diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changelog.xml b/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changelog.xml
index b61fd8c4f2..63388b999a 100644
--- a/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changelog.xml
+++ b/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changelog.xml
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changesets/20240910_entity_json_support.xml b/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changesets/20240910_entity_json_support.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d344e808a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/resources/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/liquibase/changesets/20240910_entity_json_support.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_entity_insert ~
+ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_entity_update ~
+ if new.attributes is not null then
+ (id, workspace_id, entity_type, attribute_keys, last_updated)
+ (new.id, new.workspace_id, new.entity_type, JSON_KEYS(new.attributes), now(3));
+ end if ~
+ -- is this row soft-deleted?
+ if old.deleted = 0 and new.deleted = 1 then
+ elseif new.attributes is not null then
+ -- compare old keys to new keys; update the ENTITY_KEYS table only if they are different
+ set @new_keys := JSON_KEYS(new.attributes);
+ set @old_keys := JSON_KEYS(old.attributes);
+ if JSON_LENGTH(@new_keys) != JSON_LENGTH(@old_keys) OR JSON_CONTAINS(@new_keys, @old_keys) = 0 then
+ UPDATE ENTITY_KEYS SET attribute_keys=@new_keys, last_updated=now(3)
+ WHERE id = new.id;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ END ~
+ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_entity_insert;
+ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_entity_update;
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/DataAccess.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/DataAccess.scala
index 264f446d5d..5d99e9a9d0 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/DataAccess.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/DataAccess.scala
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ trait DataAccess
with RawlsBillingProjectComponent
with WorkspaceComponent
with EntityComponent
+ with JsonEntityComponent
with AttributeComponent
with MethodConfigurationComponent
with SubmissionComponent
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/JsonEntityComponent.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/JsonEntityComponent.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..433c200e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/dataaccess/slick/JsonEntityComponent.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+package org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.slick
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.RawlsException
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.Attributable.AttributeMap
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.WorkspaceJsonSupport._
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model._
+import slick.jdbc._
+import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
+import spray.json._
+import java.sql.Timestamp
+import java.util.{Date, UUID}
+import scala.language.postfixOps
+ * model class for rows in the ENTITY table, used for high-level Slick operations
+ */
+case class JsonEntitySlickRecord(id: Long,
+ name: String,
+ entityType: String,
+ workspaceId: UUID,
+ recordVersion: Long,
+ deleted: Boolean,
+ deletedDate: Option[Timestamp],
+ attributes: Option[String]
+) {
+ def toEntity: Entity =
+ Entity(name, entityType, attributes.getOrElse("{}").parseJson.convertTo[AttributeMap])
+ * model class for rows in the ENTITY table, used for low-level raw SQL operations
+ */
+// TODO AJ-2008: handle the all_attribute_values column?
+// TODO AJ-2008: probably don't need deletedDate here
+case class JsonEntityRecord(id: Long,
+ name: String,
+ entityType: String,
+ workspaceId: UUID,
+ recordVersion: Long,
+ deleted: Boolean,
+ deletedDate: Option[Timestamp],
+ attributes: JsValue
+) {
+ def toEntity: Entity =
+ Entity(name, entityType, attributes.convertTo[AttributeMap])
+ def toSlick: JsonEntitySlickRecord =
+ JsonEntitySlickRecord(id,
+ name,
+ entityType,
+ workspaceId,
+ recordVersion,
+ deleted,
+ deletedDate,
+ Some(attributes.compactPrint)
+ )
+ * abbreviated model for rows in the ENTITY table when we don't need all the columns
+ */
+case class JsonEntityRefRecord(id: Long, name: String, entityType: String)
+ * model class for rows in the ENTITY_REFS table
+ */
+case class RefPointerRecord(fromId: Long, toId: Long)
+ * companion object for constants, etc.
+ */
+object JsonEntityComponent {
+ // the length of the all_attribute_values column, which is TEXT, minus a few bytes because i'm nervous
+ val allAttributeValuesColumnSize = 65532
+ * Slick component for reading/writing JSON-based entities
+ */
+trait JsonEntityComponent extends LazyLogging {
+ this: DriverComponent =>
+ import slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile.api._
+ // json codec for entity attributes
+ implicit val attributeFormat: AttributeFormat = new AttributeFormat with PlainArrayAttributeListSerializer
+ /** high-level Slick table for ENTITY */
+ class JsonEntityTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[JsonEntitySlickRecord](tag, "ENTITY") {
+ def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
+ def name = column[String]("name", O.Length(254))
+ def entityType = column[String]("entity_type", O.Length(254))
+ def workspaceId = column[UUID]("workspace_id")
+ def version = column[Long]("record_version")
+ def deleted = column[Boolean]("deleted")
+ def deletedDate = column[Option[Timestamp]]("deleted_date")
+ def attributes = column[Option[String]]("attributes")
+ // TODO AJ-2008: are these useful?
+ // def workspace = foreignKey("FK_ENTITY_WORKSPACE", workspaceId, workspaceQuery)(_.id)
+ // def uniqueTypeName = index("idx_entity_type_name", (workspaceId, entityType, name), unique = true)
+ def * =
+ (id, name, entityType, workspaceId, version, deleted, deletedDate, attributes) <> (JsonEntitySlickRecord.tupled,
+ JsonEntitySlickRecord.unapply
+ )
+ }
+ /** high-level Slick table for ENTITY_REFS */
+ class JsonEntityRefTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[RefPointerRecord](tag, "ENTITY_REFS") {
+ def fromId = column[Long]("from_id")
+ def toId = column[Long]("to_id")
+ def * =
+ (fromId, toId) <> (RefPointerRecord.tupled, RefPointerRecord.unapply)
+ }
+ /** high-level Slick query object for ENTITY */
+ object jsonEntityRefSlickQuery extends TableQuery(new JsonEntityRefTable(_)) {}
+ /** high-level Slick query object for ENTITY_REFS */
+ object jsonEntitySlickQuery extends TableQuery(new JsonEntityTable(_)) {}
+ /** low-level raw SQL queries for ENTITY */
+ object jsonEntityQuery extends RawSqlQuery {
+ val driver: JdbcProfile = JsonEntityComponent.this.driver
+ // read a json column from the db and translate into a JsValue
+ implicit val GetJsValueResult: GetResult[JsValue] = GetResult(r => r.nextString().parseJson)
+ // write a JsValue to the database by converting it to a string (the db column is still JSON)
+ implicit object SetJsValueParameter extends SetParameter[JsValue] {
+ def apply(v: JsValue, pp: PositionedParameters): Unit =
+ pp.setString(v.compactPrint)
+ }
+ // select id, name, entity_type, workspace_id, record_version, deleted, deleted_date, attributes
+ // into a JsonEntityRecord
+ implicit val getJsonEntityRecord: GetResult[JsonEntityRecord] =
+ GetResult(r => JsonEntityRecord(r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<, r.<<))
+ implicit val getJsonEntityRefRecord: GetResult[JsonEntityRefRecord] =
+ GetResult(r => JsonEntityRefRecord(r.<<, r.<<, r.<<))
+ /**
+ * Insert a single entity to the db
+ */
+ // TODO AJ-2008: return Entity instead of JsonEntityRecord?
+ def createEntity(workspaceId: UUID, entity: Entity): ReadWriteAction[Int] = {
+ val attributesJson: JsValue = entity.attributes.toJson
+ sqlu"""insert into ENTITY(name, entity_type, workspace_id, record_version, deleted, attributes)
+ values (${entity.name}, ${entity.entityType}, $workspaceId, 0, 0, $attributesJson)"""
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update a single entity in the db
+ */
+ // TODO AJ-2008: return Entity instead of JsonEntityRecord?
