- List all legal hold policies
- Create legal hold policy
- Get legal hold policy
- Update legal hold policy
- Remove legal hold policy
Retrieves a list of legal hold policies that belong to an enterprise.
This operation is performed by calling function getLegalHoldPolicies
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
- queryParams
- Query parameters of getLegalHoldPolicies method
- headers
- Headers of getLegalHoldPolicies method
This function returns a value of type LegalHoldPolicies
Returns a list of legal hold policies.
Create a new legal hold policy.
This operation is performed by calling function createLegalHoldPolicy
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
client.getLegalHoldPolicies().createLegalHoldPolicy(new CreateLegalHoldPolicyRequestBody.CreateLegalHoldPolicyRequestBodyBuilder(legalHoldPolicyName).description(legalHoldDescription).filterStartedAt(filterStartedAt).filterEndedAt(filterEndedAt).isOngoing(false).build())
- requestBody
- Request body of createLegalHoldPolicy method
- headers
- Headers of createLegalHoldPolicy method
This function returns a value of type LegalHoldPolicy
Returns a new legal hold policy object.
Retrieve a legal hold policy.
This operation is performed by calling function getLegalHoldPolicyById
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
- legalHoldPolicyId
- The ID of the legal hold policy Example: "324432"
- headers
- Headers of getLegalHoldPolicyById method
This function returns a value of type LegalHoldPolicy
Returns a legal hold policy object.
Update legal hold policy.
This operation is performed by calling function updateLegalHoldPolicyById
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
client.getLegalHoldPolicies().updateLegalHoldPolicyById(legalHoldPolicyId, new UpdateLegalHoldPolicyByIdRequestBody.UpdateLegalHoldPolicyByIdRequestBodyBuilder().policyName(updatedLegalHoldPolicyName).build())
- legalHoldPolicyId
- The ID of the legal hold policy Example: "324432"
- requestBody
- Request body of updateLegalHoldPolicyById method
- headers
- Headers of updateLegalHoldPolicyById method
This function returns a value of type LegalHoldPolicy
Returns a new legal hold policy object.
Delete an existing legal hold policy.
This is an asynchronous process. The policy will not be fully deleted yet when the response returns.
This operation is performed by calling function deleteLegalHoldPolicyById
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
- legalHoldPolicyId
- The ID of the legal hold policy Example: "324432"
- headers
- Headers of deleteLegalHoldPolicyById method
This function returns a value of type void
A blank response is returned if the policy was successfully deleted.