Note: v0.15.0 of RTL has breaking changes, this playbook needs updating.
- create a file with the rune:
echo "LIGHTNING_RUNE=\"$(lightning-cli commando-rune | jq -r .rune)\"" > .rune
- configure the rune path in RTL
- the RTL-config.json in /var/compose is spurious, iirc this pod is using env variables
- we probably dont need a macaroon anymore with clnrest
This deployment has extra steps due to handling sensitive macaroon material. Upgrades are a single command though.
See host_vars
- Generate an app password and source it into the environment. Then run the setup tasks.
pass generate -n
export wartortle_RTL_PASSWORD=$(pass
ansible-playbook playbooks/host_tasks/ --tags setup
Copy the sensitive
(which is a plaintext admin macaroon) from your cl-rest to /var/compose/.secrets/lightningd/ -
Run the rest of the play and let systemd start the container
ansible-playbook playbooks/host_tasks/ systemctl --user restart container-RTL.service podman logs --follow RTL
systemctl --user status container-RTL.service
ansible-playbook playbooks/host_tasks/ --tags podman
podman inspect RTL | jq
Drop this in your bashrc:
repod() {
systemctl --user restart "container-${1}.service"
podman logs --tail=0 --follow $1
Then you get nice output when you repod RTL