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willliw edited this page May 26, 2016 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Gcoin-community wiki!

Get help

Post questions and get advice from other people using GCoin.!forum/gcoins

Installing the Dependencies

For Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev\
 	         protobuf-compiler libtool autoconf automake \
 	         autotools-dev m4 libdb++-dev pkg-config bsdmainutils git

For Fedora 21 or later:

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum install m4 openssl-devel db4-devel libdb-cxx-devel boost-devel protobuf-devel git

Build the GCoin

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/gcoin-community 
./ --without-gui --without-miniupnpc 

Since GCoin is still in test. There would be more convenient to turn off the GUI/minupnpc. We'll fix it in the future.


Place a configure file in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf with the following contents (you don't need to modify anything)


Now, run the demand!

./src/gcoind -daemon

It would automatically synchronize the Gcoin test net blockchain. You should be able to use the RPC after runs the daemon. Here's a quick way to test:

./src/gcoin-cli getinfo 

Get your own addresses.

First refill the keypool.

./src/gcoin-cli keypoolrefill 100

It would refill your keypool with 100 new keys derived from your key seed.

Then get the address.

./src/gcoin-cli getnewaddress

It would return a new address until your key pool is empty.

There is a fixed key in each wallet,

./src/gcoin-cli getfixedaddress 

It would return the fixed key, which is using for authentication.

Getting the test license

To get the license or become an Alliance, please contact [email protected].

More information about License, please see License.