+ // TODO AJ-2008: can this use INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE instead? That would allow batching multiple updates
+ // into a single statement. But, how would that work with record_version checking?
+ def updateEntity(workspaceId: UUID, entity: Entity, recordVersion: Long): ReadWriteAction[Int] = {
+ val attributesJson: JsValue = entity.attributes.toJson
+ sqlu"""update ENTITY set record_version = record_version+1, attributes = $attributesJson
+ where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = ${entity.entityType} and name = ${entity.name}
+ and record_version = $recordVersion;
+ """
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read a single entity from the db
+ */
+ // TODO AJ-2008: return Entity instead of JsonEntityRecord?
+ def getEntity(workspaceId: UUID, entityType: String, entityName: String): ReadAction[Option[JsonEntityRecord]] = {
+ val selectStatement: SQLActionBuilder =
+ sql"""select id, name, entity_type, workspace_id, record_version, deleted, deleted_date, attributes
+ from ENTITY where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = $entityType and name = $entityName"""
+ uniqueResult(selectStatement.as[JsonEntityRecord])
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read a single entity from the db
+ */
+ // TODO AJ-2008: return Entity instead of JsonEntityRecord?
+ def getEntityRef(workspaceId: UUID,
+ entityType: String,
+ entityName: String
+ ): ReadAction[Option[JsonEntityRefRecord]] = {
+ val selectStatement: SQLActionBuilder =
+ sql"""select id, name, entity_type
+ from ENTITY where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = $entityType and name = $entityName"""
+ uniqueResult(selectStatement.as[JsonEntityRefRecord])
+ }
+ /**
+ * All entity types for the given workspace, with their counts of active entities
+ */
+ def typesAndCounts(workspaceId: UUID): ReadAction[Seq[(String, Int)]] =
+ sql"""select entity_type, count(1) from ENTITY where workspace_id = $workspaceId and deleted = 0 group by entity_type"""
+ .as[(String, Int)]
+ /**
+ * All attribute names for the given workspace, paired to their entity type
+ * The ENTITY_KEYS table is automatically populated via triggers on the ENTITY table; see the db
+ * to understand those triggers.
+ */
+ // TODO AJ-2008: assess performance of ENTITY_KEYS.attribute_keys vs JSON_KEYS(ENTITY.attributes)
+ def typesAndAttributes(workspaceId: UUID): ReadAction[Seq[(String, String)]] =
+ sql"""SELECT DISTINCT entity_type, json_key FROM ENTITY_KEYS,
+ JSON_TABLE(attribute_keys, '$$[*]' COLUMNS(json_key VARCHAR(256) PATH '$$')) t
+ where workspace_id = $workspaceId;"""
+ .as[(String, String)]
+ def typesAndAttributesV2(workspaceId: UUID): ReadAction[Seq[(String, String)]] =
+ sql"""SELECT DISTINCT entity_type, json_key FROM ENTITY,
+ JSON_TABLE(json_keys(attributes), '$$[*]' COLUMNS(json_key VARCHAR(256) PATH '$$')) t
+ where workspace_id = $workspaceId;"""
+ .as[(String, String)]
+ def queryEntities(workspaceId: UUID, entityType: String, queryParams: EntityQuery): ReadAction[Seq[Entity]] = {
+ val offset = queryParams.pageSize * (queryParams.page - 1)
+ // get the where clause from the shared method
+ val whereClause: SQLActionBuilder = queryWhereClause(workspaceId, entityType, queryParams)
+ // sorting
+ val orderByClause: SQLActionBuilder = queryParams.sortField match {
+ case "name" => sql" order by name #${SortDirections.toSql(queryParams.sortDirection)} "
+ case attr =>
+ sql" order by JSON_EXTRACT(attributes, '$$.#$attr') #${SortDirections.toSql(queryParams.sortDirection)} "
+ }
+ // TODO AJ-2008: full-table text search
+ // TODO AJ-2008: filter by column
+ // TODO AJ-2008: result projection
+ val query = concatSqlActions(
+ sql"select id, name, entity_type, workspace_id, record_version, deleted, deleted_date, attributes from ENTITY ",
+ whereClause,
+ orderByClause,
+ sql" limit #${queryParams.pageSize} offset #$offset"
+ )
+ query.as[JsonEntityRecord].map(results => results.map(_.toEntity))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Count the number of entities that match the query, before applying all filters
+ */
+ def countType(workspaceId: UUID, entityType: String): ReadAction[Int] =
+ singleResult(
+ sql"select count(1) from ENTITY where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = $entityType and deleted = 0"
+ .as[Int]
+ )
+ /**
+ * Count the number of entities that match the query, after applying all filters
+ */
+ def countQuery(workspaceId: UUID, entityType: String, queryParams: EntityQuery): ReadAction[Int] = {
+ // get the where clause from the shared method
+ val whereClause = queryWhereClause(workspaceId, entityType, queryParams)
+ val query = concatSqlActions(
+ sql"select count(1) from ENTITY ",
+ whereClause
+ )
+ singleResult(query.as[Int])
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shared method to build the where-clause criteria for entityQuery. Used to generate the results and to generate the counts.
+ */
+ private def queryWhereClause(workspaceId: UUID, entityType: String, queryParams: EntityQuery): SQLActionBuilder =
+ sql"where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = $entityType and deleted = 0"
+ /** Given a set of entity references, retrieve those entities */
+ def getEntities(workspaceId: UUID, refs: Set[AttributeEntityReference]): ReadAction[Seq[JsonEntityRecord]] =
+ // short-circuit
+ if (refs.isEmpty) {
+ DBIO.successful(Seq.empty[JsonEntityRecord])
+ } else {
+ // group the entity type/name pairs by type
+ val groupedReferences: Map[String, Set[String]] = refs.groupMap(_.entityType)(_.entityName)
+ // build select statements for each type
+ val queryParts: Iterable[SQLActionBuilder] = groupedReferences.map {
+ case (entityType: String, entityNames: Set[String]) =>
+ // build the "IN" clause values
+ val entityNamesSql = reduceSqlActionsWithDelim(entityNames.map(name => sql"$name").toSeq, sql",")
+ // TODO AJ-2008: check query plan for this and make sure it is properly using indexes
+ // UNION query does use indexes for each select; but it also requires a temporary table to
+ // combine the results, and we can probably do better. `where (entity_type, name) in ((?, ?), (?, ?))
+ // looks like it works well
+ // TODO AJ-2008: include `where deleted=0`? Make that an argument?
+ concatSqlActions(
+ sql"""select id, name, entity_type, workspace_id, record_version, deleted, deleted_date, attributes
+ from ENTITY where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = $entityType
+ and name in (""",
+ entityNamesSql,
+ sql")"
+ )
+ }
+ // union the select statements together
+ val unionQuery = reduceSqlActionsWithDelim(queryParts.toSeq, sql" union ")
+ // execute
+ unionQuery.as[JsonEntityRecord](getJsonEntityRecord)
+ }
+ /** Given a set of entity references, retrieve those entities */
+ // TODO AJ-2008: address lots of copy/paste between getEntities and getEntityRefs
+ def getEntityRefs(workspaceId: UUID, refs: Set[AttributeEntityReference]): ReadAction[Seq[JsonEntityRefRecord]] =
+ // short-circuit
+ if (refs.isEmpty) {
+ DBIO.successful(Seq.empty[JsonEntityRefRecord])
+ } else {
+ // group the entity type/name pairs by type
+ val groupedReferences: Map[String, Set[String]] = refs.groupMap(_.entityType)(_.entityName)
+ // build select statements for each type
+ val queryParts: Iterable[SQLActionBuilder] = groupedReferences.map {
+ case (entityType: String, entityNames: Set[String]) =>
+ // build the "IN" clause values
+ val entityNamesSql = reduceSqlActionsWithDelim(entityNames.map(name => sql"$name").toSeq, sql",")
+ // TODO AJ-2008: check query plan for this and make sure it is properly using indexes
+ // UNION query does use indexes for each select; but it also requires a temporary table to
+ // combine the results, and we can probably do better. `where (entity_type, name) in ((?, ?), (?, ?))
