This CLI utility instantiates a STRATO application. It performs the following steps
- Setup OAuth config
- Initialize backend skeleton
- Initialize REACT UI
- Setup docker packaging
The following tools should already be installed
- node
- yarn
Install the utility by using:
npm i -g create-strato-dapp
Run project creation command:
create-strato-dapp <project-name>
Enter your node's configuration information when prompted. If there is a default shown, simply hit ENTER to accept it.
When you have answered all of the prompts, the script will execute (it may take a couple of minutes). It will create the directory
, and initialize the STRATO dapp. After it finishes, enter the project directory and follow the includedREADME
for further instructions on deploying the app.
- Your STRATO node's URL;
- Name for OAuth token cookie;
- Client ID and Client Secret for your client on OAuth server;
- OpenID discovery URL;
- Callback URLs.
This utility makes the following assumptions:
- The application will execute on
- STRATO is running on a remote node with
and the user has OAuth details for the relevant identity server
It is possible to set up the application for a different environment by modifying the config that is generated at project-name-server/config/localhost.config.yaml