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Differences from Ruby Sass

Dart Sass was created and architected by Natalie Weizenbaum, the lead designer and developer of Ruby Sass. Its architecture is informed by lessons learned from working on the Ruby implementation, and as such differs in a number of key ways. This document is intended to record the differences and to act as a guide to Dart Sass for developers familiar with Ruby Sass.

  1. The biggest difference is that Dart Sass intentionally tries to minimize the number of whole-stylesheet compilation phases. Ruby Sass loses a lot of time to the raw mechanics of AST traversal, so minimizing that should produce enough benefit to offset the more complex code.

    The parse phase and the CSS serialization phase both still exist and do more or less the same thing as in Ruby Sass. However, the perform, cssize, and extend phases are now a single perform phase. This phase executes SassScript and builds the final CSS syntax tree from the resulting information. Extends and bubbling are applied as the tree is being created.

    The nesting verification phases have been removed in favor of more thorough parser-based checking for appropriate nesting, as well as dynamic valid-parent checks in the perform phase where necessary.

  2. Dart Sass uses entirely separate abstract syntax trees for the Sass input than for the CSS output, rather than having some node types shared between them. This better models the fact that the data being consumed from the user is very different than the data being emitted. In particular, the input data often has SassScript in places where the output needs to rely on plain CSS for proper formatting.

  3. The Sass abstract syntax tree is immutable. This is enabled in part by #2, since there's no need to set resolved data on a node that was not previously resolved. Immutability makes code dealing with the AST much easier to reason about and consequently to refactor.

    The CSS AST, however, is mutable. This is necessary to avoid duplicating all the data in the tree when converting it to an immutable form. This is especially important because bubbling behavior requires that nodes either be inserted or removed from between existing children. We may still use interfaces to expose only an immutable view of the CSS AST after construction, though.

  4. There's no distinction between the statement-level parser and the expression-level parser. This distinction in Ruby Sass was an artifact of the original indented-syntax-only implementation and didn't really provide any utility.

  5. The parser is character-based rather than regular-expression-based. This is faster due to Dart's well-tuned support for integers, and it gives developers finer control over the precise workings of the parser.

  6. The parser is more switch-based and less recursion-based. The Ruby Sass parser's methods returned a value or nil, and much of its logic was based on trying to consume one production and moving on to another if the first returned nil. This makes parsing tend towards O(n) in the number of productions. The Dart Sass parser instead checks the first character (or several characters if necessary) and chooses which production to consume based on those.

  7. The indented syntax parser and the SCSS parser are subclasses of the same superclass. This substantially reduces the amount of duplicated code between the two, and makes it easier to give the indented parser good error messaging and source span tracking.

  8. The environment uses an array of maps to track variable (and eventually function and mixin) definitions. This requires fewer allocations and produces more cache locality.

  9. Because extension is done during the creation of the CSS AST, it works differently than the Ruby implementation. Ruby builds a collection of all @extend directives, and then iterates over the tree applying them to each selector as applicable. The perform visitor has similar behavior when extending selectors that appear after the @extend, but it also needs to handle selectors that appear before. To do so, it builds a map of simple selectors to the rules that contain them. When an @extend is encountered, it indexes into this map to determine if anything needs to be extended, and applies the extend as needed.

  10. Newlines in selectors are tracked using a ComplexSelector.lineBreak rather than being included in the complex selector's components directly. The presence of this flag indicates that a newline should be written before the selector. This ensures that the components contain only semantically-meaningful objects, rather than a mix of semantics and style that must be parsed out. In addition, newlines are never preserved within complex selectors; in general, selectors should be short enough that this isn't an issue.