+ // looks like it works well
+ // TODO AJ-2008: include `where deleted=0`? Make that an argument?
+ concatSqlActions(
+ sql"""select id, name, entity_type
+ from ENTITY where workspace_id = $workspaceId and entity_type = $entityType
+ and name in (""",
+ entityNamesSql,
+ sql")"
+ )
+ }
+ // union the select statements together
+ val unionQuery = reduceSqlActionsWithDelim(queryParts.toSeq, sql" union ")
+ // execute
+ unionQuery.as[JsonEntityRefRecord](getJsonEntityRefRecord)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the set of entities which directly reference the supplied targets
+ */
+ def getReferrers(workspaceId: UUID, targets: Set[AttributeEntityReference]) = {
+ val inFragment = refsInFragment(targets)
+ val baseSql = sql"""select referrer.id, referrer.name, referrer.entity_type
+ from ENTITY referrer, ENTITY_REFS refs, ENTITY target
+ where target.id = refs.to_id
+ and referrer.id = refs.from_id
+ and target.workspace_id = $workspaceId
+ and (target.entity_type, target.name) in """
+ concatSqlActions(baseSql, inFragment, sql";").as[JsonEntityRefRecord]
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the set of entities which directly AND RECURSIVELY reference the supplied targets
+ */
+ def getRecursiveReferrers(workspaceId: UUID, targets: Set[AttributeEntityReference]) = {
+ // max number of rows to consider in the recursive query.
+ // this function will never return more than this many results. When called to validate delete requests,
+ // it means that we will never return more than 10000 referrers for any given set of entities to be deleted.
+ val recursionLimit = 10000
+ // a recursive SQL query to retrieve all entities that refer to the ${targets} entities, plus all entities that
+ // refer to the referring entities, plus all entities that refer to those, plus ...
+ //
+ // recursive SQL: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/with.html#common-table-expressions-recursive
+ val startSql =
+ sql"""WITH RECURSIVE ancestor AS (
+ select r.from_id, r.to_id
+ where e.id = r.to_id
+ and e.workspace_id = $workspaceId
+ and (e.entity_type, e.name) in """
+ val inFragment = refsInFragment(targets)
+ val endSql =
+ sql""" UNION ALL
+ select r.from_id, r.to_id
+ from ancestor, ENTITY_REFS r
+ where ancestor.from_id = r.to_id
+ limit #$recursionLimit)
+ select a.from_id, e.entity_type, e.name from ancestor a, ENTITY e
+ where a.from_id = e.id;"""
+ concatSqlActions(startSql, inFragment, endSql).as[JsonEntityRefRecord]
+ }
+ def softDelete(workspaceId: UUID, targets: Set[AttributeEntityReference]): ReadWriteAction[Int] = {
+ // short-circuit
+ if (targets.isEmpty) {
+ return DBIO.successful(0)
+ }
+ val renameSuffix = "_" + getSufficientlyRandomSuffix(1000000000)
+ val deletedDate = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime)
+ val inFragment = refsInFragment(targets)
+ val baseSql = sql"""update ENTITY set deleted=1, deleted_date=$deletedDate, name=CONCAT(name, $renameSuffix)
+ where deleted=0 AND workspace_id=$workspaceId and (entity_type, name) in """
+ concatSqlActions(baseSql, inFragment, sql";").asUpdate
+ }
+ def renameSingleEntity(workspaceId: UUID, entity: AttributeEntityReference, newName: String): ReadWriteAction[Int] =
+ sql"""update ENTITY set name = $newName
+ where workspace_id = $workspaceId
+ and entity_type = ${entity.entityType}
+ and name = ${entity.entityName};""".asUpdate
+ private def refsInFragment(refs: Set[AttributeEntityReference]) = {
+ // build select statements for each type
+ val pairs = refs.map { ref =>
+ sql"""(${ref.entityType}, ${ref.entityName})"""
+ }
+ concatSqlActions(sql"(", reduceSqlActionsWithDelim(pairs.toSeq, sql","), sql")")
+ }
+ def renameEmbeddedReferences(workspaceId: UUID,
+ toId: Long,
+ oldReference: AttributeEntityReference,
+ newReference: AttributeEntityReference
+ ): ReadWriteAction[Int] = {
+ // build string to be replaced
+ val oldStr = s"""{"entityName": "${oldReference.entityName}", "entityType": "${oldReference.entityType}"}"""
+ // build string to be the replacement
+ val newStr = s"""{"entityName": "${newReference.entityName}", "entityType": "${newReference.entityType}"}"""
+ // perform replacements
+ sql"""update ENTITY set attributes = REPLACE(attributes, $oldStr, $newStr)
+ where workspace_id = $workspaceId and id in (
+ select from_id from ENTITY_REFS er
+ where er.to_id = $toId
+ )""".asUpdate
+ }
+ }
+ private def singleResult[V](results: ReadAction[Seq[V]]): ReadAction[V] =
+ results map {
+ case Seq() => throw new RawlsException(s"Expected 1 result but found 0")
+ case Seq(one) => one
+ case tooMany => throw new RawlsException(s"Expected 1 result but found ${tooMany.size}")
+ }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityManager.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityManager.scala
index 14cc72b0eb..f1bc4588d6 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityManager.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityManager.scala
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.{
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.base.{EntityProvider, EntityProviderBuilder}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.datarepo.{DataRepoEntityProvider, DataRepoEntityProviderBuilder}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.exceptions.DataEntityException
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.json.{JsonEntityProvider, JsonEntityProviderBuilder}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.local.{LocalEntityProvider, LocalEntityProviderBuilder}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.{ErrorReport, WorkspaceType}
@@ -57,10 +58,12 @@ class EntityManager(providerBuilders: Set[EntityProviderBuilder[_ <: EntityProvi
// soon: look up the reference name to ensure it exists.
// for now, this simplistic logic illustrates the approach: choose the right builder for the job.
