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327 lines (235 loc) · 12.2 KB
SEP 19
Title Per-spider settings
Author Pablo Hoffman, Nicolás Ramirez, Julia Medina
Created 2013-03-07
Status Final (implemented with minor variations)

SEP-019: Per-spider settings and Crawl Process Cleanup

This is a proposal to add support for overriding settings per-spiders in a consistent way, while taking the chance to refactor the settings population and whole crawl workflow.

In short, you will be able to overwrite settings (on a per-spider basis) by implementing a class method in your spider:

class MySpider(Spider):

    def custom_settings(cls):
        return {
            "DOWNLOAD_DELAY": 5.0,
            "RETRY_ENABLED": False,

Proposed changes

  • new custom_settings class method will be added to spiders, to give them a chance to override settings before they're used to instantiate the crawler
  • spider managers will maintain loading spider classes functionality (with a new load method that will return a spider class given its name), but spider initialization will be delegated to crawlers (with a new from_crawler class method in spiders, that will allow them access to crawlers directly)
  • spider manager will be striped out of Crawler class, as it will no longer need it
  • SPIDER_MODULES and SPIDER_MANAGER_CLASS settings will be removed and replaced by entries on scrapy.cfg. Thus spider managers won't need project settings to configure themselves
  • CrawlerProcess will be remove, since crawlers will be created independently with a required spider class and optional SettingsReader instance
  • Settings class will be split into two classes: SettingsLoader and SettingsReader, and a new concept of "setting priority" will be added


Settings class will be split into two classes SettingsLoader and SettingsReader. First one will be used to settle all different levels of settings across the project, and the later will be a frozen version of the already loaded settings and will be the preferred way to access them. This will avoid the current possible misconception that you can change settings after they have been populated. There'll be a new concept of settings priorities, and settings.overrides will be deprecated in favor of explicitly loaded settings with priorities, as it'll make the settings overriding not order-dependent.

Because of this, CrawlerSettings (with its overrides, settings_module and defaults) will be remove, but its interface could be maintained for backward compatibility in SettingsReader (since on SettingsLoader, overrides dictionary and settings with priorities don't get along with a consistent implementation). Maintaining this attributes and their functionality is not advisable since it breaks the read-only access nature of the class.

With the new per-spider settings, there's a need of a helper function that will take a spider and return a SettingsReader instance populated with defaults', project's and the given spider's settings. Motive behind this is that get_project_settings can't continue being used for getting settings instance for crawler usage when using the API directly, as the project is not the only source of settings anymore. get_projects_settings will become an internal function because of that.


SettingsLoader is going to populate settings at startup, then it'll be converted to a SettingsReader instance and discarded afterwards.

It is supposed to be write-only, but many previously loaded settings are needed to be accessed before freezing them. For example, the COMMANDS_MODULE setting allows loading more command default settings. Another example is that we need to read LOG_* settings early because we must be able to log errors on the load settings process. ScrapyCommands may be configured based upon current settings, as users can plug custom commands. These are some of the reasons that suggest that we need a read-write access for this class.

  • Will have a method set(name, value, priority) to register a setting with a given priority. A setdict(dict, priority) method may come handy for loading project's and per-spider settings.
  • Will have current Settings getter functions (get, getint, getfloat, getdict, etc.) (See above for reasons behind this).
  • Will have a freeze method that returns an instance of SettingsReader, with a copy of the current state of settings (already prioritized).


It's intended to be the one used by core, extensions, and all components that use settings without modifying them. Because there are logical objects that change settings, such as ScrapyCommands, use cases of each settings class need to be comprehensively explained.

New crawlers will be created with an instance of this class (The one returned by the freeze method on the already populated SettingsReader), because they are not expected to alter the settings.

It'll be read-only, keeping the same getter methods of current Settings (get, getint, getfloat, getdict, etc.). There could be a set method that will throw a descriptive explanatory error for debugging compatibility, avoiding its inadvertently usage.

Setting priorities

There will be 5 setting priorities used by default:

  • 0: global defaults (those in scrapy.settings.default_settings)
  • 10: per-command defaults (for example, shell runs with KEEP_ALIVE=True)
  • 20: project settings (those in
  • 30: per-spider settings (those returned by Spider.custom_settings class method)
  • 40: command line arguments (those passed in the command line)

There are a couple of issues here:

  • SCRAPY_PICKLED_SETTINGS_TO_OVERRIDE and SCRAPY_{settings} need-to-be deprecated environment variables: Can be kept, with a new or existing priority.
  • We could have different priorities for settings given with the -s argument and other named arguments in the command line (For example, -s LOG_ENABLE=False --loglevel=ERROR will set LOG_ENABLE to True, because named options are overridden later in the current implementation), but because the processing of command line options is done in one place we could leave them with the same priority and depend on the order of the set calls just for this case.

