In this guide we show how to use it.
A sample application is available at:
- .Net Core version >= 2.1
- iOS version >= 13
- Android version >= 7.1
Portto.Blocto.Core and Portto.Blocto.Solana is available through github. You can download at github release page
You can import Custom Packages, which are made by portto using Unity. More description at unity document.
Choose Assets > Import Package > to import both types of package.
- Register app id (bloctoSDKAppId) in order to init
- Create
using Blocto.Sdk.Core.Extension;
using Blocto.Sdk.Core.Utility;
using Blocto.Sdk.Aptos;
_bloctoWalletProvider = BloctoWalletProvider.CreateBloctoWalletProvider(
gameObject: gameObject,
env: EnvEnum.Mainnet,
bloctoAppIdentifier:Guid.Parse("your appId")
Both EnvEnum.Testnet and EnvEnum.Devnet use Aptos testnet.