The project is a browser based song collaboration tool. Users can sign up and record tracks within the browser and add them to a song project.
- Project Manager: Britt
- Quality Assurance: Mihran
- Front End Lead: Tea
- Mascot: Remy the Dog
As a user....I want to sign up to beatcove so I have my own personal account.
As a user....I want to log in with a password so that I alone can build on my work and use the app under my own account.
As a user....I want to log out so that I can access my music on a public machine and others can't upload lame tracks under my name.
As a user....I want to create a song project so that I can build a song with collaborators.
As a user....I want to be able to add collaborators to my project.
As a user....I want to be able to see all of the projects I'm working on if I got to my userpage so I don't neglect any projects.
As a user....I want to be able to see all collaborators so I can keep track of who I'm working with.
As a user....I want to record tracks within a song project using the app so that I can contribute to a project.
As a user....I want unique responsibilities and capabilities if I created a song project so that I can delete tracks and invite collaborators.
As a user....I want to playback a specific track so I can listen to its quality.
As a user....I want to playback all tracks simultaneously so I can listen to how they sound together.
As a user....I want to select specific tracks for playback simultaneously so I can hear multiple parts (but not necessarily all parts) together.
As a user....I want to be able to record along with a track I'm currently listening to.
As a user....I want to be able to share a link to our song project (with limitations) via a social media site.
As a user....I want to see how many times a project has been viewed.
html5 web audio api (basic playback)
sound manager 2 (js lib -- advanced playback)
soundcloud api (sharing final product / tracks)
sound.js (js lib -- abstracts web audio api, may be useful if the default interface proves to be unweildy)
recorder.js (js lib -- returns raw wav file with customization options for file specs)
omniauth (ruby gem -- facebook login)
figaro (ruby gem -- api key management)
###dev env
- pry-rails / better_errors (ruby gems -- debugging)
heroku (server hosting)
aws s3 (storing static assets, ie tracks & songs)