- val targetTag = if (requestArguments.dataReference.isDefined) {
- typeTag[DataRepoEntityProvider]
- } else {
- typeTag[LocalEntityProvider]
+ // TODO AJ-2008: this is a temporary hack to get JsonEntityProvider working
+ val targetTag = (requestArguments.dataReference, requestArguments.workspace) match {
+ case (Some(_), _) => typeTag[DataRepoEntityProvider]
+ case (_, x) if x.name.contains("AJ-2008") => typeTag[JsonEntityProvider]
+ case _ => typeTag[LocalEntityProvider]
providerBuilders.find(_.builds == targetTag) match {
@@ -110,6 +113,8 @@ object EntityManager {
) // implicit executionContext
- new EntityManager(Set(defaultEntityProviderBuilder, dataRepoEntityProviderBuilder))
+ val jsonEntityProviderBuilder = new JsonEntityProviderBuilder(dataSource, cacheEnabled, queryTimeout, metricsPrefix)
+ new EntityManager(Set(defaultEntityProviderBuilder, dataRepoEntityProviderBuilder, jsonEntityProviderBuilder))
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityService.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityService.scala
index 6e12a39b0e..af40ff802e 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityService.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/EntityService.scala
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def updateEntity(workspaceName: WorkspaceName,
entityType: String,
entityName: String,
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def deleteEntityAttributes(workspaceName: WorkspaceName,
entityType: String,
attributeNames: Set[AttributeName]
@@ -219,27 +221,31 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
sqlLoggingRecover(s"deleteEntityAttributes: $workspaceName $entityType ${attributeNames.size} attribute names")
- def renameEntity(workspaceName: WorkspaceName, entityType: String, entityName: String, newName: String): Future[Int] =
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
+ def renameEntity(workspaceName: WorkspaceName,
+ entityType: String,
+ entityName: String,
+ newName: String,
+ dataReference: Option[DataReferenceName],
+ billingProject: Option[GoogleProjectId]
+ ): Future[Int] =
Some(WorkspaceAttributeSpecs(all = false))
) flatMap { workspaceContext =>
- dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
- withEntity(workspaceContext, entityType, entityName, dataAccess) { entity =>
- dataAccess.entityQuery.get(workspaceContext, entity.entityType, newName) flatMap {
- case None => dataAccess.entityQuery.rename(workspaceContext, entity.entityType, entity.name, newName)
- case Some(_) =>
- throw new RawlsExceptionWithErrorReport(
- errorReport =
- ErrorReport(StatusCodes.Conflict, s"Destination ${entity.entityType} ${newName} already exists")
- )
- }
- }
- }
+ val entityRequestArguments = EntityRequestArguments(workspaceContext, ctx, dataReference, billingProject)
+ for {
+ entityProvider <- entityManager.resolveProviderFuture(entityRequestArguments)
+ numberOfEntitiesRenamed <- entityProvider.renameEntity(AttributeEntityReference(entityType, entityName),
+ newName
+ )
+ } yield numberOfEntitiesRenamed
sqlLoggingRecover(s"renameEntity: $workspaceName $entityType $entityName")
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def renameEntityType(workspaceName: WorkspaceName, oldName: String, renameInfo: EntityTypeRename): Future[Int] = {
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.slick.{DataAccess, ReadAction}
@@ -292,6 +298,7 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def evaluateExpression(workspaceName: WorkspaceName,
entityType: String,
entityName: String,
@@ -381,6 +388,7 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def listEntities(workspaceName: WorkspaceName, entityType: String) =
@@ -419,6 +427,7 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def copyEntities(entityCopyDef: EntityCopyDefinition, linkExistingEntities: Boolean): Future[EntityCopyResponse] =
(for {
destWsCtx <- getV2WorkspaceContextAndPermissions(entityCopyDef.destinationWorkspace,
@@ -490,6 +499,7 @@ class EntityService(protected val ctx: RawlsRequestContext,
sqlLoggingRecover(s"batchUpsertEntities: $workspaceName ${entityUpdates.size} upserts")
+ // TODO AJ-2008: move to EntityProvider
def renameAttribute(workspaceName: WorkspaceName,
entityType: String,
oldAttributeName: AttributeName,
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/base/EntityProvider.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/base/EntityProvider.scala
index 2d7ceba197..4a532e669c 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/base/EntityProvider.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/base/EntityProvider.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.{
- Workspace
+ Workspace,
+ WorkspaceName
import scala.concurrent.Future
@@ -88,4 +89,6 @@ trait EntityProvider {
linkExistingEntities: Boolean,
parentContext: RawlsRequestContext
): Future[EntityCopyResponse]
+ def renameEntity(entity: AttributeEntityReference, newName: String): Future[Int]
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/datarepo/DataRepoEntityProvider.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/datarepo/DataRepoEntityProvider.scala
index 0c938bd470..2ab01720a7 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/datarepo/DataRepoEntityProvider.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/datarepo/DataRepoEntityProvider.scala
@@ -547,4 +547,7 @@ class DataRepoEntityProvider(snapshotModel: SnapshotModel,
parentContext: RawlsRequestContext
): Future[EntityCopyResponse] =
throw new UnsupportedEntityOperationException("copy entities not supported by this provider.")
+ override def renameEntity(entity: AttributeEntityReference, newName: EntityName): Future[Int] =
+ throw new UnsupportedEntityOperationException("renameEntity not supported by this provider.")
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/json/JsonEntityProvider.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/json/JsonEntityProvider.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c23c6c866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/json/JsonEntityProvider.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+package org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.json
+import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.SlickDataSource
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.EntityRequestArguments
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.base.ExpressionEvaluationSupport.LookupExpression
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.base.{EntityProvider, ExpressionEvaluationContext, ExpressionValidator}
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.jobexec.MethodConfigResolver
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.Attributable.{entityIdAttributeSuffix, workspaceIdAttribute, AttributeMap}
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.{
+ AttributeEntityReference,
+ AttributeEntityReferenceList,
+ AttributeName,
+ AttributeUpdateOperations,
+ AttributeValue,
+ Entity,
+ EntityCopyResponse,
+ EntityQuery,
+ EntityQueryResponse,
+ EntityQueryResultMetadata,
+ EntityTypeMetadata,
+ RawlsRequestContext,
+ SubmissionValidationEntityInputs,
+ Workspace
+import spray.json._
+import DefaultJsonProtocol._
+import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
+import bio.terra.common.exception.NotImplementedException
+import io.opentelemetry.api.common.AttributeKey
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.RawlsException
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.slick.{
+ DataAccess,
+ JsonEntityRecord,
+ JsonEntityRefRecord,
+ JsonEntitySlickRecord,
+ ReadAction,
+ RefPointerRecord
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.exceptions.{DataEntityException, DeleteEntitiesConflictException}
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.AttributeUpdateOperations.EntityUpdateDefinition
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.WorkspaceJsonSupport._
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.util.AttributeSupport
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.util.TracingUtils.{
+ setTraceSpanAttribute,
+ traceDBIOWithParent,
+ traceFutureWithParent
+import slick.dbio.DBIO
+import slick.jdbc.TransactionIsolation
+import java.time.Duration
+import java.util.UUID
+import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
+import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
+// TODO AJ-2008:
+// - tracing
+// - mark transactions as read-only where possible (does this actually help?)
+// - error-handling
+// - logging
+class JsonEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
+ implicit protected val dataSource: SlickDataSource,
+ cacheEnabled: Boolean,
+ queryTimeout: Duration,
+ val workbenchMetricBaseName: String
+)(implicit protected val executionContext: ExecutionContext)
+ extends EntityProvider
+ with AttributeSupport
+ with LazyLogging {
+ override def entityStoreId: Option[String] = None
+ val workspaceId: UUID = requestArguments.workspace.workspaceIdAsUUID // shorthand for methods below
+ /**
+ * Insert a single entity to the db
+ */
+ override def createEntity(entity: Entity): Future[Entity] =
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ for {
+ // find and validate all references in the entity-to-be-saved
+ referenceTargets <- DBIO.from(validateReferences(entity))
+ // save the entity
+ _ <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.createEntity(workspaceId, entity)
+ // did it save correctly? re-retrieve it. By re-retrieving it, we can 1) get its id, and 2) get the actual,
+ // normalized JSON that was persisted to the db. When we return the entity to the user, we return the
+ // normalized version.
