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58 lines (50 loc) · 3.88 KB

File metadata and controls

58 lines (50 loc) · 3.88 KB


  1. git clone
  2. rvm install ruby-2.6.5
  3. bundle install
  4. yarn install
  5. rake db:migrate
  6. rails s
  7. app should be visible at localhost:3000



filename description
app\controllers\application_controller.rb defines that user must be logged in order to access the web app, defines the required fields for user during sign-up or profile-edit
app\controllers\articles_controller.rb contains the methods: index (for displaying all articles in database) show (for displaying a specific article id, provided in article_params) new (defines "created_by" value to be set according to current users' username, creates a new unsaved record, and renders the form) create (inserts the user input to the database) article_params (defines what basic parameters each article has)
app\controllers\cars_controller.rb contains the methods: index (for displaying all cars in database), show (for displaying a specific car details given provided id from car_params), new (creates a new unsaved record and generates the create car form in the views), create (inserts the user input to the database), car_params (defines the car parameters)
app\controllers\welcome_controller.rb defines method "index" which redirects the browser to welcome\index.html.erb upon reaching localhost:3000


filename description
app\models\application_record.rb inherits from ActiveRecord::Base, a single point of entry for all the application models, so that ActiveRecord wont include unrelated methods
app\models\article.rb defines article validations (empty, as there are no requirements for articles)
app\models\car.rb defines validations for car, that includes: title exists (which is also validated on client side), avatar (photo) exists, that the uploaded photo is an image mime type, with the extensions jpeg,gif,png
app\models\user.rb defines user validations, that includes: devise (user can register, be confirmed, be remembered, be validated), defines an array "role" that is either user or admin, defines role for user, defines roles for select box using humanize (for capitalization), and defines that user does not need to be confirmed via email


filename description
config\routes.rb defines the resources cars & articles (resource is a way to route http requests to ruby actions in the specified controller, without specifing each individual request type), generates all needed routes for devise, includes a redirection to the index page from both root and users

Views: Index

filename description
app\views\welcome\index.html.erb index page displayed when requesting localhost:3000

Views: Articles

filename description
app\views\articles\index.html.erb display all articles in database
app\views\articles\new.html.erb create a new article
app\views\articles\show.html.erb display a specific article (provided params id)

Views: Cars

filename description
app\views\cars\index.html.erb display all cars in database
app\views\cars\new.html.erb create a new car
app\views\cars\show.html.erb display a specific car (provided params id)

Views: Devise

filename description
app\views\devise\registrations\new.html.erb sign up for a new user
app\views\devise\registrations\edit.html.erb edit profile page for current user
app\views\devise\sessions\new.html.erb log in page for existing user
app\views\layouts\application.html.erb top navbar that displays either current users username if signed in, or 'sign up' and 'log in' links