0.5 (2014-10-06)
c44b0f8 Fix url of phpunit.phar
327bbf1 Option --ini is optional in CreateCommand.
4bdd259 Fixing timstamp pattern to day with leading zeros in CreateCommand.
a8bcb44 Update symfony components
c181840 Adding help for create command.
fce3001 CreateCommand added.
e6e9605 Use ham crest composer package instead of ZIP file.
e6962de changed dbup detect autoloaders in accordance with its path for installation via Composer
a48e95f fixed the bin configuration of the composer.json is not pointed to a valid binary path
7094502 updated dependent symfony components version
2fa7362 added ability to replace %%DBUP_*%% keyword in .ini configuration file to an environment value which its key is matched
d19c840 add PHP 5.5, 5.6 to .travis.yml
0.4 (2013-05-09)
fdc292e Updated table format output
1d7348a Added progress bar
b33e6cb Updated Symfony Component to v2.3-BETA1
0.3 (2013-05-03)
9a4ec1a Fixed compile exclude tests files, so phar is lighter than before
a1e559c Fixed sql error when sql has empty lines #1