+ savedEntityRecordOption <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntity(workspaceId, entity.entityType, entity.name)
+ savedEntityRecord = savedEntityRecordOption.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Could not save entity"))
+ // save all references from this entity to other entities
+ _ <- DBIO.from(replaceReferences(savedEntityRecord.id, referenceTargets, isInsert = true))
+ } yield savedEntityRecord.toEntity
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read a single entity from the db
+ */
+ override def getEntity(entityType: String, entityName: String): Future[Entity] = dataSource.inTransaction {
+ dataAccess =>
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntity(workspaceId, entityType, entityName)
+ } map { result => result.map(_.toEntity).get }
+ /**
+ * Soft-delete specified entities
+ */
+ override def deleteEntities(entityRefs: Seq[AttributeEntityReference]): Future[Int] = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
+ val deleteTargets = entityRefs.toSet
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getRecursiveReferrers(workspaceId, deleteTargets)
+ } flatMap { referrers =>
+ val referringSet = referrers.map(x => AttributeEntityReference(x.entityType, x.name)).toSet
+ if (referringSet != deleteTargets) {
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** deleteEntities complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ throw new DeleteEntitiesConflictException(referringSet)
+ } else
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.softDelete(workspaceId, deleteTargets) map { result =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** deleteEntities complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return type/count/attribute metadata
+ * TODO AJ-2008: assess performance and add caching if necessary
+ */
+ override def entityTypeMetadata(useCache: Boolean): Future[Map[String, EntityTypeMetadata]] = {
+ def attrsV1(dataAccess: DataAccess) = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.typesAndAttributes(workspaceId) map { result =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** attrsV1 complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ def attrsV2(dataAccess: DataAccess) = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.typesAndAttributesV2(workspaceId) map { result =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** attrsV2 complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ // get the types and counts
+ for {
+ typesAndCounts <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.typesAndCounts(workspaceId)
+ // typesAndAttributes <- attrsV1(dataAccess)
+ typesAndAttributes <- attrsV2(dataAccess)
+ } yield {
+ // group attribute names by entity type
+ val groupedAttributeNames: Map[String, Seq[String]] =
+ typesAndAttributes
+ .groupMap(_._1)(_._2)
+ // loop through the types and counts and build the EntityTypeMetadata
+ typesAndCounts.map { case (entityType: String, count: Int) =>
+ // grab attribute names
+ val attrNames = groupedAttributeNames.getOrElse(entityType, Seq())
+ val metadata = EntityTypeMetadata(count, s"$entityType$entityIdAttributeSuffix", attrNames)
+ (entityType, metadata)
+ }.toMap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * stream a page of entities
+ */
+ override def queryEntitiesSource(entityType: String,
+ entityQuery: EntityQuery,
+ parentContext: RawlsRequestContext
+ ): Future[(EntityQueryResultMetadata, Source[Entity, _])] = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
+ queryEntities(entityType, entityQuery, parentContext).map { queryResponse =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** queryEntitiesSource complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ // TODO AJ-2008: actually stream!
+ (queryResponse.resultMetadata, Source.apply(queryResponse.results))
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * return a page of entities
+ */
+ override def queryEntities(entityType: String,
+ entityQuery: EntityQuery,
+ parentContext: RawlsRequestContext
+ ): Future[EntityQueryResponse] = dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ for {
+ results <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.queryEntities(workspaceId, entityType, entityQuery)
+ // TODO AJ-2008: optimize; if no filters are present, don't need separate queries for counts
+ unfilteredCount <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.countType(workspaceId, entityType)
+ filteredCount <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.countQuery(workspaceId, entityType, entityQuery)
+ } yield {
+ val pageCount: Int = Math.ceil(filteredCount.toFloat / entityQuery.pageSize).toInt
+ if (filteredCount > 0 && entityQuery.page > pageCount) {
+ throw new DataEntityException(
+ code = StatusCodes.BadRequest,
+ message = s"requested page ${entityQuery.page} is greater than the number of pages $pageCount"
+ )
+ }
+ val queryMetadata = EntityQueryResultMetadata(unfilteredCount, filteredCount, pageCount)
+ EntityQueryResponse(entityQuery, queryMetadata, results)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * update multiple entities; they must pre-exist
+ */
+ override def batchUpdateEntities(
+ entityUpdates: Seq[AttributeUpdateOperations.EntityUpdateDefinition]
+ ): Future[Iterable[Entity]] = batchUpdateEntitiesImpl(entityUpdates, upsert = false)
+ /**
+ * upsert multiple entities; will create if they do not pre-exist
+ */
+ override def batchUpsertEntities(
+ entityUpdates: Seq[AttributeUpdateOperations.EntityUpdateDefinition]
+ ): Future[Iterable[Entity]] = batchUpdateEntitiesImpl(entityUpdates, upsert = true)
+ /**
+ * internal implementation for both batchUpsert and batchUpdate
+ */
+ def batchUpdateEntitiesImpl(entityUpdates: Seq[EntityUpdateDefinition], upsert: Boolean): Future[Iterable[Entity]] = {
+ // start tracing
+ traceFutureWithParent("JsonEntityProvider.batchUpdateEntitiesImpl", requestArguments.ctx) { localContext =>
+ setTraceSpanAttribute(localContext, AttributeKey.stringKey("workspaceId"), workspaceId.toString)
+ setTraceSpanAttribute(localContext, AttributeKey.booleanKey("upsert"), java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(upsert))
+ setTraceSpanAttribute(localContext,
+ AttributeKey.longKey("entityUpdatesCount"),
+ java.lang.Long.valueOf(entityUpdates.length)
+ )
+ setTraceSpanAttribute(localContext,
+ AttributeKey.longKey("entityOperationsCount"),
+ java.lang.Long.valueOf(entityUpdates.map(_.operations.length).sum)
+ )
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
+ val numUpdates = entityUpdates.size
+ val numOperations = entityUpdates.flatMap(_.operations).size
+ logger.info(s"***** batchUpdateEntitiesImpl processing $numUpdates updates with $numOperations operations")
+ // find all attribute names mentioned
+ val namesToCheck = for {
+ update <- entityUpdates
+ operation <- update.operations
+ } yield operation.name
+ // validate all attribute names
+ withAttributeNamespaceCheck(namesToCheck)(() => ())
+ dataSource
+ .inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ import dataAccess.driver.api._
+ // identify all the entities mentioned in entityUpdates
+ val allMentionedEntities: Set[AttributeEntityReference] =
+ entityUpdates.map(eu => AttributeEntityReference(eu.entityType, eu.name)).toSet
+ logger.info(s"***** the $numUpdates updates target ${allMentionedEntities.size} distinct entities.")
+ // retrieve all of ${allMentionedEntities} in one query and validate existence if these are not upserts
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntities(workspaceId, allMentionedEntities) flatMap { existingEntities =>
+ if (!upsert && existingEntities.size != allMentionedEntities.size) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ s"Expected all entities being updated to exist; missing ${allMentionedEntities.size - existingEntities.size}"
+ )
+ }
+ logger.info(
+ s"***** of the ${allMentionedEntities.size} distinct entities being updated, ${existingEntities.size} already exist."
