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Releases: braze-inc/braze-swift-sdk-prebuilt-dynamic


04 Apr 18:29
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  • Adds early access for a third alternative repository which provides all Braze modules as mergeable XCFrameworks. For instructions on how to leverage it, refer to the repository README:
  • Adds a missing privacy manifest for BrazePushStory.
  • Fixes an invalid privacy manifest warning in BrazeLocation when submitting to the App Store as a dynamic XCFramework.
  • Fixes an issue where already enqueued in-app messages would not be removed from the stack after subsequent .reenqueue and .discard display actions.
  • Fixes an issue preventing retried requests from using an updated SDK authentication token until a new request was scheduled for processing.
  • Purchases, custom events, and nested custom user attributes can now include properties with values of any type conforming to BinaryInteger (Int64, UInt16, etc).
    • All values will be cast to Int before being logged.
    • This resolves an issue with a bugfix in 7.6.0.


19 Mar 19:07
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  • Fixes App Store validation issues when archiving with Xcode 15.3.


14 Mar 19:25
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  • Adds support for remotely starting Live Activities via push notifications.
  • Adds return values for existing liveActivities methods:
    • launchActivity(pushTokenTag:activity:) now returns a discardable Task<Void, Never>?.
  • Adds pushToStartTokens as a new tracking property type.


07 Mar 15:10
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  • Adds the is_test_send boolean value in the in-app message JSON representation.
  • Adds the Braze.subscribeToSessionUpdates(_:) method and Braze.sessionUpdatesStream property to subscribe to the session updates events generated by the SDK.
  • Adds public APIs to access BrazeKit, BrazeLocation and BrazeUI resources bundles:
    • Braze.Resources.bundle
    • BrazeLocationResources.bundle
    • BrazeUIResources.bundle
  • BrazeKit.overrideResourceBundle and BrazeUI.overrideResourceBundle have been deprecated in favor of BrazeKit.overrideResourcesBundle and BrazeUI.overrideResourcesBundle.
  • Re-enables visionOS sample apps requiring SDWebImage in Examples-CocoaPods.xcworkspace. SDWebImage for visionOS is now supported when using CocoaPods.
  • Updated SDWebImage dependency in BrazeUICompat to 5.19.0+.


14 Feb 20:02
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  • Fixes the reported SDK version, see 8.0.0.
  • Removes crash data from the BrazeKit privacy manifest. This data type is not collected by Braze.


12 Feb 21:50
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  • Compiles the SDK using Xcode version 15.2 (15C500b).
    • This also raises the minimum deployment targets to iOS 12.0 and tvOS 12.0.
  • The BrazeLocation class is now marked as unavailable. It was previously deprecated in favor of BrazeLocationProvider in 5.8.1.
  • Adds support for visionOS 1.0.
    • ⚠️ Rich push notifications and Push Stories may not display as expected on visionOS 1.0. We are monitoring the latest versions for potential fixes.
    • ⚠️ CocoaPods is not yet supported by SDWebImage for visionOS. visionOS sample apps requiring SDWebImage have been disabled in the Examples-CocoaPods.xcworkspace. Refer to the SwiftPM or manual integration Xcode project instead.


09 Feb 16:46
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  • Updates the prebuilt release assets to include the privacy manifest for manual integrations of SDWebImage.
  • Enhances support for language localizations.
    • Introduces a localization for Azerbaijani strings.
    • Updates Ukrainian localization strings for accuracy.
  • Fixes the default button placement for full in-app message views.
  • Fixes an issue where setting Braze.Configuration.Api.endpoint to a URL with invalid characters could cause a crash.
    • If the SDK is given an invalid endpoint, it will no longer attempt to make network requests and will instead log an error.
  • Fixes an issue preventing BrazeLocation from working correctly when using the dynamic XCFrameworks.


30 Jan 18:49
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  • Adds the Braze.InAppMessage.Data.isTestSend property, which indicates whether an in-app message was triggered as part of a test send.
  • Adds logic to separate Braze data into tracking and non-tracking requests.
    • Adds the following methods to set and edit the allow list for properties that will be used for tracking:
      • Braze.Configuration.Api.trackingPropertyAllowList: Set the initial allow list before initializing Braze.
      • Braze.updateTrackingAllowList(adding:removing:): Update the existing allow list during runtime.
    • For full usage details on these configurations, refer to our tutorial here.
  • Adds safeguards to prevent a rare race condition occuring in the SDK network layer.
  • Prevents in-app message test sends from attempting re-display after being discarded by a custom in-app message UI delegate.
  • Fixes an issue in the default Braze in-app message UI where some messages were not being removed from the stack after display.
  • Fixes the compilation of BrazeKitCompat and BrazeUICompat in Objective-C++ projects.
  • Fixes an issue in BrazeUICompat where the header text in Full or Modal in-app messages would be duplicated in place of the body text under certain conditions.
  • Fixes the encoding of values of types Float, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32 and UInt64. Those types were previously not supported in custom events and purchase properties.
  • Fixes an issue preventing purchase events from being logged when the product identifier has a leading dollar sign.
  • Fixes an issue preventing custom attributes from being logged when the attribute key has a leading dollar sign.


08 Jan 16:06
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  • Adds privacy manifests for BrazeKit and BrazeLocation to describe Braze's data collection policies. For more details, refer to Apple's documentation on privacy manifests.
    • More fine-tuned configurations to manage your data collection practices will be made available in a future release.
  • Adds the optInWhenPushAuthorized configuration property to specify whether a user's notification subscription state should automatically be set to optedIn when updating push permissions to authorized.
  • The WebKit Inspector developer tool is now enabled by default for all instances of BrazeInAppMessagesUI.HtmlView. It can be disabled by setting BrazeInAppMessagesUI.HtmlView.Attributes.allowInspector to false.
  • Fixes an issue with the code signatures of XCFrameworks introduced in 7.1.0.
  • Fixes a crash on tvOS devices running versions below 16.0, caused by the absence of the UIApplication.openNotificationSettingsURLString symbol in those OS versions.
  • Fixes an issue where a content card would not display if the value under "Redirect to Web URL" was an empty string.
  • Fixes incorrect behavior in BrazeUI where tapping the body of a Full or Modal in-app message with buttons and an "Image Only" layout would dismiss that message and process the button's click action.
    • Tapping the body will now be a no-op, bringing parity with other platforms.


12 Dec 18:04
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  • Adds two alternative repositories to support specialized integration options. For instructions on how to leverage them, refer to their respective READMEs:
  • In-App Message assets from URLs containing the query parameter cache=false will not be prefetched.
  • Fixes XCFrameworks headers to use the #import syntax instead of @import for compatibility with Objective-C++ contexts.
  • Fixes the push token tag validation during Live Activity registration, accepting strings up to 256 bytes instead of 255 bytes.
  • Braze.ContentCards.unviewedCards no longer includes Control cards to bring parity with Android and Web.
  • Fixes an Objective-C metaclass crash that occurs when initializing a custom subclass of certain BrazeUI views.