All further changes to the plugin will be added to the changelog. On every plugin update - please check the file and what needs to be tested on your system.
If you have any question, just contact us at [email protected]
v3.0.0: 2020-10-02
v2.8.9: 2020-09-10
v2.8.8: 2020-08-26
v2.8.7: 2020-08-14
v2.8.0: 2020-05-18
v2.7.0: 2020-05-13
v2.6.4 : 2020-03-23
v2.6 : 2020-02-11
v2.0.0 : 2020-01-15
v1.6.7 : 2019-10-10
v1.6.6 : 2019-06-10
v1.6.5 : 2019-06-24
v1.6.4 : 2019-06-14
v1.6.3 : 2019-06-12
v1.6.2 : 2019-04-26
post-deployment integration test: test for the addToBasket TEMPLATE event; test for overlays; delta export test;
- Delta Export Updates
- description : The delta can be run either via Magento2 mview, cronjob or cli. When exported via cronjob/cli - the updated_at field is the base for check. The product parent & children are exported alike.
- commit :
- Tracker Updates
- description : The server-side addToBasket event is always tracked; JS addToBasket track via template Boxalino_Intelligence::script.phtml
- commit :
- Customer Export Fixes
- commit :
post-deployment integration test: test for the discountedPrice and system price values for different products types;
- Extended price export logic
- description : 2 new fields added for price export which reflect the Magento2 indexed content (min_price and final_price). The logic for discountedPrice has been changed as well to reflect the use of min_price when set.
- commit :
post-deployment integration test: test for the addToBasket event to be triggered from all the templates that display products;
- Disable the "addToBasket" server-side event when the Narrative JS is enabled
- description : The "addToBasket" event is no longer triggered server-side for the Narrative JS. Manual integration required in the e-shop theme. The addToBasket event has to be integrated by the client.
- commit :
- addToBasket track event for Narrative JS
- description : The script.phtml template has guideline logic on how the addToBasket event can be fired;
- integration : If your theme allows to buy configurable/grouped-products from the listing - the JS trigger requires updates.
- commit :
- Delta exporter fix for the batch size
- description : The batch size for delta set to 100.000; can be rewritten by the client.
- commit :
post-deployment integration test: test for the addToBasket event to be triggered from all the templates that display products;
- description : Improvements on how the addToBasket is tracked within/outside Boxalino response templates. Manual integration required in your e-shop theme. The addToBasket event has to be integrated by the client.
- integration steps : the list block and add-to-basket button requires to be updated
- Follow the sample markup showcasing 1 container with 1 item. If prior integration was done, update the add to basket button:
<div class="bx-narrative" data-bx-variant-uuid="<?php echo $this->getRequestUuid();?>" data-bx-narrative-name="products-list" data-bx-narrative-group-by="<?php echo $this->getRequestGroupBy();?>">
<div class="bx-narrative-item" data-bx-item-id="<?php echo $product->getId();?>">
/** product item **/
/** product add to basket **/
<input type="text" class="bx-basket-quantity">
<span class="bx-basket-currency">CHF</span>
<span class="bx-basket-price">77</span>
<button class="bx-basket-add">+</button>
If not all product blocks (recommendations, listing, etc) are returning Boxalino content, the following markup must be used for detached product items:
<div class="bx-narrative-item" data-bx-item-id="D">
<a href="">
<img src="">
<p>Detached item</p>
<input type="text" class="bx-basket-quantity">
<span class="bx-basket-price">CHF 32</span>
<button class="bx-basket-add">+</button>
post-deployment integration test: test the custom XML/CMS recommendations sliders/blocks; enable the narrative tracker (as described in the integration steps); update your custom narrative templates
description : A new tracker system can be enabled which will allow Boxalino to track the actions of your user on predefined response blocks (navigation, search, recommendations). Manual integration required in your e-shop theme.
