Please install directly from PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module -Name Idempotion
Idempotion is a PowerShell module designed to allow use of DSC resources as imperative commands.
The idempotent nature of DSC resources is sometimes desirable in a scenario where generating static configurations tied to a specific node doesn't make sense.
Idempotion allows you to use existing, well-tested logic as part of scripts so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Essentially it turns this:
Invoke-DscResource -Name File -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Method Set -Property @{ DestinationPath = 'C:\Folder\File.txt' ; Contents = 'Hello' }
into this:
Set-File -DestinationPath 'C:\Folder\File.txt -Contents 'Hello'
Or even better, it turns this:
$params = @{
DestinationPath = 'C:\Folder\File.txt'
Contents = 'Hello'
if (-not (Invoke-DscResource -Name File -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Method Test -Property $params)) {
Invoke-DscResource -Name File -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Method Set -Property $params
Into this:
Update-File -DestinationPath 'C:\Folder\File.txt -Contents 'Hello'
- Mock
support (Invoke-DscResource
cannot use-WhatIf
) - All commands returned in a module for ease of use and namespace issues (
) - Overridable template for generated functions
- Control which verb(s) you want generated, and which properties of the resource become parameters
- Generate functions as a string for injection into remote sessions or saving to a file
Need to check whether a system has a pending reboot? There's a DSC Module for that (xPendingReboot) that checks 5 different locations in the system where a pending reboot might be set. But what if you need that functionality in a script?
Import-Module -Name Idempotion
Get-DscResource -Name xPendingReboot | Convert-DscResourceToCommand -ExcludeVerb Set,Update -Verbose -Import
# This resource takes a -Name parameter that is useless outside of DSC
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*-xPendingReboot:Name' = 'Unused' }
# All the checks
# Testing
if (-not (Test-xPendingReboot)) {
throw 'Your computer requires a reboot.'
# Here we don't care about a pending file rename
if (-not (Test-xPendingReboot -SkipPendingFileRename $true)) {
# etc.
The parameters come directly from the properties of the DSC resource. Try it with -Verbose
to see the full DSC-style output; saving you from writing additional logging code.
More documentation coming soon.