- Removed unnecessary requestAuthorizationWithOptions for iOS, this plugin doesn't need it to show badges. This should be used only for remote push notification.
- Fixed an issue with missing Gradle namespace and other related issues.
- Resolved an issue with the Java target SDK.
- Adjusted Dart SDK constraint to exclusively support Dart null-safety and Flutter null-safety versions.
- Corrected the usage of old Flutter embedding in the example app.
- Updated the wrapper to support the new Gradle version.
- PR #52 (Don't overwrite categories on iOS)
- PR #32 (A Future is now returned)
- PR #65 (jCenter -> Maven)
- PR #61 (macOS support)
- PR #44 (Use UNUserNotificationCenter instead of deprecated UIUserNotificationSettings on iOS 10+)
- PR #47 (Feature/android v2)
- Support for null safety
- Support the new plugin pubspec format
- On Android, the custom dependency to ShortcutBadger is removed, since unused
- Migration of the sample to Android X
- Migration to Android X (thanks to orknist) + Android Target SDK = 29
- README updated
- Android: Migration to the latest version of the ShortcutBadger library (1.1.22)
- Android: Include the PR #268 to support Oreo devices.
- Fix a bug with the Android build.
- Initial Release.