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File metadata and controls

1153 lines (968 loc) · 84.9 KB


This project follows the Hexagonal Architecture (also known as Ports and Adapters Architecture), which aims to create a clear separation between the core business logic and external systems. The structure of the project is designed to ensure maintainability, testability, and scalability by decoupling various components.

Project Structure

cmd Contains the main application entry points. This is where the application starts and is responsible for setting up the application context, configuration, and running the server.

internal The core of the application is divided into several packages:

  • adapters: Contains the implementations for interacting with external systems.

    • app: Application-level adapters.
    • database: Database-related adapters, including models and seeders.
      • models: Database models used for ORM.
      • seeders: Scripts for populating the database with initial data.
    • http: HTTP-related adapters, including handlers and routers.
      • handlers: HTTP request handlers, organized by domain (e.g., documents, orders, system_fields).
      • routers: Routing configurations for handling HTTP requests and responses.
    • repositories: Data access repositories, organized by domain (e.g., documents, orders, system_fields).
  • core: Contains the business logic and domain-specific code.

    • domain: Domain models and business entities, organized by domain (e.g., documents, orders, system_fields).
    • ports: Interfaces that define the interactions between the core domain and the external systems.
      • documents, master_files, orders, system_fields: Ports for different domains.
  • services: Business logic and use cases, organized by domain (e.g., documents, orders, system_fields).

pkg Contains shared utilities and helpers that can be used across the application.

  • configs: Configuration management.
  • helpers: Utility functions for various tasks.
  • filters: Helpers for filtering data.
  • pagination: Helpers for pagination.
  • utils: Additional utility functions, such as Argon2ID for password hashing

Business Context

An e-commerce system is a digital platform designed to facilitate the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It provides a comprehensive online shopping experience for users, encompassing various functionalities to handle different aspects of the shopping lifecycle, from product discovery to purchase and delivery.

Brief Entities


Core Entities

  • User: Manages user data and roles.
  • UserProfile: Contains additional profile information for users.
  • UserRole: Defines user roles and associated permissions.
  • UserPermission: Manages permissions linked to each role.
  • RefreshToken: Stores JWT refresh tokens for user sessions, including their expiration and usage status.
  • OAuthProvider: Manages OAuth providers used for external authentication.
  • OAuthAccessToken: Represents access tokens issued by OAuth providers for authentication and authorization.
  • OAuthRefreshToken: Represents refresh tokens used to obtain new access tokens after expiration.
  • Email: Stores information about emails sent to users, including recipient details, content, and status.
  • OTP: Stores one-time passwords (OTPs) used for user verification and authentication processes.

Product Management

  • Category: Categorizes products.
  • Product: Stores product details.
  • ProductImage: Manages product images.
  • ProductVariant: Handles different product variants (e.g., size, color).

Order Management

  • Order: Represents a customer's order.
  • OrderItem: Details of items within an order.
  • Inventory: Tracks product stock levels.
  • Payment: Handles payment information for orders.
  • BillingInfo: Stores billing details for orders.
  • ShippingInfo: Manages shipping details and status for orders.

Shopping Cart

  • Cart: Represents a user's shopping cart.
  • CartItem: Stores items added to the cart.

Marketing and Discounts

  • Coupon: Manages discount codes.
  • AppliedCoupon: Tracks coupons applied to orders.

Reviews and Ratings

  • Review: Captures product reviews and ratings.
  • ShippingReview: Stores user reviews specifically for shipping experiences.

Change Tracking

  • ChangeLogs: Records changes made to entities for auditing purposes.

ER Diagram

Core Entities

User: Manages user data and roles.

Description: Represents users of the system with various roles (ADMIN, SELLER, CUSTOMER). This table manages user details and tracks who created each record.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each user.
first_name VARCHAR(50) User's first name.
last_name VARCHAR(50) User's last name.
role_id INTEGER REFERENCES UserRole(id) References the UserRole table to assign a role to the user.
address VARCHAR(255) User's address for contact and authentication purposes.
phone_number VARCHAR(20) User's phone number.
email VARCHAR(100) User's email address.
username VARCHAR(50) User's chosen username.
password VARCHAR(255) User's hashed password.
status VARCHAR(20) Status of the user account (e.g., 'Active', 'Inactive').
last_login TIMESTAMP Timestamp of the last time the user logged in.
two_factor_enabled BOOLEAN Indicates if two-factor authentication is enabled for the user.
two_factor_secret VARCHAR(255) Secret used for generating 2FA codes. (Only if 2FA is enabled)
created_by INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the user who created this record, enabling tracking of record creation.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • role_id references the UserRole table to assign roles.
  • created_by references the User table for tracking record creation.
  • deleted_at allows for soft deletes.
Table User [NOTE: "Represents users of the system with various roles (ADMIN, SELLER, CUSTOMER). This table manages user details and tracks who created each record."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each user."]
  first_name VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "User's first name."]
  last_name VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "User's last name."]
  role_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the UserRole table to assign a role to the user."]
  address VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "User's address for contact and authentication purposes."]
  phone_number VARCHAR(20) [NOTE: "User's phone number."]
  email VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "User's email address."]
  username VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "User's chosen username."]
  password VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "User's hashed password."]
  status VARCHAR(20) [NOTE: "Status of the user account (e.g., 'Active', 'Inactive')."]
  last_login TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp of the last time the user logged in."]
  two_factor_enabled BOOLEAN [NOTE: "Indicates if two-factor authentication is enabled for the user."]
  two_factor_secret VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Secret used for generating 2FA codes. (Only if 2FA is enabled)"]
  created_by INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the user who created this record, enabling tracking of record creation."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

