
BDK Python API Reference


This document describes the Python API for the Bitcoin Development Kit (BDK).


API Reference


Core Types

+class bdkpython.Address(address: str, network: Network)[source]

Bases: object

+classmethod from_script(script: Script, network: Network)[source]
+ +
+is_valid_for_network(network: Network) bool[source]
+ +
+script_pubkey() Script[source]
+ +
+to_qr_uri() str[source]
+ +

Bdk Module


Wallet Operations

+class bdkpython.TxBuilder[source]

Bases: object


A TxBuilder is created by calling build_tx on a wallet. After assigning it, you set options on it until finally +calling finish to consume the builder and generate the transaction.

+add_data(data: List[int]) TxBuilder[source]

Add data as an output using OP_RETURN.

+ +
+add_global_xpubs() TxBuilder[source]

Fill-in the PSBT_GLOBAL_XPUB field with the extended keys contained in both the external and internal +descriptors.


This is useful for offline signers that take part to a multisig. Some hardware wallets like BitBox and ColdCard +are known to require this.

+ +
+add_recipient(script: Script, amount: Amount) TxBuilder[source]

Add a recipient to the internal list of recipients.

+ +
+add_unspendable(unspendable: OutPoint) TxBuilder[source]

Add a utxo to the internal list of unspendable utxos.


It’s important to note that the “must-be-spent” utxos added with TxBuilder::add_utxo have priority over this.

+ +
+add_utxo(outpoint: OutPoint) TxBuilder[source]

Add a utxo to the internal list of utxos that must be spent.


These have priority over the “unspendable” utxos, meaning that if a utxo is present both in the “utxos” and the +“unspendable” list, it will be spent.

+ +
+allow_dust(allow_dust: bool) TxBuilder[source]

Set whether or not the dust limit is checked.


Note: by avoiding a dust limit check you may end up with a transaction that is non-standard.

+ +
+change_policy(change_policy: ChangeSpendPolicy) TxBuilder[source]

Set a specific ChangeSpendPolicy. See TxBuilder::do_not_spend_change and TxBuilder::only_spend_change for +some shortcuts. This method assumes the presence of an internal keychain, otherwise it has no effect.

+ +
+current_height(height: int) TxBuilder[source]

Set the current blockchain height.


This will be used to:


1. Set the nLockTime for preventing fee sniping. Note: This will be ignored if you manually specify a +nlocktime using TxBuilder::nlocktime.


2. Decide whether coinbase outputs are mature or not. If the coinbase outputs are not mature at current_height, +we ignore them in the coin selection. If you want to create a transaction that spends immature coinbase inputs, +manually add them using TxBuilder::add_utxos. +In both cases, if you don’t provide a current height, we use the last sync height.

+ +
+do_not_spend_change() TxBuilder[source]

Do not spend change outputs.


This effectively adds all the change outputs to the “unspendable” list. See TxBuilder::unspendable. This method +assumes the presence of an internal keychain, otherwise it has no effect.

+ +
+drain_to(script: Script) TxBuilder[source]

Sets the address to drain excess coins to.


Usually, when there are excess coins they are sent to a change address generated by the wallet. This option +replaces the usual change address with an arbitrary script_pubkey of your choosing. Just as with a change output, +if the drain output is not needed (the excess coins are too small) it will not be included in the resulting +transaction. The only difference is that it is valid to use drain_to without setting any ordinary recipients +with add_recipient (but it is perfectly fine to add recipients as well).


If you choose not to set any recipients, you should provide the utxos that the transaction should spend via +add_utxos. drain_to is very useful for draining all the coins in a wallet with drain_wallet to a single +address.

+ +
+drain_wallet() TxBuilder[source]

Spend all the available inputs. This respects filters like TxBuilder::unspendable and the change policy.

