Here you will find examples demonstrating Vert.x Camel Bridge in action.
The Vert.x Camel bridge provides a way to use Camel routes from the event bus. Please consult the Vert.x Camel Bridge documentation for more information.
This example reads a RSS feeds, filter the entries, extract the title and send these titles (one by one) on the event bus.
This example demonstrates:
routes that produces messages
camel bridge configuration (outbound)
SEDA support
filter and transformations
Source code:
Launch it by running the main
method in your IDE or, after having build the project with mvn clean package
, with:
java -jar target/camel-bridge-examples-3.3.2.jar run io.vertx.example.camel.feed.FeedExample
This example serves HTTP requests by invoking a Camel route that interacts with a RMI service.
This example demonstrates:
routes that are use as RPC support
camel bridge configuration (inbound)
XML-based definition of the
Camel Context
Source code:
Launch it by running the main
method in your IDE , after having build the project with mvn clean package
, with:
java -jar target/camel-bridge-examples-3.3.2.jar run io.vertx.example.camel.rmi.RMIExample
Then open your browser to: http://localhost:8080/?name=world