Deprecated code

scrapy.conf.settings singleton is a deprecated implementation concerning settings load. Could be maintained as it is, but the singleton should implement new SettingsReader interface in order to work.

Spider manager

Currently, the spider manager is part of the crawler which creates a cyclic loop between settings and spiders and it shouldn't belong there. The spiders should be loaded outside and passed to the crawler object, which will require a spider class to be instantiated.

This new spider manager will not have access to the settings (they won't be loaded yet) so it will use scrapy.cfg to configure itself.

The scrapy.cfg would look like this:

default = myproject.settings

manager = scrapy.spidermanager.SpiderManager
modules = myproject.spiders
  • manager replaces SPIDER_MANAGER_CLASS setting and will, if omitted, default to scrapy.spidermanager.SpiderManager
  • modules replaces SPIDER_MODULES setting and will be required

These ideas translate to the following changes on the SpiderManager class:

  • __init__(spider_modules) -> __init__(). spider_modules will be looked in scrapy.cfg.
  • create('spider_name', **spider_kargs) -> load('spider_name'). This will return a spider class, not an instance. It's basically a __get__ to self._spiders.
  • All remaining functions should be deprecated or remove accordingly, since a crawler reference is no longer needed.
  • New helper get_spider_manager_class_from_scrapycfg in scrapy/utils/


A new class method custom_settings is proposed, that could be use to override project and default settings before they're used to instantiate the crawler:

class MySpider(Spider):

    def custom_settings(cls):
        return {
            "DOWNLOAD_DELAY": 5.0,
            "RETRY_ENABLED": False,

This will only involve a set call with the corresponding priority when populating SettingsLoader.

Contributing to API changes, new from_crawler class method will be added to spiders to give them a chance to access settings, stats, or the crawler core components themselves. This should be the new way to create a spider from now on (instead of normally instantiate it as is currently).

Scrapy commands

As already stated, ScrapyCommands modify the settings, so they need a SettingsLoader instance reference in order to do that.

Present process_option implementations on Base and other commands read and override settings. These overrides should be changed to set calls with the allocated priority.

Each command with a custom run method should be modified to reflect the new refactored API (Particularly crawl command).


CrawlerProcess should be remove because Scrapy crawl command no longer supports running multiple spiders. The preferred way for doing this is using the API manually, instantiating a separate Crawler for each spider, so CrawlerProcess has loosen its utility.

This change is not directly related to the project (it's not focus on settings but it fits in the API clean up task), but it's a great opportunity to consider since we're changing the crawling startup flow.

This class will be deleted and the attributes and methods will be merge with Crawler. For that effect, these are the specific merges and removals:

  • self.crawlers doesn't make sense is this new set up, each reference will be replace with self.
  • create_crawler will be __init__ of Crawler
  • _start_crawler will be merge with Crawler.start
  • start will be merge with Crawler.crawl but this will need from the later an extra boolean parameter start_reactor (default: True) to crawl with or without starting twisted reactor (This is required in in order to start the reactor in another thread).

Startup process

This summarizes the current and new proposed mechanisms for starting up a Scrapy crawler. Imports and non representative functions are omitted for brevity.

Current (old) startup process

# execute in cmdline

# loads, returns CrawlerSettings(settings_module)
settings = get_project_settings()

cmd.crawler_process = CrawlerProcess(settings) # (In a _run_print_help call)

    # in commands/

    spider = crawler.spiders.create(spider_name, **spider_kwargs)
    self.crawler_process.start() # starts crawling spider

        # CrawlerProcess._start_crawler in


Proposed (new) startup process

# execute in cmdline

smcls = get_spider_manager_class_from_scrapycfg()
sm = smcls() # loads spiders from module defined in scrapy.cfg
spidercls = sm.load(spider_name) # returns spider class, not instance

settings = get_project_settings() # loads
settings.setdict(cmd.default_settings, priority=40)

settings.setdict(spidercls.custom_settings(), priority=30)

settings = settings.freeze()
cmd.crawler = Crawler(spidercls, settings=settings)

    # Crawler.__init__ in

    self.configure() # (In a _run_print_help call)

    # in commands/


        # Crawler.crawl in

        spider = self.spidercls.from_crawler(self, **spider_kwargs)
    # starts crawling spider