+ +
+fee_absolute(fee: Amount) TxBuilder[source]

Set an absolute fee The fee_absolute method refers to the absolute transaction fee in Amount. If anyone sets +both the fee_absolute method and the fee_rate method, the FeePolicy enum will be set by whichever method was +called last, as the FeeRate and FeeAmount are mutually exclusive.


Note that this is really a minimum absolute fee – it’s possible to overshoot it slightly since adding a change output to drain the remaining excess might not be viable.

+ +
+fee_rate(fee_rate: FeeRate) TxBuilder[source]

Set a custom fee rate.


This method sets the mining fee paid by the transaction as a rate on its size. This means that the total fee paid +is equal to fee_rate times the size of the transaction. Default is 1 sat/vB in accordance with Bitcoin Core’s +default relay policy.


Note that this is really a minimum feerate – it’s possible to overshoot it slightly since adding a change output +to drain the remaining excess might not be viable.

+ +
+finish(wallet: Wallet) Psbt[source]

Finish building the transaction.


Uses the thread-local random number generator (rng).


Returns a new Psbt per BIP174.


WARNING: To avoid change address reuse you must persist the changes resulting from one or more calls to this +method before closing the wallet. See Wallet::reveal_next_address.

+ +
+manually_selected_only() TxBuilder[source]

Only spend utxos added by TxBuilder::add_utxo.


The wallet will not add additional utxos to the transaction even if they are needed to make the transaction valid.

+ +
+nlocktime(locktime: LockTime) TxBuilder[source]

Use a specific nLockTime while creating the transaction.


This can cause conflicts if the wallet’s descriptors contain an “after” (OP_CLTV) operator.

+ +
+only_spend_change() TxBuilder[source]

Only spend change outputs.


This effectively adds all the non-change outputs to the “unspendable” list. See TxBuilder::unspendable. This +method assumes the presence of an internal keychain, otherwise it has no effect.

+ +
+policy_path(policy_path: dict[str, List[int]], keychain: KeychainKind) TxBuilder[source]

The TxBuilder::policy_path is a complex API. See the Rust docs for complete information: https://docs.rs/bdk_wallet/latest/bdk_wallet/struct.TxBuilder.html#method.policy_path

+ +
+set_exact_sequence(nsequence: int) TxBuilder[source]

Set an exact nSequence value.


This can cause conflicts if the wallet’s descriptors contain an “older” (OP_CSV) operator and the given +nsequence is lower than the CSV value.

+ +
+set_recipients(recipients: List[ScriptAmount]) TxBuilder[source]

Replace the recipients already added with a new list of recipients.

+ +
+unspendable(unspendable: List[OutPoint]) TxBuilder[source]

Replace the internal list of unspendable utxos with a new list.


It’s important to note that the “must-be-spent” utxos added with TxBuilder::add_utxo have priority over these.

+ +
+version(version: int) TxBuilder[source]

Build a transaction with a specific version.


The version should always be greater than 0 and greater than 1 if the wallet’s descriptors contain an “older” +(OP_CSV) operator.

+ +
+ +
+class bdkpython.BumpFeeTxBuilder(txid: str, fee_rate: FeeRate)[source]

Bases: object


A BumpFeeTxBuilder is created by calling build_fee_bump on a wallet. After assigning it, you set options on it +until finally calling finish to consume the builder and generate the transaction.

+allow_dust(allow_dust: bool) BumpFeeTxBuilder[source]

Set whether or not the dust limit is checked.


Note: by avoiding a dust limit check you may end up with a transaction that is non-standard.

+ +
+current_height(height: int) BumpFeeTxBuilder[source]

Set the current blockchain height.


This will be used to:


1. Set the nLockTime for preventing fee sniping. Note: This will be ignored if you manually specify a +nlocktime using TxBuilder::nlocktime.


2. Decide whether coinbase outputs are mature or not. If the coinbase outputs are not mature at current_height, +we ignore them in the coin selection. If you want to create a transaction that spends immature coinbase inputs, +manually add them using TxBuilder::add_utxos. +In both cases, if you don’t provide a current height, we use the last sync height.

