- Scriptures
- Heard (Eternal Scriptures) [==Shruthi==]
- Sought Knowledge (Revelation) [==Nigama==] / Samskrita Books of Knowledge [==Veda:==]
- Sections
- Action Section [==Karma Kaanda==]
- Collections [==Samhitha:==]
- Works about Reality [==Brahmana:==]
- Worship Section [==Upaasana Kaanda==] + Wisdom Section [==Jnaana Kaanda==]
- Works from the Forests [==Aranyaka:==]
- Wisdom Section [==Jnaana Kaanda==]
- Basic Understanding [==Upanishad:==]
- Action Section [==Karma Kaanda==]
- Fields
- Branches of Transmissions [==Shaakhas==]
- Disciplines of the Samskrita Books of Knowledge [==Vedaanga==]
- Phonetics
- Prosody
- Grammar
- Etymology and Linguistics
- Astrology
- Rituals and Rites of Passage
- Sections
- Arriving Knowledge (Traditions) [==Aagama==]
- [==Tantra:==]
- [==Yantra:==]
- [==Upaasana==]
- [==Diksha==]
- Temple Construction
- Idol Construction
- The Song of God (from The Great Bhaarat) [==Bhagavad Geeta, from Mahaabhaarata==]
- Sought Knowledge (Revelation) [==Nigama==] / Samskrita Books of Knowledge [==Veda:==]
- Remembered (Transmitted Writings Inspired by Scriptures) [==Smrithi==]
- Epics [==Ithihaasa:==]
- The Great Bharaat [==Mahaabhaarata==]
- The Journey of Raam [==Raamaayana==]
- Aphorisms [==Soothra:==]
- Ethical Aphorisms [==Dharma Soothra:==]
- Ethical Aphorisms by Apasthamba [==Apasthamba Dharma Soothra:==]
- Ethical Aphorisms by Gauthama [==Gauthama Dharma Soothra:==]
- Ethical Aphorisms by Baudhaayana [==Baudhaayana Dharma Soothra:==]
- Ethical Aphorisms by Vasishta [==Vasishta Dharma Soothra:==]
- Romance Aphorisms [==Kaama Soothra:==]
- Ethical Aphorisms [==Dharma Soothra:==]
- Studies [==Shaasthra:==]
- Ethical Studies [==Dharma Shaasthra==]
- Remembered about Manu [==Manu Smrithi==] / Ethical Studies of Manu [==Maanava Dharma Shaasthra==]
- Remembered about Yaanjavalkya [==Yaanjavalkya Smrithi==] / Ethical Studies of Yaanjavalkya [==Yaanjavalkya Dharma Shaasthra==]
- Remembered about Naarada [==Naarada Smrithi==] / Ethical Studies of Naarada [==Naarada Dharma Shaasthra==]
- Remembered about Vishnu [==Vishnu Smrithi==] / Ethical Studies of Vishnu [==Vaishnava Dharma Shaasthra==]
- Study of Goals [==Artha Shaasthra==]
- Study of Dance [==Naatya Shaasthra==]
- Ethical Studies [==Dharma Shaasthra==]
- Supplementary Works (to the Samskrita Books of Knowledge) [==Parishishta:==]
- Eulogies [==Sthothra:==]
- Epics [==Ithihaasa:==]
- Heard (Eternal Scriptures) [==Shruthi==]
- Schools of Thought [==Darshana:==]
- Reason Based [==Haithuka==]
- Enumeration [==Samkhya==]
- Connection to Reality [==Yoga==]
- Principles [==Nyaaya==]
- Particularities [==Vaisheshika==]
- Inspiration Based [==Smaartha==]
- Earlier Reflections [==Meemaamsa==]
- Summary of the Samskrita Books of Knowledge [==Vedaantha==] / Later Reflections [==Utthara Meemaamsa==]
- Non-Dualism [==Advaitha==]
- Difference and Non-Difference [==Bhedha-Abhedha==]
- Dualism and Non-Dualism [==Dvaita-Advaitha==]
- Special Non-Dualism [==Vishishta-Advaitha==]
- Namesake and Ultimate Forms [==Akshar Purushottham==]
- Dualism [==Dvaitha==]
- Pure Non-Dualism [==Shudda-Advaitha==]
- Inconceivable Difference and Non-Difference [==Achinthya-Bhedha-Abhedha]
- Modern Summary
- Reason Based [==Haithuka==]
- Schools of Practice [==Sampradaaya:==]
- The School of Vishnu [==Vaishnava==]
- The School of Shiva [==Shaiva==]
- The School of Shakthi [==Shaktha==]
- The School of Remembrance [==Smaartha==]
- Bhakthi Yoga
- Karma Yoga
- Jnaana Yoga
- Raaja Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Tantra Yoga
Objectives of Existence [==Purushaartha==]
- Objectives [==Artha==]
- Ethics [==Dharma==]
- Romance [==Kaama==]
- Liberation [==Moksha==]
Cosmology (part of Shruthi)
Mythology (part of Smrithi)
- Creator
- Lokas
- Devas / Devis (Gods)
- Devatas (gods)
- Vana Devatas
- Apsaras
- Gandharvas
- Asuras
- Yakshas (nature spirits)
- Rakshasas (Demons)
Ontology (part of Schools of Thought)
- Principles (Tattvas)
- Arguments and Counter Arguments (Vaada Prati-Vaada)
- Subtle Elements
- Gross Elements
- Qualities
- Witness Consciousness
- Nature
- Ultimate Reality
- With no Attributes
- With all Attributes
- Om
- Real, Sentient and Blissful
- Magical Illusion
- Creator
- Deities
- Spirits
- Creation
- Non-Living
- Living
- Dream
- Braahmana
- Kshathriya
- Vaishya
- Shudra
- Brahmacharya
- Grihastha
- Vaana Prastha
- Sanyaasa
- Energetic
- Equilibrious
- Harmful
- Living Soul
- Ultimate Soul
- Magical Illusion
- Actions
- Cycle of Existence
- Cyclic Existence
- Liberation
Shuddhadvaita: World is real, and all is one Advaita: World is unreal (like a dream), and all is one Vishishta Advaita: World is transformed Dvaita Advaita (Svaabhaavika Bhedha-Abhedha): World exists in both states
- Niti śastra
- Yamas
- Niyama
- Ahimsa
- Achourya
- Aparigraha
- Brahmacharya
- Satya
- Damah
- Dayā
- Akrodha
- Arjava
- Santosha
- Tapas
- Svādhyāya
- Shaucha
- Mitahara
- Dāna
- Sources of dharma
- Pratyakṣa (perception)
- Anumāṇa (inference)
- Upamāṇa (comparison, analogy)
- Arthāpatti (postulation, presumption)
- Anupalabdi (non-perception, negation)
- Śabda (word, testimony)
Kaivalya (Discerning Liberation)
Jeevan Mukti Vaideha Mukti
Brahma Soothras criticise Samkhya
Vairaagya means two things. Etymologically, it means "devoid of attachment" (raaga). In Samskrita, it means "dispassion". In Malayalam, it means "grudge" or "hatred".