+ )
+ // build map of (entityType, name) -> JsonEntityRecord for efficient lookup
+ val existingEntityMap: Map[(String, String), JsonEntityRecord] =
+ existingEntities.map(rec => (rec.entityType, rec.name) -> rec).toMap
+ // iterate through the desired updates and apply them
+ val tableRecords: Seq[Option[JsonEntitySlickRecord]] = entityUpdates.map { entityUpdate =>
+ // attempt to retrieve an existing entity
+ val existingRecordOption = existingEntityMap.get((entityUpdate.entityType, entityUpdate.name))
+ // this shouldn't happen because we validated above, but we're being defensive
+ if (!upsert && existingRecordOption.isEmpty) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Expected all entities being updated to exist")
+ }
+ // TODO AJ-2008/AJ-2009: Re-retrieve the existing entity if we are updating the same entity multiple times
+ // see AJ-2009; the existing code does the wrong thing and this code should do better
+ val baseEntity: Entity =
+ existingRecordOption
+ .map(_.toEntity)
+ .getOrElse(Entity(entityUpdate.name, entityUpdate.entityType, Map()))
+ // TODO AJ-2008: collect all the apply errors instead of handling them one-by-one?
+ val updatedEntity: Entity = applyOperationsToEntity(baseEntity, entityUpdate.operations)
+ // if the entity hasn't changed, skip it
+ if (existingRecordOption.nonEmpty && baseEntity.attributes == updatedEntity.attributes) {
+ Option.empty[JsonEntitySlickRecord]
+ } else {
+ // translate back to a JsonEntitySlickRecord for later insert/update
+ // TODO AJ-2008: so far we retrieved a JsonEntityRecord, translated it to an Entity, and are now
+ // translating it to JsonEntitySlickRecord; we could do better
+ Some(
+ JsonEntitySlickRecord(
+ id = existingRecordOption.map(_.id).getOrElse(0),
+ name = updatedEntity.name,
+ entityType = updatedEntity.entityType,
+ workspaceId = workspaceId,
+ recordVersion = existingRecordOption.map(_.recordVersion).getOrElse(0),
+ deleted = false,
+ deletedDate = None,
+ attributes = Some(updatedEntity.attributes.toJson.compactPrint)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // for logging purposes, count the noops
+ val noopCount = tableRecords.count(_.isEmpty)
+ // separate the records-to-be-saved into inserts and updates
+ // we identify inserts as those having id 0
+ val (inserts, updates) = tableRecords.flatten.partition(_.id == 0)
+ logger.info(
+ s"***** all updates have been prepared: ${inserts.size} inserts, ${updates.size} updates, ${noopCount} noop updates."
+ )
+ // do NOT use the "returning" syntax above, as it forces individual insert statements for each entity.
+ // instead, we insert using non-returning syntax, then perform a second query to get the ids
+ val insertResult = dataAccess.jsonEntitySlickQuery ++= inserts
+ // TODO AJ-2008: don't eagerly kick these off; can cause parallelism problems
+// val updateRefFutures: Seq[Future[_]] = updates.map { upd =>
+// synchronizeReferences(upd.id, upd.toEntity)
+// }
+ logger.info(s"***** performing inserts ...")
+ insertResult.flatMap { _ =>
+ // skip any inserts that have zero references
+ val insertsWithReferences =
+ inserts.flatMap(ins =>
+ if (findAllReferences(ins.toEntity).isEmpty) { None }
+ else { Some(ins) }
+ )
+ logger.info(s"***** adding references for ${insertsWithReferences.size} inserts ...")
+ // retrieve the ids for the inserts that do have references
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntityRefs(
+ workspaceId,
+ insertsWithReferences.map(x => AttributeEntityReference(x.entityType, x.name)).toSet
+ ) flatMap { inserted =>
+ // map the inserted ids back to the full entities that were inserted
+ val insertedIds = inserted.map(x => (x.entityType, x.name) -> x.id).toMap
+ val insertsWithReferencesAndIds: Seq[JsonEntitySlickRecord] = insertsWithReferences.map { ins =>
+ val id = insertedIds.getOrElse((ins.entityType, ins.name),
+ throw new RuntimeException("couldn't find inserted id")
+ )
+ ins.copy(id = id)
+ }
+ slick.dbio.DBIO.from(synchronizeInsertedReferences(insertsWithReferencesAndIds)) flatMap { _ =>
+ logger.info(s"***** performing updates ...")
+ val idsBeingUpdated: Seq[Long] = updates.map(_.id)
+ slick.dbio.DBIO.sequence(updates.map { upd =>
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.updateEntity(workspaceId, upd.toEntity, upd.recordVersion) map {
+ updatedCount =>
+ if (updatedCount == 0) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Update failed. Concurrent modifications?")
+ }
+ }
+ }) flatMap { _ =>
+ logger.info(s"***** adding references for updates ...")
+ // delete all from ENTITY_REFS where from_id in (entities being updated)
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityRefSlickQuery.filter(_.fromId inSetBind idsBeingUpdated).delete flatMap { _ =>
+ // insert all references for the records being updated
+ // TODO AJ-2008: instead of delete all/insert all, can we optimize?
+ slick.dbio.DBIO.from(synchronizeInsertedReferences(updates)) flatMap { _ =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** all writes complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ slick.dbio.DBIO.successful(())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .map { _ =>
+ logger.info(s"***** all inserts and updates completed.")
+ // returns nothing. EntityApiService explicitly returns a 204 with no response body; so we don't bother
+ // returning anything at all from here.
+ // TODO AJ-2008: does this have any compatibility issues elsewhere? LocalEntityProvider does return entities.
+ Seq()
+ }
+ } // end trace
+ }
+ override def copyEntities(sourceWorkspaceContext: Workspace,
+ destWorkspaceContext: Workspace,
+ entityType: String,
+ entityNames: Seq[String],
+ linkExistingEntities: Boolean,
+ parentContext: RawlsRequestContext
+ ): Future[EntityCopyResponse] = ???
+ override def deleteEntitiesOfType(entityType: String): Future[Int] = ???
+ override def evaluateExpressions(expressionEvaluationContext: ExpressionEvaluationContext,
+ gatherInputsResult: MethodConfigResolver.GatherInputsResult,
+ workspaceExpressionResults: Map[LookupExpression, Try[Iterable[AttributeValue]]]
+ ): Future[LazyList[SubmissionValidationEntityInputs]] = ???
+ override def expressionValidator: ExpressionValidator = ???
+ override def renameEntity(entity: AttributeEntityReference, newName: String): Future[Int] =
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ import dataAccess.driver.api._
+ // get the entity. This validates it exists, as well as retrieves its id which we will need later
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntityRef(workspaceId, entity.entityType, entity.entityName) flatMap {
+ existingOption =>
+ val existing = existingOption.getOrElse(throw new DataEntityException("Entity not found"))
+ // rename the specific entity
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.renameSingleEntity(workspaceId, entity, newName) flatMap { numRenamed =>
+ if (numRenamed == 0) {
+ // this shouldn't happen, since we just verified its existence
+ throw new DataEntityException("Entity not renamed")
+ } else if (numRenamed > 1) {
+ // this shouldn't happen, since the db enforces uniqueness of workspaceId+entityType+name
+ throw new DataEntityException(
+ "Unexpected error; found more than one entity to rename"
+ )
+ } else {
+ // replace the reference in all referrers
+ // TODO!
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.renameEmbeddedReferences(workspaceId,
+ existing.id,
+ entity,
+ entity.copy(entityName = newName)
+ ) map { embeddedUpdates =>
+ logger.info(s"***** renameEntity updated $embeddedUpdates embedded references")
+ // return the number of entities renamed, which should be one
+ numRenamed
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // helper methods
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // given potential references from an entity, verify that the reference targets all exist,
+ // and return their ids.
