Authorize a user by sending them through the Box website and request their permission to act on their behalf.
This is the first step when authenticating a user using OAuth 2.0. To request a user's authorization to use the Box APIs on their behalf you will need to send a user to the URL with this format.
This operation is performed by calling function authorizeUser
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
Currently we don't have an example for calling authorizeUser
in integration tests
- queryParams
- Query parameters of authorizeUser method
- headers
- Headers of authorizeUser method
This function returns a value of type void
Does not return any data, but rather should be used in the browser.
Request an Access Token using either a client-side obtained OAuth 2.0 authorization code or a server-side JWT assertion.
An Access Token is a string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session. In the normal order of operations you will begin by requesting authentication from the authorize endpoint and Box will send you an authorization code.
You will then send this code to this endpoint to exchange it for an Access Token. The returned Access Token can then be used to to make Box API calls.
This operation is performed by calling function requestAccessToken
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
Currently we don't have an example for calling requestAccessToken
in integration tests
- requestBody
- Request body of requestAccessToken method
- headers
- Headers of requestAccessToken method
This function returns a value of type AccessToken
Returns a new Access Token that can be used to make authenticated
API calls by passing along the token in a authorization header as
follows Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Refresh an Access Token using its client ID, secret, and refresh token.
This operation is performed by calling function refreshAccessToken
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
Currently we don't have an example for calling refreshAccessToken
in integration tests
- requestBody
- Request body of refreshAccessToken method
- headers
- Headers of refreshAccessToken method
This function returns a value of type AccessToken
Returns a new Access Token that can be used to make authenticated
API calls by passing along the token in a authorization header as
follows Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Revoke an active Access Token, effectively logging a user out that has been previously authenticated.
This operation is performed by calling function revokeAccessToken
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
Currently we don't have an example for calling revokeAccessToken
in integration tests
- requestBody
- Request body of revokeAccessToken method
- headers
- Headers of revokeAccessToken method
This function returns a value of type void
Returns an empty response when the token was successfully revoked.