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_Upgrade Instructions

Jonathan Beakley edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 4 revisions

Important Note: The procedure described on this page has been deprecated.

The documentation below is provided only for historical purposes, and should not be followed unless instructed to by Synopsys support personnel.

Deprecated: Upgrading from pre-5.0 Black Duck to the latest Black Duck

In Black Duck 5.0 there was a change to the 'webserver' service that makes it impossible to upgrade simply by "swapping" old Black Duck images with new Black Duck images.

If you are upgrading by removing all services and deployments entirely and replacing them, then the following steps are not necessary. But if you are trying to simply replace images without removing the deployments first, then you must perform two additional steps to get the new version of the 'webserver' service:

Delete the existing 'webserver' service

This can be done with:

kubectl delete service webserver -n blackduck

Create a new 'sebserver' service

This can be done with:

kubectl create -f 4-upgrade-prior-5.0.yml -n blackduck