Scripts used by BNC on Oscar
Generates a new user token for XNAT
xnat-token [OPTIONS]
-d Connect to development XNAT
-h Displays this help message
-u Username for XNAT
xnat-token -u broarr
XNAT tokens live for 48 hours before they're invalidated.
Sbatch script to sync registered singularity images into Oscar
This script copies a directory of DICOMs, making modifications to the DICOM headers as specified in a configuration .csv file
Script that calls the afni program dicom_hdr
to read header information, reads the information
and then renames and sorts the files alphabetically
Python implementation of the dicomsort script. This version relies on the python pydicom package, rather than AFNI. This is especially useful if you need to sort MR spectroscopy DICOM files, which AFNI cannot read.
ironmap is a script that receives preprocessed 3D+Time fMRI data and outputs one volume, where the value of each voxel is the inverse of the normalized T2* measurement. 1/T2* can be used to quantify intracellular iron (ferritin) and is particularly useful in the study of dopaminergic systems in the brain.