+ +
+finish(wallet: Wallet) Psbt[source]

Finish building the transaction.


Uses the thread-local random number generator (rng).


Returns a new Psbt per BIP174.


WARNING: To avoid change address reuse you must persist the changes resulting from one or more calls to this +method before closing the wallet. See Wallet::reveal_next_address.

+ +
+nlocktime(locktime: LockTime) BumpFeeTxBuilder[source]

Use a specific nLockTime while creating the transaction.


This can cause conflicts if the wallet’s descriptors contain an “after” (OP_CLTV) operator.

+ +
+set_exact_sequence(nsequence: int) BumpFeeTxBuilder[source]

Set an exact nSequence value.


This can cause conflicts if the wallet’s descriptors contain an “older” (OP_CSV) operator and the given +nsequence is lower than the CSV value.

+ +
+version(version: int) BumpFeeTxBuilder[source]

Build a transaction with a specific version.


The version should always be greater than 0 and greater than 1 if the wallet’s descriptors contain an “older” +(OP_CSV) operator.

+ +
+ +
+class bdkpython.Psbt(psbt_base64: str)[source]

Bases: object

+combine(other: Psbt) Psbt[source]
+ +
+extract_tx() Transaction[source]
+ +
+fee() int[source]
+ +
+finalize() FinalizedPsbtResult[source]
+ +
+json_serialize() str[source]
+ +
+serialize() str[source]
+ +
+ +
+class bdkpython.ElectrumClient(url: str)[source]

Bases: object

+broadcast(transaction: Transaction) str[source]
+ +
+full_scan(full_scan_request: FullScanRequest, stop_gap: int, batch_size: int, fetch_prev_txouts: bool) Update[source]
+ +
+sync(sync_request: SyncRequest, batch_size: int, fetch_prev_txouts: bool) Update[source]
+ +
+ +
+class bdkpython.EsploraClient(url: str)[source]

Bases: object

+broadcast(transaction: Transaction) None[source]
+ +
+full_scan(full_scan_request: FullScanRequest, stop_gap: int, parallel_requests: int) Update[source]
+ +
+get_height() int[source]
+ +
+get_tx(txid: str) Transaction | None[source]
+ +
+sync(sync_request: SyncRequest, parallel_requests: int) Update[source]
+ +
+ +
+class bdkpython.Wallet(descriptor: Descriptor, change_descriptor: Descriptor, network: Network, connection: Connection)[source]

Bases: object

+apply_update(update: Update) None[source]

Applies an update to the wallet and stages the changes (but does not persist them).


Usually you create an update by interacting with some blockchain data source and inserting +transactions related to your wallet into it.


After applying updates you should persist the staged wallet changes. For an example of how +to persist staged wallet changes see [Wallet::reveal_next_address].

+ +
+balance() Balance[source]

Return the balance, separated into available, trusted-pending, untrusted-pending and immature +values.

+ +
+calculate_fee(tx: Transaction) Amount[source]

Calculates the fee of a given transaction. Returns [Amount::ZERO] if tx is a coinbase transaction.


To calculate the fee for a [Transaction] with inputs not owned by this wallet you must +manually insert the TxOut(s) into the tx graph using the [insert_txout] function.


Note tx does not have to be in the graph for this to work.

+ +
+calculate_fee_rate(tx: Transaction) FeeRate[source]

Calculate the [FeeRate] for a given transaction.


To calculate the fee rate for a [Transaction] with inputs not owned by this wallet you must +manually insert the TxOut(s) into the tx graph using the [insert_txout] function.


Note tx does not have to be in the graph for this to work.

+ +
+cancel_tx(tx: Transaction) None[source]

Informs the wallet that you no longer intend to broadcast a tx that was built from it.


This frees up the change address used when creating the tx for use in future transactions.

