This section explains how to reproduce the T0 training: a massively multitask fine-tuning using TPUs and Mesh Tensorflow. These are the steps we used in the paper for training and evaluation.
We also release code to replicate this training in PyTorch (see Replicating the training in PyTorch).
Before starting, please make sure you have installed the t0 package by following the setup procedure.
Please make sure you first install the corresponding dependencies: pip install -e .[seqio_tasks]
The first step is to cache the data. We used SeqIO, a library for processing sequential data to be fed into downstream sequence models. Essentially, SeqIO tokenizes (and caches) the input/target pairs and handles the training and evaluation mixtures.
You can cache a given task with the following command:
seqio_cache_tasks \
--tasks=$TASK \
--output_cache_dir=$MY_FAVORITE_OUTPUT_DIR \
The full list of tasks in the mixture is obtained with the following code snippet:
import seqio
import t0.seqio_tasks
for task in seqio.MixtureRegistry.get("t0++_train").tasks:
You'll likely be interested in the following mixtures:
: training mixture for T0t0+_train
: training mixture for T0+t0++_train
: training mixture for T0++
For reproducibility, we have released an already cached version of the data, which means you don't need to cache the data yourself. The only exception is Story Cloze, which requires filling a form to download the data. Please refer to the previous SeqIO command to cache the tasks related to Story Cloze once you have the dataset.
Please make sure you first install the t5
library and its dependencies.
Once you have cached the data, you can launch the training. We assume that you have access to TPU resources.
To launch the training, a typical command is (please adjust the arguments to fit your setup and training):
export TPU_NAME=your_tpu_name
export PROJECT=your_project_name
export ZONE=your_project_zone
export TPU_SIZE=v3-512
export BUCKET=gs://your_bucket/
export CACHE_DIR="${BUCKET}/your_cache_dir"
export MODEL_DIR="${BUCKET}/your_model_dir"
export MIXTURE_NAME="t0++_train"
export TRAIN_STEPS=1112200
t5_mesh_transformer \
--tpu="${TPU_NAME}" \
--gcp_project="${PROJECT}" \
--tpu_zone="${ZONE}" \
--additional_task_cache_dirs="${CACHE_DIR}" \
--module_import="t0.seqio_tasks" \
--gin_file="dataset.gin" \
--gin_param="MIXTURE_NAME = '${MIXTURE_NAME}'" \
--gin_file="gs://t5-data/pretrained_models/t5.1.1.lm100k.xxl/operative_config.gin" \
--gin_param="utils.tpu_mesh_shape.tpu_topology = '${TPU_SIZE}'" \
--gin_param="run.train_steps = ${TRAIN_STEPS}" \
--gin_file="learning_rate_schedules/constant_0_001.gin" \
--gin_param="tokens_per_batch=1048576" \
--gin_param="pack_dataset.use_custom_ops = False" \
--gin_param="run.sequence_length = {'inputs': 1024, 'targets': 256}" \
--gin_param="model_info = '${MODEL_DIR}/model-info.txt'" \
--gin_param="mesh_train_dataset_fn.use_cached = True" \
--gin_param="serialize_num_microbatches.tokens_per_microbatch_per_replica = 2048" \
--gin_param="tpu_mesh_shape.model_parallelism = 8"
You can evaluate (using rank evaluation) the trained model with a similar command:
export TPU_NAME=your_tpu_name
export PROJECT=your_project_name
export ZONE=your_project_zone
export TPU_SIZE=v3-128
export BUCKET=gs://your_bucket/
export CACHE_DIR="${BUCKET}/your_cache_dir"
export MODEL_DIR="${BUCKET}/your_model_dir"
export EVAL_MIXTURE_NAME="t0_eval_score_eval"
export TRAIN_STEPS=1112200
t5_mesh_transformer \
--tpu="${TPU_NAME}" \
--gcp_project="${PROJECT}" \
--tpu_zone="${ZONE}" \
--model_dir="${MODEL_DIR}" \
--gin_file="${MODEL_DIR}/operative_config.gin" \
--additional_task_cache_dirs="${CACHE_DIR}" \
--module_import="t0.seqio_tasks" \
--gin_file="score_eval.gin" \
--gin_param="MIXTURE_NAME = '${EVAL_MIXTURE_NAME}'" \
--gin_param="utils.tpu_mesh_shape.tpu_topology = '${TPU_SIZE}'" \
--gin_param="run.batch_size = ('tokens_per_batch', 262144)" \
--gin_param="pack_dataset.use_custom_ops = False" \
--gin_param="run.sequence_length = {'inputs': 1024, 'targets': 256}" \
--gin_param="model_info = '${MODEL_DIR}/model-info.txt'" \
--gin_param="mesh_train_dataset_fn.use_cached = True" \
--gin_param="mesh_eval_dataset_fn.use_cached = True" \
--gin_param="serialize_num_microbatches.tokens_per_microbatch_per_replica = 2048" \
--gin_param="tpu_mesh_shape.model_parallelism = 4" \
--gin_param="eval_checkpoint_step = ${TRAIN_STEPS}" \
--gin_param="run.dataset_split = 'validation'"
This section is still WIP.
To evaluate the trained models using PyTorch, please refer to this section.