UserProfile Table

Description: Stores additional profile information for users, including profile pictures and user preferences.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each user profile.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table, linking the profile to a specific user.
profile_picture VARCHAR(255) URL or path to the user's profile picture.
preferences JSONB JSON object storing user-specific preferences and settings.
date_of_birth DATE User's date of birth.
social_media_links JSONB JSON object storing links to user's social media profiles.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the profile was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the profile was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id references the User table to link the profile with the corresponding user.
  • preferences and social_media_links are stored as JSONB for flexibility.
  • created_at and updated_at track record creation and modification times.
  • deleted_at allows for soft deletes.
Table UserProfile [NOTE: "Stores additional profile information for users, including profile pictures and user preferences."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each user profile."]
  user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table, linking the profile to a specific user."]
  profile_picture VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "URL or path to the user's profile picture."]
  preferences JSONB [NOTE: "JSON object storing user-specific preferences and settings."]
  date_of_birth DATE [NOTE: "User's date of birth."]
  social_media_links JSONB [NOTE: "JSON object storing links to user's social media profiles."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the profile was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the profile was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

UserRole Table

Description: Defines user roles and associated permissions. Roles may include ADMIN, SELLER, and CUSTOMER, with descriptions for each role's purpose within the system.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each user role.
role_name VARCHAR(50) Name of the role (e.g., 'ADMIN', 'SELLER', 'CUSTOMER').
description VARCHAR(255) Description of the role and its purpose within the system.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the role was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the role was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • role_name provides the name for the role.
  • description gives context about the role's function within the system.
  • created_at and updated_at track record creation and updates.
  • deleted_at allows for soft deletes.
Table UserRole [NOTE: "Defines the roles available in the system, such as ADMIN, SELLER, and CUSTOMER, and provides descriptions for each role."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each user role."]
  role_name VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Name of the role (e.g., 'ADMIN', 'SELLER', 'CUSTOMER')."]
  description VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Description of the role and its purpose within the system."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the profile was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the profile was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

UserPermission Table

Description: Manages permissions linked to each role, specifying what actions each role can perform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each permission record.
role_id INTEGER REFERENCES UserRole(id) References the UserRole table, linking permissions to specific roles.
permission VARCHAR(100) Description of the permission (e.g., 'CREATE_PRODUCT', 'VIEW_ORDERS').
permission_type VARCHAR(50) Type of permission (e.g., 'Read', 'Write', 'Admin').
effective_date TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the permission became effective.
description TEXT Brief description of the permissions associated with this role.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • role_id links the permission to a specific role defined in the UserRole table.
  • permission and permission_type specify the actions that the role can perform.
  • effective_date tracks when the permission was applied.
  • description provides additional context about the permission.
  • created_at and updated_at track when the record was created and modified.
  • deleted_at allows for soft deletes.
Table UserPermission [NOTE: "Manages permissions associated with user roles, specifying what actions each role can perform."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each permission record."]
  role_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the UserRole table to link permissions to specific roles."]
  permission VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "Description of the permission (e.g., 'CREATE_PRODUCT', 'VIEW_ORDERS')."]
  permission_type VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Type of permission (e.g., 'Read', 'Write', 'Admin')."]
  effective_date TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp when the permission became effective."]
  description TEXT [NOTE: "Brief description of the permissions associated with this role."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the permission record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the permission record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