+ +
+derivation_index(keychain: KeychainKind) int | None[source]

The derivation index of this wallet. It will return None if it has not derived any addresses. +Otherwise, it will return the index of the highest address it has derived.

+ +
+derivation_of_spk(spk: Script) KeychainAndIndex | None[source]

Finds how the wallet derived the script pubkey spk.


Will only return Some(_) if the wallet has given out the spk.

+ +
+descriptor_checksum(keychain: KeychainKind) str[source]

Return the checksum of the public descriptor associated to keychain


Internally calls [Self::public_descriptor] to fetch the right descriptor

+ +
+finalize_psbt(psbt: Psbt) bool[source]

Finalize a PSBT, i.e., for each input determine if sufficient data is available to pass +validation and construct the respective scriptSig or scriptWitness. Please refer to +[BIP174](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki#Input_Finalizer), +and [BIP371](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0371.mediawiki) +for further information.


Returns true if the PSBT could be finalized, and false otherwise.


The [SignOptions] can be used to tweak the behavior of the finalizer.

+ +
+get_tx(txid: str) CanonicalTx | None[source]

Get a single transaction from the wallet as a [WalletTx] (if the transaction exists).


WalletTx contains the full transaction alongside meta-data such as: +* Blocks that the transaction is [Anchor]ed in. These may or may not be blocks that exist


in the best chain.

  • The [ChainPosition] of the transaction in the best chain - whether the transaction is +confirmed or unconfirmed. If the transaction is confirmed, the anchor which proves the +confirmation is provided. If the transaction is unconfirmed, the unix timestamp of when +the transaction was last seen in the mempool is provided.

  • +
+ +
+get_utxo(op: OutPoint) LocalOutput | None[source]

Returns the utxo owned by this wallet corresponding to outpoint if it exists in the +wallet’s database.

+ +
+is_mine(script: Script) bool[source]

Return whether or not a script is part of this wallet (either internal or external)

+ +
+list_output() List[LocalOutput][source]

List all relevant outputs (includes both spent and unspent, confirmed and unconfirmed).


To list only unspent outputs (UTXOs), use [Wallet::list_unspent] instead.

+ +
+list_unspent() List[LocalOutput][source]

Return the list of unspent outputs of this wallet

+ +
+list_unused_addresses(keychain: KeychainKind) List[AddressInfo][source]

List addresses that are revealed but unused.


Note if the returned iterator is empty you can reveal more addresses +by using [reveal_next_address](Self::reveal_next_address) or +[reveal_addresses_to](Self::reveal_addresses_to).

+ +
+classmethod load(descriptor: Descriptor, change_descriptor: Descriptor, connection: Connection)[source]
+ +
+mark_used(keychain: KeychainKind, index: int) bool[source]

Marks an address used of the given keychain at index.


Returns whether the given index was present and then removed from the unused set.

+ +
+network() Network[source]

Get the Bitcoin network the wallet is using.

+ +
+next_derivation_index(keychain: KeychainKind) int[source]

The index of the next address that you would get if you were to ask the wallet for a new address

+ +
+next_unused_address(keychain: KeychainKind) AddressInfo[source]

Get the next unused address for the given keychain, i.e. the address with the lowest +derivation index that hasn’t been used.


This will attempt to derive and reveal a new address if no newly revealed addresses +are available. See also [reveal_next_address](Self::reveal_next_address).


WARNING: To avoid address reuse you must persist the changes resulting from one or more +calls to this method before closing the wallet. See [Wallet::reveal_next_address].

+ +
+peek_address(keychain: KeychainKind, index: int) AddressInfo[source]

Peek an address of the given keychain at index without revealing it.


For non-wildcard descriptors this returns the same address at every provided index.


# Panics


This panics when the caller requests for an address of derivation index greater than the +[BIP32](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki) max index.

