Example Usage:
import { ProviderLabel } from '@o2/types'
const wallets: InjectedWalletModule[] = [
// The label that will be displayed in the wallet selection modal
label: 'Equal',
// The property on the window where the injected provider is defined
// Example: window.ethereum
injectedNamespace: 'ethereum',
// A unique property on the provider that is used to identify the provider
// In most cases this is in the format: `is<provider-name>`.
// Example: window.ethereum.isEQLWallet
providerIdentityFlag: 'isEQLWallet',
// A method that returns a string of the wallet icon which will be displayed
getIcon: async () => (await import('./injected/icons/equal')).default,
// Returns a valid EIP1193 provider. In some cases the provider will need to be patched to satisfy the EIP1193 Provider interface
getInterface: () => ({
provider: window.ethereum
// A list of platforms that this wallet supports
platforms: ['all']
const exclusions: WalletExclusions = {
// Exclude Binance Smart Wallet on mobile
[ProviderLabel.Binance]: ['mobile']
// Call the injected wallet method which will return a method that takes WalletHelpers
// and returns a detected injected wallet or a list if more than one wallet are detected.
// This is then passed to the O2 options.
const injectedWallet = injected({
const options = {
apiKey: 'c54e6c89-e4gb-5c94-cdfc-38cs5326g27t',
wallets: [injectedWallet]
const onboard = O2(options)
export interface InjectedWalletOptions {
// A list of injected wallets to include that are not included by default here: ./packages/injected/
wallets?: InjectedWalletModule[]
// A mapping of a provider label to a list of excluded platforms
// or a boolean indicating if it should be included or not.
// By default all wallets listed in ./packages/injected/ are included add them to here to remove them.
exclude?: WalletExclusions
export type WalletExclusions = {
// A provider label mapped to a list of excluded platforms or a boolean indicating if it should be included.
[key in ProviderLabel | string]?: Platform[] | boolean
export interface InjectedWalletModule extends WalletModule {
// The property on the window where the injected provider is defined
// Example: window.ethereum
injectedNamespace: InjectedNameSpace
// A unique property on the provider that is used to identify the provider
// In most cases this is in the format: `is<provider-name>`.
// Example: window.ethereum.isEQLWallet
providerIdentityFlag: ProviderIdentityFlag | string
// A list of platforms that this wallet supports
platforms: Platform[]