RefreshToken Table

Description: Stores JWT refresh tokens for user sessions, including their expiration and usage status.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each refresh token record.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the refresh token to a specific user.
token VARCHAR(255) JWT refresh token string used to renew user authentication sessions.
expires_at TIMESTAMP Timestamp indicating when the refresh token will expire.
used BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE Indicates whether the refresh token has been used to issue a new token.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the refresh token record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the refresh token record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id links the refresh token to a specific user in the User table.
  • token stores the actual JWT refresh token.
  • expires_at indicates when the token is no longer valid.
  • used tracks whether the token has been utilized.
  • created_at and updated_at track when the record was created and modified.
  • deleted_at allows for soft deletes.
Table RefreshToken [NOTE: "Stores JWT refresh tokens for user sessions, including their expiration and usage status."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each refresh token record."]
  user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the refresh token to a specific user."]
  token VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "JWT refresh token string used to renew user authentication sessions."]
  expires_at TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp indicating when the refresh token will expire."]
  used BOOLEAN [default: FALSE, NOTE: "Indicates whether the refresh token has been used to issue a new token."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the refresh token record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the refresh token record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

OAuthProvider Table

Description: Manages OAuth providers used for external authentication.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each OAuth provider.
provider_name VARCHAR(100) Name of the OAuth provider (e.g., 'Google', 'Facebook').
client_id VARCHAR(255) Client ID provided by the OAuth provider.
client_secret VARCHAR(255) Client Secret provided by the OAuth provider.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • provider_name specifies the name of the OAuth provider used for authentication.
  • client_id and client_secret are used to authenticate with the OAuth provider.
  • created_at and updated_at track the creation and modification times of the record.
Table OAuthProvider [NOTE: "Contains information about OAuth providers."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each OAuth provider."]
  provider_name VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "Name of the OAuth provider (e.g., 'Google', 'Facebook')."]
  client_id VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Client ID provided by the OAuth provider."]
  client_secret VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Client Secret provided by the OAuth provider."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]

OAuthAccessToken Table

Description: Represents access tokens issued by OAuth providers for authentication and authorization.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each access token.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the token to a specific user.
provider_id INTEGER REFERENCES OAuthProvider(id) References the OAuthProvider table to identify the provider of the token.
access_token VARCHAR(255) The OAuth access token string.
token_type VARCHAR(50) Type of token (e.g., 'Bearer').
expires_in INTEGER Token expiration time in seconds.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the access token was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the access token was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id links the token to a specific user.
  • provider_id identifies the OAuth provider that issued the token.
  • access_token is the actual token used for accessing protected resources.
  • token_type specifies the type of token issued.
  • expires_in indicates how long the token is valid in seconds.
  • created_at and updated_at track the creation and modification times of the token.
Table OAuthAccessToken [NOTE: "Records OAuth access tokens issued to users."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each access token."]
  user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the token to a specific user."]
  provider_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the OAuthProvider table to identify the provider of the token."]
  access_token VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "The OAuth access token."]
  token_type VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Type of token (e.g., 'Bearer')."]
  expires_in INTEGER [NOTE: "Token expiration time in seconds."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the access token was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the access token was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the token record as deleted without actual removal."]

OAuthRefreshToken Table

Description: Represents refresh tokens used to obtain new access tokens after expiration.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each refresh token.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the token to a specific user.
provider_id INTEGER REFERENCES OAuthProvider(id) References the OAuthProvider table to identify the provider of the token.
refresh_token VARCHAR(255) The OAuth refresh token string.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the refresh token was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the refresh token was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id links the refresh token to a specific user.
  • provider_id identifies the OAuth provider that issued the token.
  • refresh_token is the actual token used to obtain new access tokens.
  • created_at and updated_at track the creation and modification times of the token.
Table OAuthRefreshToken [NOTE: "Records OAuth refresh tokens issued to users."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each refresh token."]
  user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the token to a specific user."]
  provider_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the OAuthProvider table to identify the provider of the token."]
  refresh_token VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "The OAuth refresh token."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the refresh token was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the refresh token was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the token record as deleted without actual removal."]

Email Table

Description: Stores information about emails sent to users, including recipient details, content, and status.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each email record.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the email to a specific user.
temporal_id VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE Unique identifier generated by Temporal services for tracking purposes.
recipient_email VARCHAR(255) Email address of the recipient.
subject VARCHAR(255) Subject line of the email.
body TEXT Body content of the email.
status VARCHAR(50) Current status of the email (e.g., 'sent', 'failed').
sent_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the email was sent.
failed_reason TEXT Reason for failure if the email was not successfully sent.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id links the email to a specific user.
  • temporal_id is a unique identifier from Temporal services for tracking the Email's processing.
  • recipient_email contains the recipient's email address.
  • subject and body define the content of the email.
  • status indicates the current status of the email delivery.
  • sent_at tracks when the email was sent.
  • failed_reason provides details if the email failed to send.
Table Email [NOTE: "Stores information about emails sent to users, including recipient details, content, and status."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each email record."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the email to a specific user."]
    temporal_id VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Unique identifier from Temporal services for tracking purposes."]
    recipient_email STRING [NOTE: "Email address of the recipient."]
    subject STRING [NOTE: "Subject line of the email."]
    body TEXT [NOTE: "Body content of the email."]
    status STRING [NOTE: "Current status of the email (e.g., 'sent', 'failed')."]
    sent_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the email was sent."]
    failed_reason TEXT [NOTE: "Reason for failure if the email was not successfully sent."]

