Releases: blockworks-foundation/mango-v3
Releases · blockworks-foundation/mango-v3
Deployed: Apr 3, 2022 at 19:00:13 UTC | Slot: 128,066,047
- SettleFees will return Ok and fail silently if not pnl negative and fees accrued positive
- Use pyth_client crate instead of copy pasta
- Remove pyth status check and just rely on confidence intervals
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Mar 19, 2022 at 16:22:04 UTC | Slot: 125,699,230
- Increase PriceCache and PerpMarketCache validity by 2x
- Upgrade anchor to 0.22.1 and upgrade all other packages
- Move interest rate calculation outside of RootBank
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Feb 28, 2022 at 15:43:29 UTC | Slot: 122,878,778
- Fix div by zero bug in market order sells
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Feb 28, 2022 at 13:57:00 UTC | Slot: 122,868,568
- Breaking change: Orders on the perp orderbook can now expire.
Either use the iterator that returns only valid orders or manually filter out invalid orders. - New instruction: PlacePerpOrder2
- can set an expiry timestamp
- can have a quote quantity limit
- limits the depth of orderbook iteration
- Reduce heap memory use of event logging: ConsumeEvents limit raised back to 8
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Feb 11, 2022 at 01:55:57 UTC | Slot: 120,283,217
- Added three instructions (ChangeReferralFeeParams, SetReferrerMemory, RegisterReferrerId) to help with referral program
- Assess taker fees at the time of the taker trade
- Add back Pyth status checks
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Feb 11, 2022 at 17:36:15 UTC | Slot: 120,380,891
- reduce consume_events limit to 4 to prevent memory issues
- record maker fees on PerpMarket at time of trade to prevent it later going negative
- fix typo in emit_perp_balances to print correct short_funding
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Feb 4, 2022 at 01:47:33 UTC | Slot: 119,226,876
- Pyth status check temporarily removed to let people use accounts with COPE
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Jan 28, 2022 at 20:38:57 UTC | Slot: 118,276,295
- Fix the bug in cancel_all where some orders weren't canceled
- Add optional payer account to CreateMangoAccount and CreateSpotOpenOrders for better composability
- Clean up iteration code and add better documentation
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Jan 18, 2022 at 21:06:57 UTC | Slot: 116,847,318
- Check quote token vault inside resolve_token_bankruptcy
- Add checked to num for general safety
Anchor Registered Build
Deployed: Jan 17, 2022 at 00:45:05 UTC | Slot: 116,585,405
- CancelAllPerpOrdersSide - cancels all order on one side
- CloseMangoAccount - close account and retrieve lamports
- ResolveDust - settle anything below 1 native SPL against the dust account
- CreateDustAccount - create a PDA tied to the MangoGroup useful for settling dust against
- SetDelegate - delegate authority to operate MangoAccount to another account
- upgrade packages
- impose price limits for placing limit orders
- ChangeSpotMarketParams
- CreateSpotOpenOrders using PDA for better UX