Here you can find code, links and notes from the Binaryedge Videocast
Episode 1:
* Tiago Henriques - Mainframes and entertainment systems found on the internet.
* Filipa Rodrigues - Facedetection using openCV and the Viola-Jones framework Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features.
* Joao Veiga - Introduction to GO.
* Ana Barbosa - Python vs. R - A personal perspective from a person with no programming background.
Episode 2:
* Florentino Bexiga - Image similarity with python and hashing
* Ines Barros - Correlation between colors and emotions
* Marco Silva - Book suggestions for people wanting to work with microservices
Episode 3:
* Tiago Martins - Working remotely in software development
* Joao Veiga - API design
* Tiago Henriques - Machine learning in infosec and cybersecurity, and how to get into datascience