OTP Table

Description: Stores one-time passwords (OTPs) used for user verification and authentication processes.

| Column Name      | Data Type      | Constraints                              | Description                                               |
| `id`             | `SERIAL`       | `PRIMARY KEY`                            | Unique identifier for each OTP record.                   |
| `user_id`        | `INTEGER`      | `REFERENCES User(id)`                    | References the User table to link the OTP to a specific user. |
| `otp`            | `VARCHAR(255)` |                                          | The OTP value generated for authentication purposes.      |
| `expires_at`     | `TIMESTAMP`    |                                          | Timestamp indicating when the OTP will expire.           |
| `used`           | `BOOLEAN`      | `DEFAULT FALSE`                          | Indicates whether the OTP has been used.                 |
| `temporal_id`    | `VARCHAR(255)` | `UNIQUE`                                 | Unique identifier generated by Temporal services for tracking purposes. |
| `created_at`     | `TIMESTAMP`    | `DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`              | Timestamp when the OTP record was created.               |
| `updated_at`     | `TIMESTAMP`    | `DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`              | Timestamp when the OTP record was last updated.          |
| `deleted_at`     | `TIMESTAMP`    | `DEFAULT NULL`                           | Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the OTP record as deleted without actual removal. |

- `id`: Auto-incrementing primary key.
- `user_id` links the OTP to a specific user.
- `temporal_id` is a unique identifier from Temporal services for tracking the OTP's processing.
- `otp` contains the one-time password value.
- `expires_at` indicates when the OTP will expire.
- `used` shows whether the OTP has been used.
- `temporal_id` is a unique identifier from Temporal services for tracking the OTP's processing.
- `created_at` and `updated_at` track the creation and modification times of the OTP.
- `deleted_at` marks the OTP as deleted without actual removal from the database.

Table OTP [NOTE: "Stores one-time passwords (OTPs) used for user verification and authentication processes."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each OTP record."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the OTP to a specific user."]
    temporal_id VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Unique identifier from Temporal services for tracking purposes."]
    otp STRING [NOTE: "The OTP value generated for authentication purposes."]
    expires_at TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp indicating when the OTP will expire."]
    used BOOLEAN [default: FALSE, NOTE: "Indicates whether the OTP has been used."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the OTP record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the OTP record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the OTP record as deleted without actual removal."]

Product Management

Category Table

Description: Categorizes products.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each category.
name VARCHAR(100) Name of the category.
created_by INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to track who created the category.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the category was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the category was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the category as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • name: The name of the category.
  • created_by: Tracks the user who created the category.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and last modification times.
Table Category [NOTE: "Stores product categories, allowing products to be organized and classified."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each category."]
  name VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "Name of the category."]
  created_by INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to track who created the category."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the category was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the category was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the category as deleted without actual removal."]

Product Table

Description: Stores product details.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each product.
name VARCHAR(150) Name of the product.
category_id INTEGER REFERENCES Category(id) References the Category table to classify the product into a category.
created_by INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to track who created the product.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the product was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the product was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the product as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • name: The name of the product.
  • category_id: Links the product to a specific category.
  • created_by: Tracks the user who created the product.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and last modification times.
Table Product [NOTE: "Stores information about products available in the system, including categorization and creation details."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each product."]
  name VARCHAR(150) [NOTE: "Name of the product."]
  category_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Category table to classify the product into a category."]
  created_by INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to track who created the product."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the product was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the product was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the product as deleted without actual removal."]

ProductImage Table

Description: Stores images associated with products, including details about whether an image is primary.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each product image.
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES Product(id) References the Product table to link the image to a specific product.
image_url VARCHAR(255) URL or path to the image file.
is_primary BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE Indicates whether this image is the primary image for the product.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the image record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the image record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the image as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • product_id: Links the image to a specific product.
  • image_url: The URL or path where the image is stored.
  • is_primary: Indicates if this image is the primary image for the product.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and last modification times.
Table ProductImage [NOTE: "Stores images associated with products, including details about whether an image is primary."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each product image."]
  product_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Product table to link the image to a specific product."]
  image_url VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "URL or path to the image file."]
  is_primary BOOLEAN [default: false, NOTE: "Indicates whether this image is the primary image for the product."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the image record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the image record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the image as deleted without actual removal."]

