The S3 output plugin, allows to flush your records into a S3 time series database.
For full documentation, refer to
Field | Description | Scheme |
Region | The AWS region of your S3 bucket | string |
Bucket | S3 Bucket name | string |
JsonDateKey | Specify the name of the time key in the output record. To disable the time key just set the value to false. | string |
JsonDateFormat | Specify the format of the date. Supported formats are double, epoch, iso8601 (eg: 2018-05-30T09:39:52.000681Z) and java_sql_timestamp (eg: 2018-05-30 09:39:52.000681) | string |
TotalFileSize | Specifies the size of files in S3. Minimum size is 1M. With use_put_object On the maximum size is 1G. With multipart upload mode, the maximum size is 50G. | string |
UploadChunkSize | The size of each 'part' for multipart uploads. Max: 50M | string |
UploadTimeout | Whenever this amount of time has elapsed, Fluent Bit will complete an upload and create a new file in S3. For example, set this value to 60m and you will get a new file every hour. | string |
StoreDir | Directory to locally buffer data before sending. | string |
StoreDirLimitSize | The size of the limitation for disk usage in S3. | string |
S3KeyFormat | Format string for keys in S3. | string |
S3KeyFormatTagDelimiters | A series of characters which will be used to split the tag into 'parts' for use with the s3_key_format option. | string |
StaticFilePath | Disables behavior where UUID string is automatically appended to end of S3 key name when $UUID is not provided in s3_key_format. $UUID, time formatters, $TAG, and other dynamic key formatters all work as expected while this feature is set to true. | *bool |
UsePutObject | Use the S3 PutObject API, instead of the multipart upload API. | *bool |
RoleArn | ARN of an IAM role to assume | string |
Endpoint | Custom endpoint for the S3 API. | string |
StsEndpoint | Custom endpoint for the STS API. | string |
CannedAcl | Predefined Canned ACL Policy for S3 objects. | string |
Compression | Compression type for S3 objects. | string |
ContentType | A standard MIME type for the S3 object; this will be set as the Content-Type HTTP header. | string |
SendContentMd5 | Send the Content-MD5 header with PutObject and UploadPart requests, as is required when Object Lock is enabled. | *bool |
AutoRetryRequests | Immediately retry failed requests to AWS services once. | *bool |
LogKey | By default, the whole log record will be sent to S3. If you specify a key name with this option, then only the value of that key will be sent to S3. | string |
PreserveDataOrdering | Normally, when an upload request fails, there is a high chance for the last received chunk to be swapped with a later chunk, resulting in data shuffling. This feature prevents this shuffling by using a queue logic for uploads. | *bool |
StorageClass | Specify the storage class for S3 objects. If this option is not specified, objects will be stored with the default 'STANDARD' storage class. | string |
RetryLimit | Integer value to set the maximum number of retries allowed. | *int32 |
ExternalId | Specify an external ID for the STS API, can be used with the role_arn parameter if your role requires an external ID. | string |
Profile | Option to specify an AWS Profile for credentials. | string |
tls | *plugins.TLS |