PlayStation Vita port of fheroes2 project
Install fheroes2.vpk to your Vita.
fheroes2 requires data files from the original Heroes of Might and Magic II.
Copy HEROES2.AGG and HEROES2X.AGG (if you own Price of Loyalty expansion) from the original games "DATA" folder into "ux0:data/fheroes2/data" and everything from "MAPS" folder into "ux0:data/fheroes2/maps".
Music files in OGG format (from GoG release of the game) should be placed into the "ux0:data/fheroes2/music/" folder.
fheroes2 supports ingame cinematics. To play into and/or other videos, make sure that all of "*.SMK" files are placed inside "ux0:data/fheroes2/heroes2/anim/" folder.
rePatch reDux0 OR FdFix plugin is required for proper suspend/resume support (only use one at a time).
- VitaSDK
- libSDL2
- libSDL2-mixer (optional)
- libSDL2-image (optional)
To build the game just run
make -f Makefile.vita
- Left analog stick - Pointer movement
- Right analog stick - Map scrolling
- × - Left mouse button
- ○ - Right mouse button
- □ - End turn
- △ - Open spellbook
- L1 - Next hero
- R1 - Next castle
- SELECT - System menu
- START - Enter
- D-Pad down - re-visit the field that hero stands on
Text input is done with D-Pad.
- Left - Remove character
- Right - Add new character
- Down - Next character (alphabetically)
- Up - Previous character
- R1, L1 - Switch current character between uppercase/lowercase
Pointer movement speed can be changed with 'gamepad_pointer_speed' parameter in "ux0:data/fheroes2/fheroes2.cfg".
Use "fullscreen = on" option to scale game area to native Vita resolution or "fullscreen = off" to keep the game area at the center of the screen.
Native resolution is supported (set "videomode = 960x544" option in config file or just click on the left door in main menu and select resolution manually).