ProductVariant Table

Description: Handles different product variants (e.g., size, color).

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each product variant.
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES Product(id) References the Product table to link the variant to a specific product.
variant_name VARCHAR(100) Name of the variant (e.g., 'Size', 'Color').
variant_value VARCHAR(100) Value of the variant (e.g., 'Large', 'Red').
price_adjustment FLOAT64 Price adjustment based on the variant.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the product variant record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the product variant record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the product variant record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • product_id: Links the variant to a specific product.
  • variant_name: Describes the type of variant (e.g., 'Size', 'Color').
  • variant_value: Describes the specific value of the variant (e.g., 'Large', 'Red').
  • price_adjustment: Indicates any price change associated with the variant.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and last modification times.
Table ProductVariant [NOTE: "Contains details about different variants of a product, such as size or color, including any price adjustments."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each product variant."]
    product_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Product table to link the variant to a specific product."]
    variant_name VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "Name of the variant (e.g., 'Size', 'Color')."]
    variant_value VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "Value of the variant (e.g., 'Large', 'Red')."]
    price_adjustment float64 [NOTE: "Price adjustment based on the variant."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the product variant record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the product variant record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the product variant record as deleted without actual removal."]

Order Management

Order Table

Description: Represents a customer's order.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each order.
total_price FLOAT64 Total price of the order.
status VARCHAR(50) Current status of the order (e.g., 'pending', 'shipped', 'delivered').
order_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order was placed.
delivery_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order is expected to be delivered..
created_by INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to track who created the order.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the order as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • total_price: Represents the total amount for the order.
  • status: Indicates the current state of the order.
  • order_date: Records when the order was placed.
  • created_by: Links the order to the user who created it.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and last modification times.
Table Order [NOTE: "Represents customer orders, including details about the total price, the associated product, and the user who created the order."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each order."]
  total_price FLOAT64 [NOTE: "Total price of the order."]
  status VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Current status of the order (e.g., 'pending', 'shipped', 'delivered')."]
  order_date TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the order was placed."]
  delivery_date TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp when the order is expected to be delivered."]
  created_by INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to track who created the order."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the order record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the order record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the order as deleted without actual removal."]

OrderItem Table

Description: Details of items within an order.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each order item.
order_id INTEGER REFERENCES Order(id) References the Order table to link the item to a specific order.
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES Product(id) References the Product table to identify the product being ordered.
quantity INTEGER Quantity of the product ordered.
unit_price FLOAT64 Price per unit of the product at the time of purchase.
total_price FLOAT64 Total price for this item, calculated as quantity * unit_price.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order item record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order item record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the order item as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • order_id: Links the item to the order it belongs to.
  • product_id: Identifies which product is being ordered.
  • quantity: The amount of the product ordered.
  • unit_price: The price per unit of the product at the time of the order.
  • total_price: Calculated as the product of quantity and unit_price.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track the creation and last modification times of the record.
Table OrderItem [NOTE: "Details the individual items within an order, including quantities and pricing."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each order item."]
  order_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Order table to link the item to a specific order."]
  product_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Product table to identify the product being ordered."]
  quantity INTEGER [NOTE: "Quantity of the product ordered."]
  unit_price float64 [NOTE: "Price per unit of the product at the time of purchase."]
  total_price float64 [NOTE: "Total price for this item, calculated as qty * unit_price."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the order item record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the order item record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the order item as deleted without actual removal."]

Inventory Table

Description: Tracks product stock levels.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each inventory record.
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES Product(id) References the Product table to link the inventory record to a specific product.
quantity INTEGER Quantity of the product available in inventory.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the inventory record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the inventory record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the inventory as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • product_id: Links the inventory record to the specific product it tracks.
  • quantity: Represents the current stock level of the product.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track the creation and last modification times of the record.
Table Inventory [NOTE: "Tracks the inventory levels of products, including quantity and last update time."] {
  id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each inventory record."]
  product_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Product table to link the inventory record to a specific product."]
  quantity INTEGER [NOTE: "Quantity of the product available in inventory."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the inventory item record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the inventory record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the inventory as deleted without actual removal."]

Shopping Cart

Cart Table

Description: Represents a user's shopping cart.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each cart.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the cart to a specific user.
status VARCHAR(50) Status of the cart (e.g., 'active', 'abandoned', 'completed').
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the cart was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the cart was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the cart as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id: Links the cart record to the specific user who owns the cart.
  • status: Indicates the current state of the cart.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track the creation and last modification times of the cart record.
Table Cart [NOTE: "Represents a user's shopping cart, allowing them to add and manage products before purchase."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each cart."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the cart to a specific user."]
    status VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Status of the cart (e.g., 'active', 'abandoned', 'completed')."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the cart was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the cart was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the cart as deleted without actual removal."]

