Package goerr adds additional error handling capabilities to go.
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package main
import (
// Simple re-useable error types can be defined like this.
// This is essentially the same as "errors.New()" but creates a `*goerr.Error`.
var errFoo = goerr.New("expecting 123456789")
func crash1(abc string) error {
if err := crash2(abc + "456"); err != nil {
// Use Wrap anywhere you would normally return an error
// This will both store stackframe information and wrap the error
return goerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
func crash2(abc string) error {
if err := crash3(abc + "7810"); err != nil {
return goerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
func crash3(abc string) error {
if abc != "123456789" {
// Additional context messages can be added to the trace.
// These messages should be human friendly and when prefixed
// to the existing error message should read like a sentence.
return goerr.Wrap(errFoo, "crash3 received "+abc)
return nil
func main() {
if err := crash1("123"); err != nil {
Running the above will output something similar to:
crash3 received 1234567810: expecting 123456789
return goerr.Wrap(errFoo, "crash3 received "+abc)
return goerr.Wrap(err)
return goerr.Wrap(err)
Also see further working examples under: