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File metadata and controls

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Benerator domains are a vehicle for defining, bundling and reusing domain specific data generation, e.g. for personal data, addresses, internet, banking, telecom. They may be localized to specific languages and be grouped to hierarchical datasets, e.g. for continents, countries and regions.

Benerator comes packaged with several domains that have simple implementation of specific data generation and may serve as a base for deriving own specific data generation domains:

  • person: Data related to a person

  • address: Data related to contacting a person by post

  • net: Internet and network related data

  • finance: finance data

  • organization: Organization data

  • product: Product-related data

person domain

The person domain has three major components:

  • PersonGenerator: Generates Person beans

  • AcademicTitleGenerator: Generates academic titles

  • NobilityTitleGenerator: Generates nobility titles

  • GivenNameGenerator: Generates given names

  • FamilyNameGenerator: Generates family names

  • BirthDateGenerator: Generates birth dates

  • GenderGenerator: Generates Gender values. The generated gender can be one of the values MALE, FEMALE and DIVERSE. The generator is configured with the properties femaleQuotaand diverseQuota.

  • EmailAddressGenerator: Generates Email addresses

  • GenderConverter: Converts Gender values to predefined strings

  • TIN: Marks a Java attribute or property as a European Tax Identification Number

  • TINGenerator: Creates European Tax Identification Numbers

  • TINValidator: Validates European Tax Identification Numbers


Creates Person beans to be used for prototype-based data generation. It can be configured with dataset and locale property. The generated Person JavaBeans exhibits the properties salutation, title (both locale-dependent), givenName, familyName (both dataset-dependent), gender, birthDate, age. If the chosen dataset definition provides name weights, benerator generates person names according to their statistical probability. Of course, gender, salutation and givenName are consistent.

You can use the PersonGenerator like this:

<import domains="person"/>

<generate type="user" count="5" consumer="ConsoleExporter">
    <variable name="person" generator="PersonGenerator" dataset="FR" locale="fr" />
    <attribute name="salutation" source="person.salutation" />
    <attribute name="name" script="{person.givenName +' '+ person.familyName}}" />

to get output similar to this:

user[salutation=Mr, name=David Morel]
user[salutation=Mr, name=Robert Robert]
user[salutation=Mr, name=Eric Morel]
user[salutation=Mr, name=Patrick Lefebvre]
user[salutation=Mme, name=Helene Fournier]

PersonGenerator Properties

The PersonGenerator can be configured with several properties:

Property Description Default Value
dataset Either a region name or the two-letter-ISO-code of a country, e.g. US for the USA. See 'Advanced Topics > Region nesting' The user's default country
locale Two-letter-ISO-code of the language in which to create salutation and titles, e.g. en for English The user's default language
minAgeYears The minimum age of generated persons 15
maxAgeYears The maximum age of generated persons 105
femaleQuota The quota of generated women (1 → 100%) 0.5
nobleQuota The quota of generated noble persons (1 → 100%) 0.005

Person Class

The Person class has the following properties:

property name type property description
salutation String Salutation (e.g. Mr/Mrs)
academicTitle String Academic title (e.g. Dr)
nobilityTitle String Nobility title (like Duke)
givenName String Given name ('first name' in western countries)
secondGivenName String An eventual second given name
familyName String Family name ('surname' in western countries)
gender Gender Gender (MALE or FEMALE)
birthDate Date Birth date
age Integer actual age
email String eMail address
locale Locale Language of the person instance (used e.g. for salutation)

Supported countries

country code remarks
Austria AT most common 120 given names with absolute weight, most common 40 family names with absolute weight
Australia AU most common 40 given names (unweighted), most common 20 family names with absolute weight
Brazil BR most common 100 given names (unweighted), most common 29 family names (unweighted)
Canada CA most common 80 given names (unweighted), most common 20 family names (unweighted). No coupling between given name locale and family name locale
Switzerland CH most common 30 given names with absolute weight, most common 20 family names with absolute weight
Czech Republic CZ most common 20 given names with absolute weight, most common 20 family names with absolute weight. Female surnames are supported.
Spain ES most common 40 given names (unweighted), most common 40 family names with absolute weight
Finland FI most common 785 given names (unweighted), most common 448 family names (unweighted)
France FR most common 100 given names (unweighted), most common 25 family names with relative weight
Germany DE most common 1998 given names with absolute weight, most common 3421 family names with absolute weight2
Israel IL 264 given names (unweighted), most common 30 family names with relative weight
India IN most common 155 given names (unweighted), most common 50 family names (unweighted)
Italy IT most common 60 given names (unweighted), most common 20 family names (unweighted)
Japan JP Kanji letters. Most common 109 given names (unweighted), most common 50 family names with absolute weight
Netherlands NL 3228 given names (unweighted), most common 10 family names with absolute weight
Norway NO most common 300 given names (unweighted), most common 100 family names with absolute weight
Poland PL most common 67 given names with absolute weight, most common 20,000 family names with absolute weight. Female surnames are supported.
Russia RU Cyrillic letters. Most common 33 given names with relative weight, most common 20 family names with relative weight. Female surnames are supported.
Sweden SE 779 given names (unweighted), most common 22 family names with relative weight
Turkey TR 1077 given names (unweighted), 37 family names (unweighted)
United Kingdom GB most common 20 given (unweighted), most common 25 family names (unweighted)
USA US most common 600 given names and most common 1000 family names both with absolute weight

Your use-cases are more sophisticated and require additional countries, cities or valid addresses down to street level and number, check our Benerator Editions or feel free to contact us for assistance: [email protected].

Address domain

  • AddressGenerator: Generates addresses that match simple validity checks: The City exists, the ZIP code matches and the phone number area codes are right. The street names are random, so most addresses will not stand validation of real existence.

  • PhoneNumberGenerator: Generates landline telephone numbers for a country

  • MobilePhoneNumberGenerator: Generates mobile phone numbers for a country

  • CountryGenerator: Generates countries

  • CountryCode2: Annotation that marks a Java attribute or property as ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code

  • CountryCode2Validator: Java Bean Validation ConstraintValidator for ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 codes

  • CityGenerator: Generates Cities for a given country

  • StreetNameGenerator: Generates street names for a given country

  • PostalCodeValidator: Validates if a given postal code is valid in a given country

The following countries are supported:

country code remarks
USA US Valid ZIP codes and area codes, no assurance that the street exists in this city.
United Kingdom GB Valid area codes, no postcodes, no assurance that the street exists in this city or the local phone number has the appropriate length. Contributions are welcome
Germany DE Valid ZIP codes and area codes, no assurance that the street exists in this city or the local phone number has the appropriate length
Switzerland CH Valid ZIP codes and area codes, no assurance that the street exists in this city or the local phone number has the appropriate length
Brazil BR Valid ZIP codes and area codes, no assurance that the street exists in this city or the local phone number has the appropriate length

The generated Address objects have the following data fields:

  • street: The regular street address

  • street2: Additions to the street address, like c/o or postbox

  • postalCode: the postal code

  • city: A reference to a City object, which can be navigated and queried by a script expression, for example {}

  • state: A reference to a State object, which can be navigated and queried by a script expression, for example {}

  • country: A reference to a Country object, which can be navigated and queried by a script expression, for example {}

  • privatePhone, officePhone, mobilePhone and fax: References to PhoneNumber objects, which can be navigated and queried by a script expression

  • organization and department: Names of an organization and a department.

net domain

The net domain provides the

  • DomainGenerator, which generates Internet domain names

organization domain

Provides the following generators:

  • CompanyNameGenerator, a generator for company names.

  • DepartmentNameGenerator, a generator for department names

If you use the CompanyNameGenerator like this:

<import domains="organization" />

<generate type="company" count="5" consumer="ConsoleExporter">
    <attribute name="name" generator="CompanyNameGenerator" dataset="DE" locale="de_DE"/>

you get output like this:

company[name=Belanda Aktiengesellschaft &amp; Co. KG]
company[name=MyWare Technologies GmbH]
company[name=WebBox AG]
company[name=Altis AG]
company[name=Ernst Fischer Technik GmbH]

Company names can be generated for the following countries:

country code remarks
Germany DE none
USA US none

The Generator creates objects of type CompanyName, consisting of shortName, sector, location and ** legalForm** information. You can make use of the object as a whole which is converted to a string automatically using the 'fullName' version as shown in the example above. But you can also make direct use of the basic properties:

<import domains="organization" />

<generate type="company" count="5" consumer="ConsoleExporter">
    <variable name="c" generator="CompanyNameGenerator" dataset="DE" locale="de_DE"/>
    <attribute name="name" script="c.shortName + ' ' + c.legalForm" />

finance domain

Generates and validates finance related data:

The following classes are provided:

  • BankAccountGenerator: Generates BankAccount JavaBeans

  • BankAccountValidator: Validates BankAccount JavaBeans

  • CreditCardNumberGenerator: Generates strings which represent credit card numbers

  • CreditCardNumberValidator: Validates strings as credit card numbers

  • IBAN: Annotation for Java Bean Validation, marking a Java attribute/property as IBAN

  • IBANValidator: Validates strings with IBANs

product domain

The product package provides you with Generator classes for EAN codes:

  • EAN8Generator: Generates 8-digit EAN codes

  • EAN8: Annotation that marks a Java attribute or property as 8-digit-EAN for bean validation

  • EAN8Validator: Validates 8-digit EAN codes

  • EAN13Generator: Generates 13-digit EAN codes

  • EAN13: Annotation that marks a Java attribute or property as 13-digit-EAN for bean validation

  • EAN13Validator: Validates 13-digit EAN codes

  • EANGenerator: Generates both 8-digit and 13-digit EAN codes

  • EAN: Annotation that marks a Java attribute or property as an EAN for bean validation

  • EANValidator: Validates 8- and 13-digit-EAN codes

Each generator has a property 'unique': If set to true the generator assures that no two identical EAN codes are generated.

br domain

Provides classes specific to Brazil:

  • CPNJ: Annotation to mark a Java attribute or property as a CPNJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica)

  • CPNJGenerator: Generates CPNJs

  • CPNJValidator: Validates CPNJs and can be used as Benerator validator and as ConstraintValidator in Java Bean Validation (JSR 303)

  • CPF: Annotation to mark a Java attribute or property as a CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Fisica)

  • CPFGenerator: Generates CPFs

  • CPFValidator: Validates CPFs

us domain

Provides classes specific for the United States of America:

  • SSN: Annotation to mark a Java attribute or property as a Social Security Number

  • SSNGenerator: Generates Social Security Numbers

  • SSNValidator: Validates Social Security Numbers and can be used as Benerator validator and as ConstraintValidator in Java Bean Validation (JSR 303)

faker domain

The faker package provides the Generator class with library base on Java Faker (as well as Perl's Data::Faker library)

  • FakerGenerator : Generates data for many topics such as book, food, music...

Because this Generator has many topics, each topic has many properties, you have to choose topic and property and put it into the 'generator' as parameters (like this generator="new FakerGenerator('topic'','property')").

Some topics have different data which base on the locale, you can change it by manual setting 'locale'.

You can use the FakerGenerator like this:

<import domains="faker"/>

<generate type="data" count="5" consumer="ConsoleExporter">
    <attribute name="name" generator="new FakerGenerator('name','fullName')" locale="en_US"/>
    <attribute name="HarryPotter" generator="new FakerGenerator('harryPotter','character')" locale="en"/>
    <attribute name="dinner" type="string" generator="new FakerGenerator('food','dish')" locale="de_CH"/>

to get output similar to this:

data[name=Maira Lubowitz MD, HarryPotter=Pomona Sprout, dinner=French Fries with Sausages]
data[name=Mr. Josue Kreiger, HarryPotter=Fang, dinner=Chicken Milanese]
data[name=Henry Skiles, HarryPotter=Parvati Patil, dinner=Scotch Eggs]
data[name=Minda Breitenberg, HarryPotter=Helga Hufflepuff, dinner=Lasagne]
data[name=Nakita Schamberger, HarryPotter=Aragog, dinner=Poke]

Supported topics:

FakerGenerator can generate data for the following topics (with properties):

Topic: address

Property name Type
state String
country String
lastName String
firstName String
streetName String
zipCode String
stateAbbr String
citySuffix String
cityPrefix String
city String
cityName String
latitude String
longitude String
timeZone String
streetAddressNumber String
streetAddress String
secondaryAddress String
streetSuffix String
streetPrefix String
countryCode String
buildingNumber String
fullAddress String

Topic: ancient

Property name Type
god String
primordial String
titan String
hero String

Topic: animal

Property name Type
name String

Topic: app

Property name Type
name String
version String
author String

Topic: aquaTeenHungerForce

Property name Type
character String

Topic: artist

Property name Type
name String

Topic: avatar

Property name Type
image String

Topic: aviation

Property name Type
aircraft String
airport String
METAR String

Topic: backToTheFuture

Property name Type
character String
quote String
date String

Topic: beer

Property name Type
name String
style String
hop String
yeast String
malt String

Topic: book

Property name Type
genre String
title String
author String
publisher String

Topic: bool

Property name Type
bool boolean

Topic: buffy

Property name Type
characters String
quotes String
bigBads String
episodes String
celebrities String

Topic: business

Property name Type
creditCardNumber String
creditCardType String
creditCardExpiry String

Topic: cat

Property name Type
name String
registry String
breed String

Topic: chuckNorris

Property name Type
fact String

Topic: code

Property name Type
asin String
isbnGs1 String
isbnGroup String
isbn10 String
isbn13 String
imei String
ean8 String
gtin8 String
ean13 String
gtin13 String
isbnRegistrant String

Topic: color

Property name Type
name String
hex String

Topic: commerce

Property name Type
color String
department String
material String
price String
productName String
promotionCode String

Topic: company

Property name Type
name String
bs String
suffix String
url String
industry String
profession String
buzzword String
logo String
catchPhrase String

Topic: country

Property name Type
name String
flag String
currencyCode String
currency String
capital String
countryCode2 String
countryCode3 String

Topic: crypto

Property name Type
md5 String
sha1 String
sha256 String
sha512 String

Topic: currency

Property name Type
name String
code String

Topic: date

Property name Type
birthday Date

Topic: demographic

Property name Type
race String
demonym String
sex String
educationalAttainment String
maritalStatus String

Topic: dog

Property name Type
name String
size String
breed String
sound String
memePhrase String
age String
coatLength String
gender String

Topic: dragonBall

Property name Type
character String

Topic: dune

Property name Type
character String
quote String
title String
planet String
saying String

Topic: educator

Property name Type
university String
course String
campus String
secondarySchool String

Topic: elderScrolls

Property name Type
quote String
region String
lastName String
firstName String
city String
race String
dragon String
creature String

Topic: esports

Property name Type
event String
game String
player String
league String
team String

Topic: file

Property name Type
fileName String
extension String
mimeType String

Topic: finance

Property name Type
creditCard String
bic String
iban String

Topic: food

Property name Type
ingredient String
spice String
dish String
fruit String
vegetable String
sushi String
measurement String

Topic: friends

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String

Topic: funnyName

Property name Type
name String

Topic: gameOfThrones

Property name Type
character String
quote String
city String
dragon String
house String

Topic: hacker

Property name Type
adjective String
noun String
verb String
ingverb String
abbreviation String

Topic: harryPotter

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String
book String
spell String
house String

Topic: hipster

Property name Type
word String

Topic: hitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String
planet String
specie String
starship String
marvinQuote String

Topic: hobbit

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String
thorinsCompany String

Topic: howIMetYourMother

Property name Type
character String
quote String
highFive String
catchPhrase String

Topic: idNumber

Property name Type
valid String
invalid String
ssnValid String
validSvSeSsn String
invalidSvSeSsn String

Topic: internet

Property name Type
url String
image String
domainName String
domainWord String
password String
macAddress String
ipV4Cidr String
ipV6Cidr String
slug String
uuid String
avatar String
emailAddress String
safeEmailAddress String
domainSuffix String
ipV4Address String
privateIpV4Address String
publicIpV4Address String
ipV6Address String
userAgentAny String

Topic: job

Property name Type
position String
field String
title String
seniority String
keySkills String

Topic: leagueOfLegends

Property name Type
location String
quote String
champion String
masteries String
rank String
summonerSpell String

Topic: lebowski

Property name Type
character String
quote String
actor String

Topic: lordOfTheRings

Property name Type
location String
character String

Topic: lorem

Property name Type
character char
word String
words List<String>
characters String
sentence String
paragraph String

Topic: matz

Property name Type
quote String

Topic: medical

Property name Type
symptoms String
medicineName String
diseaseName String
hospitalName String

Topic: music

Property name Type
key String
chord String
genre String
instrument String

Topic: name

Property name Type
name String
prefix String
suffix String
lastName String
fullName String
firstName String
title String
username String
bloodGroup String
nameWithMiddle String

Topic: nation

Property name Type
flag String
language String
nationality String
capitalCity String

Topic: number

Property name Type
digit String
randomDigit int
randomDigitNotZero int
randomNumber long

Topic: overwatch

Property name Type
location String
quote String
hero String

Topic: phoneNumber

Property name Type
extension String
cellPhone String
phoneNumber String
subscriberNumber String

Topic: pokemon

Property name Type
name String
location String

Topic: princessBride

Property name Type
character String
quote String

Topic: programmingLanguage

Property name Type
name String
creator String

Topic: relationships

Property name Type
parent String
direct String
any String
extended String
inLaw String
spouse String
sibling String

Topic: rickAndMorty

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String

Topic: robin

Property name Type
quote String

Topic: rockBand

Property name Type
name String

Topic: shakespeare

Property name Type
hamletQuote String
asYouLikeItQuote String
kingRichardIIIQuote String
romeoAndJulietQuote String

Topic: slackEmoji

Property name Type
people String
nature String
activity String
custom String
emoji String
foodAndDrink String
celebration String
travelAndPlaces String
objectsAndSymbols String

Topic: space

Property name Type
planet String
moon String
galaxy String
nebula String
star String
agency String
meteorite String
company String
starCluster String
constellation String
agencyAbbreviation String
nasaSpaceCraft String
distanceMeasurement String

Topic: starTrek

Property name Type
location String
character String
specie String
villain String

Topic: stock

Property name Type
nsdqSymbol String
nyseSymbol String

Topic: superhero

Property name Type
name String
prefix String
suffix String
descriptor String
power String

Topic: team

Property name Type
name String
state String
sport String
creature String

Topic: twinPeaks

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String

Topic: university

Property name Type
name String
prefix String
suffix String

Topic: weather

Property name Type
description String
temperatureCelsius String
temperatureFahrenheit String

Topic: witcher

Property name Type
location String
character String
quote String
school String
monster String
witcher String

Topic: yoda

Property name Type
quote String

Topic: zelda

Property name Type
character String
game String

Supported Locales

Language code
Bulgarian bg
Catalan ca, ca_CAT, da_DK
German de, de_AT, de_CH
English en, en_AU, en_au_ocker, en_BORK, en_CA, en_GB, en_IND, en_MS, en_NEP, en_NG, en_NZ, en_PAK, en_SG, en_UG, en_US, en_ZA
Spanish es, es_MX
Finnish fi_FI
French fr
Hungarian hu
Indonesian in_ID
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Norwegian Bokmål nb_NO
Dutch nl
Polish pl
Portuguese pt, pt_BR
Russian ru
Slovak sk
Swedish sv, sv_SE
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Vietnamese vi
Chinese zh_CN, zh_TW