integration steps :
1. Follow the sample markup showcasing 1 container with 1 item:
<div class="bx-narrative" data-bx-variant-uuid="<?php echo $this->getRequestUuid();?>" data-bx-narrative-name="products-list" data-bx-narrative-group-by="<?php echo $this->getRequestGroupBy();?>">
<div class="bx-narrative-item" data-bx-item-id="<?php echo $product->getId();?>">
/** product item **/
The following theme templates require to include the above sample (bx-narrative/bx-narrative-item classes & data-attributes):
- Magento_Catalog::product/list.phtml (search, navigation)
- Magento_Catalog::product/list/items.phtml (cross-sell/up-sell/related/etc)
Sample as done on recommendation.phtml:
Sample as done on a narrative:
2. Enable the narrative tracker via configuration: Boxalino Extension->General->Narrative Tracker->Enable. Save, clear cache and test.
3. Test: Once the tracker is presumably set up correctly the testing process can be simplified by entering debug-mode. Run the following script in your browser's console to enter debug-mode for the duration of the session.
_bxq.push(['debugCookie', true]);
4. Deploy your theme updates.
- integration steps : check out the templates rendering product collection; adapt them in your own theme if your project uses Boxalino blocks as visual element model
- test : narratives, product listing visual elements, simple product visual element
- description : Allows easily extensibility of default plugin behavior.
- commit :
- test : facets on navigation, search, narratives
- description : Allows easily extensibility of default plugin behavior.
- commits :
- test : navigation, search, overlay, banners, recommendations, product status
- description : Allows empty search requests. Enable via Magento Configurations.
- commits :
- description : Minor fixes for data exporter.
- commits :
- description : The new narrative origin block allows to group multiple narrative choices on a single page with isolated logic.
- commits :
- test : navigation, search, overlay, banners, recommendations
- description : If a search request has no product/blog matches, a widget is displayed. Enable via backend configurations Boxalino -> Recommendations -> No results
- commits :
- configuration path : "Boxalino -> Search-Navigation", tab "Advanced -> Custom sort option mapping"
- description : If your system has created custom logic/fields for sorting, it has to be used. Map your system field (used for sorting) to a Boxalino field.
- commits :
- description : For developers - use &boxalino_response=true OR boxalino_request=true as an URL parameter to see the content requested/returned by the SOLR index as JSON.
- description : Disabling all features by default; Check for navigation context (on category view);
- commits :
- commits :
- test : navigation, search, add to basket tracker
- description : Tested M2.3.2 and PHP7.2 compatibility
- commits :
- description : Update on add to cart tracker
- commits :
- test : php bin/magento setup:di:compile required
- description : Per default M2 behavior, the configurable product must appear disabled if the children are disabled
- commits :
- post-deploy step : php bin/magento setup:di:compile required
- description : The configured time for Exporter Scheduler should be set to store local time. The exporter run hour/times are saved in UTC. Logs updated to reflect both UTC and store locale time.
- commits :
- description : The package can be retrieved via a git pull after a composer install
- description : The DI requests for account validation, XML publish and archive export can return a timeout when the DI service is busy. This does not mean the process failed so the use-cases have been treated as warning/infos when debugging is needed.
- setup version : 1.0.3
- setup change : added new column to boxalino_export table to stash updated product IDs in between delta runs
- description : Exporter Scheduler is to be used to control the timing for delta exports: start-end hour for delta runs (ex: from 8am - 10pm), minimum time interval between 2 delta exports (in minutes)
- configuration path : "Stores -> Configuration -> Boxalino -> Exporter", tab "Scheduler".
- updates :
- The delta exports will only run in the configured time interval
- The full exporter can stop the delta exporter if it is running
- New event listener on catalog_category_save_after (to track product updates)
- Boxalino/Intelligence/Model/Indexer/BxIndexer has been removed
- Transactions exporter has been removed.
Default - "no": by default, the scheduler is disabled as crons are usually managed by the server.
- description : The exporter logs prefix has been changed from "bxLog" to "BxIndexLog"
- description : For the configured Boxalino Response Wait Time parameter, a logic exception will be fired (instead of LocalizedException). This is a normal accepted flow (the Boxalino DI server sends response once the archive was processed, which is longer than most server timeouts)
Page number can not be non-numeric (input required by the solr engine). The Magento default will be used as a fallback strategy.