+ private def validateReferences(entity: Entity): Future[Map[AttributeName, Seq[JsonEntityRefRecord]]] = {
+ // find all refs in the entity
+ val refs: Map[AttributeName, Seq[AttributeEntityReference]] = findAllReferences(entity)
+ // short-circuit
+ if (refs.isEmpty) {
+ Future.successful(Map())
+ } else {
+ // validate all refs
+ val allRefs: Set[AttributeEntityReference] = refs.values.flatten.toSet
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntityRefs(workspaceId, allRefs) map { foundRefs =>
+ if (foundRefs.size != allRefs.size) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Did not find all references")
+ }
+ // convert the foundRefs to a map for easier lookup
+ val foundMap: Map[(String, String), JsonEntityRefRecord] = foundRefs.map { foundRef =>
+ ((foundRef.entityType, foundRef.name), foundRef)
+ }.toMap
+ // return all the references found in this entity, mapped to the ids they are referencing
+ refs.map { case (name: AttributeName, refs: Seq[AttributeEntityReference]) =>
+ val refRecords: Seq[JsonEntityRefRecord] = refs.map(ref =>
+ foundMap.getOrElse((ref.entityType, ref.entityName),
+ throw new RuntimeException("unexpected; couldn't find ref")
+ )
+ )
+ (name, refRecords)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def findReferences(entity: Entity): Seq[AttributeEntityReference] =
+ entity.attributes
+ .collect {
+ case (_: AttributeName, aer: AttributeEntityReference) => Seq(aer)
+ case (_: AttributeName, aerl: AttributeEntityReferenceList) => aerl.list
+ }
+ .flatten
+ .toSeq
+ // given an entity, finds all references in that entity, grouped by their attribute names
+ private def findAllReferences(entity: Entity): Map[AttributeName, Seq[AttributeEntityReference]] =
+ entity.attributes
+ .collect {
+ case (name: AttributeName, aer: AttributeEntityReference) => Seq((name, aer))
+ case (name: AttributeName, aerl: AttributeEntityReferenceList) => aerl.list.map(ref => (name, ref))
+ }
+ .flatten
+ .toSeq
+ .groupMap(_._1)(_._2)
+ // given already-validated references, including target ids, update the ENTITY_REFS table for a given source
+ // entity
+ private def replaceReferences(fromId: Long,
+ foundRefs: Map[AttributeName, Seq[JsonEntityRefRecord]],
+ isInsert: Boolean = false
+ ): Future[Map[AttributeName, Seq[JsonEntityRefRecord]]] = {
+ // short-circuit
+ if (isInsert && foundRefs.isEmpty) {
+ return Future.successful(Map())
+ }
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ import dataAccess.driver.api._
+ // we don't actually care about the referencing attribute name or referenced type&name; reduce to just the referenced ids.
+ val currentEntityRefTargets: Set[Long] = foundRefs.values.flatten.map(_.id).toSet
+ logger.trace(s"~~~~~ found ${currentEntityRefTargets.size} ref targets in entity $fromId")
+ for {
+ // TODO AJ-2008: instead of (retrieve all, then calculate diffs, then execute diffs), try doing it all in the db:
+ // - delete from ENTITY_REFS where from_id = $fromId and to_id not in ($currentEntityRefTargets)
+ // - insert into ENTITY_REFS (from_id, to_id) values ($fromId, $currentEntityRefTargets:_*) on duplicate key update from_id=from_id (noop)
+ // retrieve all existing refs in ENTITY_REFS for this entity; create a set of the target ids
+ existingRowsSeq <-
+ if (isInsert) {
+ slick.dbio.DBIO.successful(Seq.empty[Long])
+ } else {
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityRefSlickQuery.filter(_.fromId === fromId).map(_.toId).result
+ }
+ existingRefTargets = existingRowsSeq.toSet
+ _ = logger.trace(s"~~~~~ found ${existingRefTargets.size} ref targets in db for entity $fromId")
+ // find all target ids in the db that are not in the current entity
+ deletes = existingRefTargets diff currentEntityRefTargets
+ // find all target ids in the current entity that are not in the db
+ inserts = currentEntityRefTargets diff existingRefTargets
+ insertPairs = inserts.map(toId => (fromId, toId))
+ _ = logger.trace(
+ s"~~~~~ prepared ${inserts.size} inserts and ${deletes.size} deletes to perform for entity $fromId"
+ )
+ _ = logger.trace(s"~~~~~ inserts: $insertPairs for entity $fromId")
+ // insert what needs to be inserted
+ insertResult <-
+ if (inserts.nonEmpty) { dataAccess.jsonEntityRefSlickQuery.map(r => (r.fromId, r.toId)) ++= insertPairs }
+ else { slick.dbio.DBIO.successful(0) }
+// insertResult <- dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.bulkInsertReferences(fromId, inserts)
+ _ = logger.trace(s"~~~~~ actually inserted ${insertResult} rows for entity $fromId")
+ // delete what needs to be deleted
+ deleteResult <-
+ if (deletes.nonEmpty) {
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityRefSlickQuery
+ .filter(x => x.fromId === fromId && x.toId.inSetBind(deletes))
+ .delete
+ } else { slick.dbio.DBIO.successful(0) }
+ _ = logger.trace(s"~~~~~ actually deleted ${deleteResult} rows for entity $fromId")
+ } yield foundRefs
+ }
+ }
+ private def synchronizeInsertedReferences(inserted: Seq[JsonEntitySlickRecord]): Future[Int] = {
+ // find all references for all records
+ val referenceRequestsByEntityId: Map[Long, Seq[AttributeEntityReference]] =
+ inserted.map(ins => ins.id -> findReferences(ins.toEntity)).toMap
+ // validate all references for all records
+ val uniqueReferences: Set[AttributeEntityReference] = referenceRequestsByEntityId.values.flatten.toSet
+ // short-circuit
+ if (uniqueReferences.isEmpty) {
+ return Future.successful(0)
+ }
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ import dataAccess.driver.api._
+ dataAccess.jsonEntityQuery.getEntityRefs(workspaceId, uniqueReferences) flatMap { foundRefs =>
+ if (foundRefs.size != uniqueReferences.size) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Did not find all references")
+ }
+ // convert the foundRefs to a map for easier lookup
+ val foundMap: Map[(String, String), Long] = foundRefs.map { foundRef =>
+ ((foundRef.entityType, foundRef.name), foundRef.id)
+ }.toMap
+ // generate the (from_id, to_id) pairs to insert into ENTITY_REFS
+ val targetIdsByFromId: Map[Long, Seq[Long]] = referenceRequestsByEntityId.map {
+ case (fromId, desiredReferences) =>
+ val targetIds = desiredReferences.map { desiredRef =>
+ foundMap.getOrElse((desiredRef.entityType, desiredRef.entityName),
+ throw new RuntimeException("this shouldn't happen")
+ )
+ }
+ (fromId, targetIds)
+ }
+ val pairsToInsert: Seq[RefPointerRecord] = targetIdsByFromId.flatMap { case (fromId, toIds) =>
+ toIds.map(toId => RefPointerRecord(fromId, toId))
+ }.toSeq
+ // perform the insert
+ (dataAccess.jsonEntityRefSlickQuery ++= pairsToInsert).map(x => x.sum)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // helper to call validateReferences followed by replaceReferences
+ private def synchronizeReferences(fromId: Long,
+ entity: Entity,
+ isInsert: Boolean = false
+ ): Future[Map[AttributeName, Seq[JsonEntityRefRecord]]] = dataSource.inTransaction { _ =>
+ for {
+ // find and validate all references in this entity. This returns the target internal ids for each reference.
