The Synnex Integration with Rewst delivers a robust set of actions and endpoints for interacting with Synnex. Below is a summary of each section, highlighting the diverse capabilities and opportunities provided through the Synnex Integration:
- Agreement
- Consumption
- Customer
- Generic Request
- Invoice
- Operation
- Product
- Subscribed
- Subscription
- Vendor
- Vendor Account
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/agreements/{agreementType}" method="post" summary="Accept Agreement" %} {% swagger-description %} Accepts an agreement of the specified agreement type {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/agreements/{agreementType}" method="get" summary="Get Agreement" %} {% swagger-description %} Get agreement of the specified agreement type. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/consumption/azure/summary" method="get" summary="Get Reseller" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a Reseller's Azure consumption {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/customers" method="post" summary="Create Customer" %} {% swagger-description %} Create a customer {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/customers" method="get" summary="List Customers" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a list of Customers {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/customers/{customerNo}" method="get" summary="Get Customer" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a customer's information using it's ID {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/<url_path>" method="get/put/post/delete" summary="Synnex API Request" %} {% swagger-description %} Generic action for making authenticated requests against the Synnex API {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/invoices" method="get" summary="List Invoices" %} {% swagger-description %} Get list of invoices. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/invoice/report" method="get" summary="Invoice Report" %} {% swagger-description %} Gets an invoice report for a reseller {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/subscriptions/operations/{operationId}" method="get" summary="Get Subscription Operation Details" %} {% swagger-description %} Gets a Subscription operation's details {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v2/vendors/{vendorId}/cloud/products" method="get" summary="List Vendor Products" %} {% swagger-description %} Lists a vendor's individual product data {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/products/{productId}" method="get" summary="Get Product" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a product's details of vendor by product ID. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/products/skuNo/{skuNo}" method="get" summary="Get Product By SKU Number" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a product's details by sku number {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/products/{primaryProductId}/related" method="get" summary="List Related Products" %} {% swagger-description %} Lists related product details for a primary product using it's product ID. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/vendors/Google/cloud/products/transferable" method="get" summary="List Google Transferable Products" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a list of transferable products details from a Google {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/vendors/{vendorId}/subscribed/products" method="get" summary="List Vendor" %} {% swagger-description %} Lists users subscribed to the specified Vendor's products {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions" method="get" summary="List Customer" %} {% swagger-description %} List subscriptions for a specified Customer {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions" method="post" summary="Create New Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Creates a new subscriptions. A reseller can batch create the subscriptions, decided by vendor. The Google vendor can not create multiple subscriptions. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/addOn" method="post" summary="Create Add-On Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Create an add-on subscription for a specified customer's subscription {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/changeSeats" method="post" summary="Add Or Reduce Seats For Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Changes the number of seats of a subscription {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancel" method="post" summary="Cancel Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Cancel a user's subscription {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/reactive" method="post" summary="Reactivate Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Reactivates a customer's subscription plan {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/upgrade" method="post" summary="Upgrade Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Upgrades a customer's subscription plan {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/downgrade" method="post" summary="Downgrade Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Downgrade the subscription plan. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/changePlan" method="post" summary="Change Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Change the plan of a customer's subscription {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/suspend" method="post" summary="Suspend Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Suspends a customer's subscription. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/activate" method="post" summary="Activate Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Activates a customer's subscription. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/transfer" method="post" summary="Transfer Subscription" %} {% swagger-description %} Transfers a customers subscription {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}" method="get" summary="Get Subscription Details" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a customer's subscription information by subscription ID {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/transition/products" method="get" summary="Get Subscription Transition Products" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a collection of the subscription transition product. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/renew/options" method="get" summary="Get Renewal Option" %} {% swagger-description %} Get a subscription's renewal option {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/customers/{customerNo}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/renew/setting" method="put" summary="Update Renew Setting" %} {% swagger-description %} Updates a customer's subscription renewal setting {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/vendors" method="get" summary="List Vendors" %} {% swagger-description %} This API is used to get a list of authorized vendors for current reseller. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/vendors/{vendorId}/check/{checkType}" method="post" summary="Check Vendor Account Data" %} {% swagger-description %} Check vendor datas using the check type specified by the "checkType" parameter. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/vendors/account" method="post" summary="Create Or Update Vendor Account" %} {% swagger-description %} Adds or updates a vendor account for Reseller/Customer in Microsoft/Google. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/v1/cloud/vendors/account" method="get" summary="Get Vendor Accounts" %} {% swagger-description %} Gets reseller/customer Vendor accounts. {% endswagger-description %} {% endswagger %}