CartItem Table

Description: Stores items added to the cart.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each cart item.
cart_id INTEGER REFERENCES Cart(id) References the Cart table to link the item to a specific cart.
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES Product(id) References the Product table to identify the product added to the cart.
variant_id INTEGER REFERENCES ProductVariant(id) References the ProductVariant table for product variations.
quantity INTEGER Quantity of the product added to the cart.
unit_price FLOAT64 Price per unit of the product at the time of addition to the cart.
discount_applied FLOAT64 Discount amount applied to this item, if any.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the cart item was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the cart item was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the cart item as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • cart_id: Links the item record to the specific cart.
  • product_id: Identifies the product added to the cart.
  • variant_id: Specifies the variant of the product, if applicable.
  • quantity: Number of units of the product added to the cart.
  • unit_price: Price of the product at the time of addition.
  • discount_applied: Any discount applied to the item.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and modification times.
Table CartItem [NOTE: "Tracks items added to a user's cart, including the quantity of each product."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each cart item."]
    cart_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Cart table to link the item to a specific cart."]
    product_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Product table to link the item to a specific product."]
    variant_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the ProductVariant table for product variations."]
    quantity INTEGER [NOTE: "Quantity of the product added to the cart."]
    unit_price float64 [NOTE: "Price per unit of the product at the time of addition to the cart."]
    discount_applied float64 [NOTE: "Discount amount applied to this item, if any."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the cart item was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the cart item was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the cart item as deleted without actual removal."]

Payment Table

Description: Handles payment information for orders.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each payment record.
order_id INTEGER REFERENCES Order(id) References the Order table to link the payment to a specific order.
payment_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the payment was made.
payment_method STRING Method used for payment (e.g., 'Credit Card', 'PayPal').
amount FLOAT64 Amount paid for the order.
status VARCHAR(50) Current status of the payment (e.g., 'Pending', 'Completed', 'Failed').
transaction_id STRING Transaction ID from the payment gateway.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the payment record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the payment record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the payment record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • order_id: Links the payment record to the specific order.
  • payment_date: Indicates when the payment was made.
  • payment_method: Specifies the method used for the payment.
  • amount: The total amount paid.
  • status: Current state of the payment.
  • transaction_id: Identifier provided by the payment gateway.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and modification times.
Table Payment [NOTE: "Records payment details for orders, including payment method, amount, and status."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each payment record."]
    order_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Order table to link the payment to a specific order."]
    payment_date TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the payment was made."]
    payment_method STRING [NOTE: "Method used for payment (e.g., 'Credit Card', 'PayPal')."]
    amount float64 [NOTE: "Amount paid for the order."]
    status VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Current status of the payment (e.g., 'Pending', 'Completed', 'Failed')."]
    transaction_id STRING [NOTE: "Transaction ID from the payment gateway."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the payment record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the payment record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the payment record as deleted without actual removal."]

BillingInfo Table

Description: Stores billing details for orders.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each billing information record.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the billing info to a specific user.
order_id INTEGER REFERENCES Order(id) References the Order table to link the billing info to a specific order.
address VARCHAR(255) Billing address for the order.
phone VARCHAR(10) Phone number associated with the billing information.
email VARCHAR(100) Email address associated with the billing information.
method VARCHAR(50) Method used for billing (e.g., 'Credit Card', 'Bank Transfer').
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the billing information record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the billing information record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the billing information record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • user_id: Links the billing information record to the specific user.
  • order_id: Links the billing information record to the specific order.
  • address, phone, and email: Contact details for billing.
  • billing_method: Specifies the method used for billing.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and modification times.
Table BillingInfo [NOTE: "Contains billing details associated with user orders, including address, phone, and email."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each billing information record."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the billing info to a specific user."]
    order_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Order table to link the billing info to a specific order."]
    address VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Billing address for the order."]
    phone VARCHAR(10) [NOTE: "Phone number associated with the billing information."]
    email VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: "Email address associated with the billing information."]
    method VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Method used for billing (e.g., 'Credit Card', 'Bank Transfer')."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the billing information record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the billing information record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the billing information record as deleted without actual removal."]