+ foundRefs <- DBIO.from(validateReferences(entity))
+ //
+ _ <- DBIO.from(replaceReferences(fromId, foundRefs, isInsert))
+ } yield foundRefs
+ }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/json/JsonEntityProviderBuilder.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/json/JsonEntityProviderBuilder.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5594d6a8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/json/JsonEntityProviderBuilder.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.json
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.SlickDataSource
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.EntityRequestArguments
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.base.EntityProviderBuilder
+import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.local.LocalEntityProvider
+import java.time.Duration
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
+import scala.reflect.runtime.universe
+import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
+import scala.util.{Success, Try}
+class JsonEntityProviderBuilder(dataSource: SlickDataSource,
+ cacheEnabled: Boolean,
+ queryTimeout: Duration,
+ metricsPrefix: String
+ protected val executionContext: ExecutionContext
+) extends EntityProviderBuilder[JsonEntityProvider] {
+ /** declares the type of EntityProvider this builder will build.
+ */
+ override def builds: universe.TypeTag[JsonEntityProvider] = typeTag[JsonEntityProvider]
+ /** create the EntityProvider this builder knows how to create.
+ */
+ override def build(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments): Try[JsonEntityProvider] = Success(
+ new JsonEntityProvider(requestArguments, dataSource, cacheEnabled, queryTimeout, metricsPrefix)
+ )
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/EntityStatisticsCacheSupport.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/EntityStatisticsCacheSupport.scala
index 81804029f4..d101ab01e1 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/EntityStatisticsCacheSupport.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/EntityStatisticsCacheSupport.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.entities.local
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.SlickDataSource
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.slick.{DataAccess, ReadAction, ReadWriteAction}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.metrics.RawlsInstrumented
@@ -161,9 +162,15 @@ trait EntityStatisticsCacheSupport extends LazyLogging with RawlsInstrumented {
/** wrapper for uncached type-attributes lookup, includes performance tracing */
def uncachedTypeAttributes(dataAccess: DataAccess,
parentContext: RawlsRequestContext
- ): ReadAction[Map[String, Seq[AttributeName]]] =
+ ): ReadAction[Map[String, Seq[AttributeName]]] = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
traceDBIOWithParent("getAttrNamesAndEntityTypes", parentContext) { _ =>
- dataAccess.entityQuery.getAttrNamesAndEntityTypes(workspaceContext.workspaceIdAsUUID)
+ dataAccess.entityQuery.getAttrNamesAndEntityTypes(workspaceContext.workspaceIdAsUUID) map { result =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** getAttrNamesAndEntityTypes complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ result
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/LocalEntityProvider.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/LocalEntityProvider.scala
index 6417e93c45..0efff36f8d 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/LocalEntityProvider.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/LocalEntityProvider.scala
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Sink, Source}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import io.opencensus.trace.{AttributeValue => OpenCensusAttributeValue}
import io.opentelemetry.api.common.AttributeKey
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.RawlsExceptionWithErrorReport
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.dataaccess.slick.{
@@ -181,7 +182,8 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
// EntityApiServiceSpec has good test coverage for this api
- override def deleteEntities(entRefs: Seq[AttributeEntityReference]): Future[Int] =
+ override def deleteEntities(entRefs: Seq[AttributeEntityReference]): Future[Int] = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
// withAllEntityRefs throws exception if some entities not found; passes through if all ok
traceDBIOWithParent("LocalEntityProvider.deleteEntities", requestArguments.ctx) { localContext =>
@@ -191,13 +193,19 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
traceDBIOWithParent("entityQuery.getAllReferringEntities", localContext)(innerSpan =>
dataAccess.entityQuery.getAllReferringEntities(workspaceContext, entRefs.toSet) flatMap {
referringEntities =>
- if (referringEntities != entRefs.toSet)
+ if (referringEntities != entRefs.toSet) {
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** deleteEntities complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
throw new DeleteEntitiesConflictException(referringEntities)
- else {
+ } else {
traceDBIOWithParent("entityQuery.hide", innerSpan)(_ =>
.hide(workspaceContext, entRefs)
- .withStatementParameters(statementInit = _.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeoutSeconds))
+ .withStatementParameters(statementInit = _.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeoutSeconds)) map { result =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** deleteEntities complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ result
+ }
@@ -205,6 +213,7 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
+ }
override def deleteEntitiesOfType(entityType: String): Future[Int] =
dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
@@ -310,6 +319,7 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
query: EntityQuery,
parentContext: RawlsRequestContext = requestArguments.ctx
): Future[(EntityQueryResultMetadata, Source[Entity, _])] = {
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
// look for a columnFilter that specifies the primary key for this entityType;
// such a columnFilter means we are filtering by name and can greatly simplify the underlying query.
val nameFilter: Option[String] = query.columnFilter match {
@@ -353,7 +363,10 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
for {
metadata <- queryForMetadata(entityType, query, childContext)
entitySource = queryForResultSource(entityType, query, childContext)
- } yield (metadata, entitySource)
+ } yield {
+ logger.info(s"***** queryEntitiesSource complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ (metadata, entitySource)
+ }
@@ -457,6 +470,8 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
+ val stopwatch = StopWatch.createStarted()
withAttributeNamespaceCheck(namesToCheck) {
dataSource.inTransactionWithAttrTempTable(Set(AttributeTempTableType.Entity)) { dataAccess =>
val updateTrialsAction = traceDBIOWithParent("getActiveEntities", localContext)(_ =>
@@ -505,7 +520,13 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
- saveAction
+ traceDBIOWithParent("saveAction", localContext)(_ =>
+ saveAction map { result =>
+ stopwatch.stop()
+ logger.info(s"***** all writes complete in ${stopwatch.getTime}ms")
+ result
+ }
+ )
} recover {
case icve: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException =>
val userMessage =
@@ -550,4 +571,18 @@ class LocalEntityProvider(requestArguments: EntityRequestArguments,
+ override def renameEntity(entity: AttributeEntityReference, newName: String): Future[Int] =
+ dataSource.inTransaction { dataAccess =>
+ withEntity(workspaceContext, entity.entityType, entity.entityName, dataAccess) { entity =>
+ dataAccess.entityQuery.get(workspaceContext, entity.entityType, newName) flatMap {
+ case None => dataAccess.entityQuery.rename(workspaceContext, entity.entityType, entity.name, newName)
+ case Some(_) =>
+ throw new RawlsExceptionWithErrorReport(
+ errorReport =
+ ErrorReport(StatusCodes.Conflict, s"Destination ${entity.entityType} ${newName} already exists")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/webservice/EntityApiService.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/webservice/EntityApiService.scala
index 2eecb67d81..2588ae0a39 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/webservice/EntityApiService.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/webservice/EntityApiService.scala
@@ -231,7 +231,9 @@ trait EntityApiService extends UserInfoDirectives {
.renameEntity(WorkspaceName(workspaceNamespace, workspaceName),
- newEntityName.name
+ newEntityName.name,
+ dataReference,
+ billingProject
.map(_ => StatusCodes.NoContent)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/CaseSensitivitySpec.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/CaseSensitivitySpec.scala
index e9184e5d4c..59df9724ee 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/CaseSensitivitySpec.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/broadinstitute/dsde/rawls/entities/local/CaseSensitivitySpec.scala
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class CaseSensitivitySpec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers with TestDriverCompo
// rename entity of target type
- .renameEntity(testWorkspace.workspace.toWorkspaceName, typeUnderTest, "003", "my-new-name")
+ .renameEntity(testWorkspace.workspace.toWorkspaceName, typeUnderTest, "003", "my-new-name", None, None)
// get actual entities