Releases: box/box-java-sdk
- Search readme update (#506)
- Add option to pass file SHA-1 hash for upload integrity (#502)
- Events log limit (#507)
- Terms of Service (#484)
- Change wiremock port (#505)
- Delete redundant response.disconnect() from moveFolderToUser() (#485)
- Events readme patch (#503)
- Add missing webhook triggers to enum (#497)
- Fix MetadataTemplate.updateMetadataTemplate() type error (#498)
- Add missing event types to enum (#500)
- Add modified_at timestamp to BoxComment.Info (#501)
- Collaboration whitelists (#492)
- Trash empty body patch (#495)
- Adding support for indefinite Box file locking by allowing null expiration (#494)
- Additional test in response for Batch Api (#474)
- Fixing BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection - decryptPrivateKey() - PEMParser returns PrivateKeyInfo already - Invalid cast #470 (#471)
This release adds support for recent items API, new metadata template operations, storing external id for an app user and token exchange along with few minor changes
New Features:
Recents API: Recent Items returns information about files that have been accessed by a user not long ago. It keeps track of items that were accessed either in the last 90 days or the last 1000 items accessed (both conditions must be met).
New metadata template operations: We added support for 4 new metadata template change types: remove field, rekey field, remove enum option, and edit enum option
External App User ID: Apps can now store any unique external identifier for an app user which can be used to search for an app user
Token Exchange: Token Exchange is a mechanism to exchange a parent token (Managed/App User, Service Account or App Token) for a child token, which is scoped down to the the minimum set of required permissions so it can be securely sent down to the client without elevating client privileges.