Commits should be logically grouped. Do not have multiple unrelated changes in a single commit.
Avoid unnesscessary whitespace additions. Use "git diff --check" before committing.
Avoid checking in commented code or nonrelevant files.
The first line of the commit message should be less than 50 characters and is the title of the change. Additional details may be included on additional lines.
Associate the Issue ID on the first line of the commit message in the form of "(#XXX) Rest of Message"
The body of the commit message should be meaningful and provide enough detail as to why the change was needed.
Preferred Method:
Fork the repository on GitHub.
Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository. (the format ticket/1234-short_description_of change is usually preferred.
Submit a pull request to the repository.
Contributions will only be accepted if spec / acceptance tests are included and passing. If you require assistance please submit the request and ask for advice.