Releases: broken1arrow/MenuLibrary
added suport for signs
Will now convert signs if you use it on old version.
Full Changelog: 0.85...0.86
Update dependency and added nullcheck
I added null check for tittle and also update a dependency.
Full Changelog: 0.84...0.85
fixed smal problem when nmsdata is null
wrong update order It set nms data after it try get it.
Update for 1.19.4
I also fixed and clean up some code in the class some update tittle.
Improve update menu title
Added new type of fix, if you gets an error. It should only printed one time and it will not try update title again (from you restart the server). The menu will still work, it will not try update the title. So when you change page it will keep same number or use other effects will not work. Simply it will be normal static title.
Will of course fix the issue, but made this change so you not get stack trace every time you open the menu.
Set page now correcly report if it could set page.
It will now report correctly on #setPage(int) if it could set page or not.
Full Changelog: 0.80...0.81
updated libs
Updated libs and also added charcoal get translated.
Full Changelog: 0.79...0.80
Fixed dependencies collide
Was an issue if you use the dependency methods, it could then take data from wrong plugin. So made it more simple and add it inside same packet as rest of the library.
Full Changelog: 0.78...0.79
added suport so you can use 1.13+ Materials
You can now use Material names from 1.13+ on log items like planks, slabs and so on. If you get your item names as string (if you get your items from an file for example). It will be used auto if you use the CreateItemStack wrapper class and use string names.
Full Changelog: 0.77...0.78
Added back so it clsoe inventory before open new one
Full Changelog: 0.76...0.77