+ +
+persist(connection: Connection) bool[source]
+ +
+policies(keychain: KeychainKind) Policy | None[source]
+ +
+reveal_addresses_to(keychain: KeychainKind, index: int) List[AddressInfo][source]

Reveal addresses up to and including the target index and return an iterator +of newly revealed addresses.


If the target index is unreachable, we make a best effort to reveal up to the last +possible index. If all addresses up to the given index are already revealed, then +no new addresses are returned.


WARNING: To avoid address reuse you must persist the changes resulting from one or more +calls to this method before closing the wallet. See [Wallet::reveal_next_address].

+ +
+reveal_next_address(keychain: KeychainKind) AddressInfo[source]

Attempt to reveal the next address of the given keychain.


This will increment the keychain’s derivation index. If the keychain’s descriptor doesn’t +contain a wildcard or every address is already revealed up to the maximum derivation +index defined in [BIP32](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki), +then the last revealed address will be returned.

+ +
+sent_and_received(tx: Transaction) SentAndReceivedValues[source]

Compute the tx’s sent and received [Amount]s.


This method returns a tuple (sent, received). Sent is the sum of the txin amounts +that spend from previous txouts tracked by this wallet. Received is the summation +of this tx’s outputs that send to script pubkeys tracked by this wallet.

+ +
+sign(psbt: Psbt) bool[source]

Sign a transaction with all the wallet’s signers, in the order specified by every signer’s +[SignerOrdering]. This function returns the Result type with an encapsulated bool that has the value true if the PSBT was finalized, or false otherwise.


The [SignOptions] can be used to tweak the behavior of the software signers, and the way +the transaction is finalized at the end. Note that it can’t be guaranteed that every +signers will follow the options, but the “software signers” (WIF keys and xprv) defined +in this library will.

+ +
+start_full_scan() FullScanRequestBuilder[source]

Create a [`FullScanRequest] for this wallet.


This is the first step when performing a spk-based wallet full scan, the returned +[`FullScanRequest] collects iterators for the wallet’s keychain script pub keys needed to +start a blockchain full scan with a spk based blockchain client.


This operation is generally only used when importing or restoring a previously used wallet +in which the list of used scripts is not known.

+ +
+start_sync_with_revealed_spks() SyncRequestBuilder[source]

Create a partial [SyncRequest] for this wallet for all revealed spks.


This is the first step when performing a spk-based wallet partial sync, the returned +[SyncRequest] collects all revealed script pubkeys from the wallet keychain needed to +start a blockchain sync with a spk based blockchain client.

+ +
+transactions() List[CanonicalTx][source]

Iterate over the transactions in the wallet.

+ +

Bitcoin Module




Basic Wallet Usage

from bdkpython import *
-             # Create a new wallet
-             descriptor = "wpkh(...)"  # Your descriptor here
-             wallet = Wallet(descriptor, network=Network.TESTNET)
-             # Sync wallet
-             blockchain = Blockchain("https://blockstream.info/testnet/api")
-             wallet.sync(blockchain)
-             # Get balance
-             balance = wallet.get_balance()
-             print(f"Confirmed balance: {balance.confirmed}")


+class bdkpython.Mnemonic(word_count: WordCount)[source]

Bases: object

+classmethod from_entropy(entropy: List[int])[source]
+ +
+classmethod from_string(mnemonic: str)[source]
+ +


+class bdkpython.InternalError[source]

Bases: Exception

diff --git a/bdk-python/docs/_build/html/genindex.html b/bdk-python/docs/_build/html/genindex.html index a7de5bf9..3d79e0e2 100644 --- a/bdk-python/docs/_build/html/genindex.html +++ b/bdk-python/docs/_build/html/genindex.html @@ -41,9 +41,7 @@
@@ -73,8 +71,372 @@


+ A + | B + | C + | D + | E + | F + | G + | I + | J + | L + | M + | N + | O + | P + | R + | S + | T + | U + | V + | W


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