This feature is provided by Blast\CoreBundle to ease the deployment of new bundles & entities. It works quite closely to the Sonata\AdminBundle\MapperBaseMapper & Sonata\AdminBundle\MapperBaseGroupedMapper (and their children like Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper) add()
, with()
& remove()
So it is structured as :
# Acmebundle/Resources/config/blast.yml ( if the dependencyinjection extension class extends BlastCoreExtension this file will be automatically parsed)
configuration: #global configuration
search: #list of admin services that will be available in the global search box (they will appear in the same order)
- librinfo_crm.admin.organism
all: # add or remove for all the admins in your application
type: blast_tinymce
_actions: [delete]
AcmeBundle\Admin\DemoAdmin: # The Admin class extension
collections: [] # Array of collections that need to be managed, in relation with the embeded objects (e.g. House::$doors -> [doors])
manyToMany: [] # Array of many-to-many relations that need to be managed, to perform correct updates both on the ownerSide and on the inverseSide
# ↘ An other way to do the same things automagically is to use the trait Blast\CoreBundle\Admin\Traits\HandlesRelationsAdmin within your
# Sonata Admin form instead of the Blast\CoreBundle\Admin\Traits\Base
Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper: # The class of objects that needs to be configured (here the edit/create form)
title: this is the form view title
titleTemplate: 'myBundle:Dir:myEditTemplate.html.twig'
remove: # The fields that need to be removed from inheritance (array)
- name: ~
- createdAt: ~
add: # What we want to display (associative array)
text: # The name of a field that needs to be directly injected (without any tab)
type: textarea # The type of field to display
required: false # Other options refering to the BaseMapper super-class used
only_new: true # This field will not be used in edit forms
# Alternatively you can set only_not_new: true to remove the field from create forms
gfx_tab: # A first tab
_options: # ... with its options (cf. BaseGroupedMapper::with() options)
description: tab
groupsOrder: [gfx_group2, gfx_group]
hideTitle: false # remove graphically the title of the tab (false by default)
gfx_group: # A first group inside the "tab"
_options: # ... with its options (cf. BaseGroupedMapper::with() options)
description: with
fieldsOrder: # You can defined fields order in this key.
- text
- otherField
hideTitle: false # remove graphically the title of the group (false by default)
title: ~ # Adding a field, with no option
type: textarea
label: Descriiiiiiption
_options: # Extra options ("fieldDescriptionOptions" in the BaseMapper::add super-class)
translation_domain: fr
field2: ~
tabsOrder: []
Sonata\AdminBundle\Show\ShowMapper: # The class of objects that needs to be configured (here the "show" view)
title: this is the show view title
titleTemplate: 'myBundle:Dir:myShowTemplate.html.twig'
_copy: Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper # indicates to take the configuration of an other class of the current Admin class extension (including its parents configuration)
remove: [field2]
template: LibrinfoCRMBundle:CRUD:field_subobject.html.twig # this allows you
# to display this field using a specific template of your own.
Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper: # The class of objects that needs to be configured (here the "filters")
orderFields: [title, name]
name: ~
type: XXX
filterOption1: xxx
filterOption2: yyy
fieldOption1: value1
fieldOption2: value2
fieldDescriptionOptions1: aaa
fieldDescriptionOptions2: bbb
field_type: fieldType
#_option: fieldType # can replace "field_type"
Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper: # The class of objects that needs to be configured (here the "list" view)
title: this is the list view title
titleTemplate: 'myBundle:Dir:myListTemplate.html.twig'
createdAt: ~ # removing a simple field
_batch_actions: [delete] # removes bacth actions (bottom of the list view)
_list_actions: [create] # removes list actions (generic actions in top bar of the list view)
_export_formats: ~ # resets the export formats as it was before using any customized CoreAdmin
name: ~
show: ~
edit: ~
delete: ~
template: AcmeBundle:list__action_myaction.html.twig
route: myaction # defaults to action name if not set
_batch_actions: # batch actions
action: myAction # points to a custom action previously defined in _actions key
label: merge # optional, used for translation. if not specified the label is built on "batch_action_[merge]"
translation_domain: LibrinfoCRMBundle
# optional
ask_confirmation: false
# true by default, and then ask for a user confirmation
_export_formats: # exportable formats
csv: [name, url] # adds the CSV format, with fields name & url (and overwrites the previous configurations!!)
xml: [id, name, url]# adds the XML format, with fields id, name & url
json: ~ # adds the json format, with default fields
xls: csv # adds the XLS format, using the CSV fields (copying)
-pdf: ~ # removes the PDF format (unavailable by default)
vcard: [name, positions.label,]
# if a "vcard" format is defined in your custom Exporter, you can use it here
# if this format support multi-dimensional data, you can build 2 levels data
# using collections ; then [collection].name will iterate on each element
# to get back its name an produce a 2 dimension array
_list_actions: # add custom action to generic top bar actions in list view
action: create # can be an action or a route
translation_domain: LibrinfoCRMBundle # if no translation_domain is defined, then the label will not be translated
label: test_test # if no label is specified, the name (key) of the action is used instead
route: admin_librinfo_crm_contact_list # can be a route or an action
params: [] # parameters to be used when calling the route
translation_domain: LibrinfoCRMBundle
route: admin_librinfo_crm_contact_list
label: Glop # no translation_domain given, then the label is used without any translation
The use of your librinfo.yml configuration files is done in a specific order, allowing inheritance, properties sharing, etc. It starts from a working CRUD generated by Sonata, extending the Blast\CoreBundle\Admin\CoreAdmin
and extended by a MyEntityAdminConcrete
as explained in the next title. Then the libre-informatique/core-bundle
works this way:
- All the
files are loaded, across your bundles, in the order of their definition in yourapp/AppKernel.php
. - The system starts from the traits used in your entity (directly or indirectly through inheritance), reading the properties that has to be applied on them
- Then it reads the properties defined for the tree of inheritance of your entity, starting by the oldest ancestor to finish with the ending child (→ your entity itself)
- And to finish, it processes the properties defined for the tree of inheritance of your current Sonata Admin, from oldest ancestor to the ending child (→ your Admin itself, eg.
And this builds up a configured Sonata Admin module, without a word of PHP code, embedding reusability, scalability, performance in the development process, strength and robustness.
After having installed properly the bundle, and learning the configuration reference, just use the Blast\CoreBundle\Admin\CoreAdmin
as the parent class of your Admin/*Admin.php
// src/AcmeBundle/Admin/DemoAdmin.php
// ...
use Blast\CoreBundle\Admin\CoreAdmin;
// ...
class DemoAdmin extends CoreAdmin
// ... empty everything original... and if you want to extend those methods, always call parent::METHOD(); somewhere
Then you will have to create a "Concrete" (or any other keyword) Admin :
// src/AcmeBundle/Admin/DemoAdminConcrete.php
// ...
use Blast\CoreBundle\Admin\Trait\Base as BaseAdmin;
// ...
class DemoAdminConcrete extends DemoAdmin
use BaseAdmin;
To finish this, register your service properly in your admin.yml
class: AcmeBundle\Admin\DemoAdminConcrete
arguments: [~, AcmeBundle\Entity\Demo, SonataAdminBundle:CRUD]
- {name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm}