepare for Certificate Authority. The DutchGrid CA uses jGridstart directly, and we prepare the release for them a little more. Just run the script x.y in's /ca directory. Then you're ready to mail them!

It would be nice to eventually use the Maven release plugin to automate a lot of this. For now, stick to this and you're fine. And finally: please feel free to update and improve this file!