ShippingInfo Table

Description: Manages shipping details and status for orders.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each shipping record.
order_id INTEGER REFERENCES Order(id) References the Order table to link the shipping info to a specific order.
address VARCHAR(255) Address where the order will be shipped.
method VARCHAR(50) Method of shipping (e.g., 'Standard', 'Express').
shipping_cost FLOAT64 Cost of shipping the order.
tracking_number STRING Tracking number for the shipment.
shipped_at TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order was shipped.
delivered_at TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the order was delivered.
estimated_delivery_date TIMESTAMP Estimated delivery date for the order.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the shipping information record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the shipping information record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the shipping information record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • order_id: Links the shipping information to the specific order.
  • address: The destination address for the shipment.
  • method: The shipping method used.
  • shipping_cost: The cost incurred for shipping.
  • tracking_number: Used for tracking the shipment.
  • shipped_at and delivered_at: Track the shipping and delivery times.
  • estimated_delivery_date: Provides an estimate for when the order will arrive.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and modification times.
Table ShippingInfo [NOTE: "Contains shipping details for orders, including addresses, methods, and tracking information."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each shipping record."]
    order_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Order table to link the shipping info to a specific order."]
    address VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Address where the order will be shipped."]
    method VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Method of shipping (e.g., 'Standard', 'Express')."]
    shipping_cost float64 [NOTE: "Cost of shipping the order."]
    tracking_number STRING [NOTE: "Tracking number for the shipment."]
    shipped_at TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp when the order was shipped."]
    delivered_at TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp when the order was delivered."]
    estimated_delivery_date TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Estimated delivery date for the order."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the shipping information record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the shipping information record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the shipping information record as deleted without actual removal."]

Marketing and Discounts

Coupon Table

Description: Manages discount codes.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each coupon.
code VARCHAR(50) Unique code for the coupon.
description TEXT Description or details about the coupon.
discount_type VARCHAR(50) Type of discount (e.g., 'Percentage', 'Fixed').
discount_value FLOAT64 Value of the discount.
start_date TIMESTAMP Date and time when the coupon becomes valid.
end_date TIMESTAMP Date and time when the coupon expires.
created_by INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the coupon to the user who created it.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the coupon record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the coupon record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the coupon record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • code: Unique identifier for applying the coupon.
  • description: Provides details about the coupon.
  • discount_type: Indicates how the discount is applied (e.g., percentage off or fixed amount off).
  • discount_value: The actual value of the discount.
  • start_date and end_date: Define the validity period of the coupon.
  • created_by: Links to the user who created the coupon.
  • created_at and updated_at: Track creation and modification times.
Table Coupon [NOTE: "Contains details about discount coupons available for use in the system."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each coupon."]
    code VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Unique code for the coupon."]
    description TEXT [NOTE: "Description or details about the coupon."]
    discount_type VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Type of discount (e.g., 'Percentage', 'Fixed')."]
    discount_value float64 [NOTE: "Value of the discount."]
    start_date TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Date and time when the coupon becomes valid."]
    end_date TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Date and time when the coupon expires."]
    created_by INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the coupon to the user who created it."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the coupon record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the coupon record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the coupon record as deleted without actual removal."]

AppliedCoupon Table

Description: Tracks coupons applied to orders.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each applied coupon record.
order_id INTEGER REFERENCES Order(id) References the Order table to link the applied coupon to a specific order.
coupon_id INTEGER REFERENCES Coupon(id) References the Coupon table to link the applied coupon to a specific coupon.
discount_applied FLOAT64 Amount of discount applied to the order.
status VARCHAR(50) Status of the coupon application (e.g., 'applied', 'refunded').
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the applied coupon record was created.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the applied coupon record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • order_id: Links to the order where the coupon was applied.
  • coupon_id: Links to the specific coupon that was applied.
  • discount_applied: Indicates how much discount was applied to the order.
  • status: Reflects the current state of the coupon application (e.g., whether it was applied or refunded).
  • created_at: Records the time when the coupon was applied.
  • deleted_at: Used for soft deletes to mark the record as deleted without actual removal.
Table AppliedCoupon [NOTE: "Tracks the coupons applied to orders, including the discount amount applied."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each applied coupon record."]
    order_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Order table to link the applied coupon to a specific order."]
    coupon_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Coupon table to link the applied coupon to a specific coupon."]
    discount_applied float64 [NOTE: "Amount of discount applied to the order."]
    status VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Status of the coupon application (e.g., 'applied', 'refunded')."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the applied coupon record was created."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the applied coupon record as deleted without actual removal."]

