The Service grabber tries to extract product specific information from a remote address. If you just want product name and version, consider using the faster service-simple module
curl -v -L -d '{"type":"scan", "options":[{"targets":["X.X.X.X"], "ports":[{"port":80, "protocol":"tcp", "modules":["service"], "config":{}}]}]}' -H "X-Token:<Token>"
These are optional parameters that can alter the behaviour of the module. These options can be inserted into the "config" object on the request.
- user_agent - Change HTTP User Agent.
- "config":{"user_agent":"Test user Agent"}
"result": {
"data": {
"state": {
"reason": "string",
"reason_ttl": "string",
"state": "string"
"service": {
"name": "string",
"product": "string",
"version": "string",
"devicetype": "string",
"ostype": "string",
"hostname": "string",
"extrainfo": "string",
"cpe": ["string"],
"scripts": [
"results": ["string OR object"],
"id": "string",
"output": "string"
This module provides the following data (if available):
- state: Information regarding the state of the port
- state: State of the port
- reason: Reason for the state definition
- reason_ttl: TTL for the reason
- service: Information regarding the service that is likely to be running on the target
- name: Type of service that is running
- product: Product designation (and Vendor)
- version: Application version number
- devicetype: Type of device running the service
- ostype: Operating system running the service
- hostname: Hostname (if any) offered by the service
- extrainfo: Extra information extracted, can be an OS, version of a framework, etc
- cpe: List of Common Platform Enumeration tags, if available
- scripts: Extra information obtained by a set of scripts (results vary with the service found)
- id: Identifier of the script that generated the information
- output: Raw output of the script
- results: Formatted output of the script (format may vary)
"origin": {
"type": "service",
"job_id": "client-816f1185-4bc1-4b5f-9a7d-61a2df315a6b",
"client_id": "client",
"country": "uk",
"module": "grabber",
"ts": 1453385574412
"target": {
"ip": "X.X.X.X",
"port": 80,
"protocol": "tcp"
"result": {
"data": {
"state": {
"reason": "syn-ack",
"reason_ttl": "52",
"state": "open"
"service": {
"name": "http",
"product": "nginx",
"version": "1.4.6",
"extrainfo": "Ubuntu",
"ostype": "Linux",
"cpe": ["cpe:/a:igor_sysoev:nginx:1.4.6", "cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel"]
"scripts": [
{"id": "http-methods",
"output": "\n Supported Methods: GET HEAD",
"results": ["GET", "HEAD"]},
{"id": "http-server-header",
"output": "nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)",
"results": ["nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)"]}
{"id": "clock-skew",
"output": "mean: 0s, deviation: 0s, median: 0s",
"results": [{"mean":"0","stddev":"0","median":"0"}]}