Reviews and Ratings

Review Table

Description: Captures product reviews and ratings.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each review.
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES Product(id) References the Product table to link the review to a specific product.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the review to the user who wrote it.
rating INTEGER Rating given by the user (e.g., 1-5 stars).
comment TEXT Textual comment or review left by the user.
status VARCHAR(50) Status of the review (e.g., 'Pending', 'Approved', 'Rejected').
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the review record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the review record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the review record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • product_id: Links to the product being reviewed.
  • user_id: Links to the user who wrote the review.
  • rating: Represents the user's rating for the product.
  • comment: Contains the textual feedback provided by the user.
  • status: Reflects the current state of the review.
  • created_at: Records when the review was created.
  • updated_at: Records when the review was last updated.
  • deleted_at: Used for soft deletes to mark the review as deleted without actual removal.
Table Review [NOTE: "Stores user reviews for products, including ratings and comments."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each review."]
    product_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Product table to link the review to a specific product."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the review to the user who wrote it."]
    rating INTEGER [NOTE: "Rating given by the user (e.g., 1-5 stars)."]
    comment TEXT [NOTE: "Textual comment or review left by the user."]
    status VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Status of the review (e.g., 'Pending', 'Approved', 'Rejected')."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the review record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the review record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the review record as deleted without actual removal."]

ShippingReview Table

Description: Stores user reviews specifically for shipping experiences.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each shipping review.
order_id INTEGER REFERENCES Order(id) References the Order table to link the shipping review to a specific order.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to link the review to the user who wrote it.
rating INTEGER Rating given by the user for the shipping experience (e.g., 1-5 stars).
comment TEXT Textual comment or review left by the user regarding the shipping experience.
delivery_time TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the product was delivered.
status VARCHAR(50) Status of the shipping process (e.g., 'On Time', 'Delayed').
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the shipping review record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the shipping review record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the shipping review record as deleted without actual removal.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • order_id: Links to the specific order for which the shipping experience is reviewed.
  • user_id: Links to the user who wrote the shipping review.
  • rating: Represents the user's rating for the shipping experience.
  • comment: Contains feedback regarding the shipping experience.
  • delivery_time: Records the actual delivery time of the order.
  • status: Reflects the shipping process status.
  • created_at: Records when the review was created.
  • updated_at: Records when the review was last updated.
  • deleted_at: Used for soft deletes to mark the review as deleted without actual removal.
Table ShippingReview [NOTE: "Stores user reviews specifically for shipping experiences."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each shipping review."]
    order_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the Order table to link the shipping review to a specific order."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to link the review to the user who wrote it."]
    rating INTEGER [NOTE: "Rating given by the user for the shipping experience (e.g., 1-5 stars)."]
    comment TEXT [NOTE: "Textual comment or review left by the user regarding the shipping experience."]
    delivery_time TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Timestamp when the product was delivered."]
    status VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "Status of the shipping process (e.g., 'On Time', 'Delayed')."]
    created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the review record was created."]
    updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the review record was last updated."]
    deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the review record as deleted without actual removal."]

Change Tracking

ChangeLogs Table

Description: Records changes made to entities for auditing purposes.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each change log entry.
entity_type VARCHAR(255) The type of entity that was changed, e.g., 'User', 'Order', etc.
entity_id INTEGER The ID of the record that was modified.
field_name VARCHAR(255) The name of the field that was changed.
old_value STRING The previous value of the field before the change.
new_value STRING The new value of the field after the change.
action VARCHAR(50) The type of action performed, such as 'UPDATE', 'INSERT', or 'DELETE'.
timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the change was recorded.
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES User(id) References the User table to identify the user who made the change.
description STRING Optional description providing additional context or details about the change.


  • id: Auto-incrementing primary key.
  • entity_type: Indicates the type of entity that was modified, helping to categorize the changes.
  • entity_id: Links to the specific record that was modified.
  • field_name: Specifies which field in the entity was changed.
  • old_value: Captures the value before the change occurred.
  • new_value: Captures the value after the change occurred.
  • action: Defines the action taken, which can be useful for understanding the nature of the modification.
  • timestamp: Records the time when the change was made.
  • user_id: Links to the user who made the change, useful for tracking accountability.
  • description: Provides additional context or details about the change, if needed.
Table ChangeLogs [NOTE: "Records changes made to various entities within the system, including updates, inserts, and deletions. Useful for auditing and tracking modifications."] {
    id SERIAL [pk, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each change log entry."]
    entity_type VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "The type of entity that was changed, e.g., 'User', 'Order', etc."]
    entity_id INTEGER [NOTE: "The ID of the record that was modified."]
    field_name VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "The name of the field that was changed."]
    old_value STRING [NOTE: "The previous value of the field before the change."]
    new_value STRING [NOTE: "The new value of the field after the change."]
    action VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "The type of action performed, such as 'UPDATE', 'INSERT', or 'DELETE'."]
    timestamp TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the change was recorded."]
    user_id INTEGER [ref: >, NOTE: "References the User table to identify the user who made the change."]
    description STRING [NOTE: "Optional description providing additional context or details about the change."]