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This project contains resources to showcase a full circle continuous motion of data to capture training data, train new ML models, deploy them, serve them, and expose the service for clients to send inference requests.


This project is now deprecated.
Please use instead the following repository, which is an improved version of this demo and includes deployment scripts and detailed documentation:

RHODS artifacts are not YAML editable, they require UI interaction.
Although tedious and time consuming, by the end of the deployment procedure (below), you will be able to understand how the full cycle connects all the stages together (acquisition, training, delivery, inferencing).

Tested with

  • RHODS 2.5.0 provided by Red Hat
  • RHO Pipelines 1.10.4 provided by Red Hat
  • AMQ-Streams 2.6.0-0 provided by Red Hat
  • AMQ Broker 7.11.4 provided by Red Hat
  • Red Hat build of Apache Camel 4
  • Camel K 1.10 provided by Red Hat

Deployment instructions

The following list summarises the steps to deploy the demo:

  1. Provision a RHODS environment
  2. Create and prepare a RHODS project.
  3. Create and run the AI/ML Pipeline.
  4. Deliver the AI/ML model and run the ML server.
  5. Create a trigger for the Pipeline.
  6. Deploy the data ingestion system.
  7. Test the end to end solution.

Provision a RHODS environment

  1. Provision the following RHDP item:

  2. Log in using your environment credentials.

Create a RHODS project

  1. Deploy an instance of Minio

    1. Create a new project, named central
    2. Under the central project, deploy the following YAML resource:
      • deployment/central/minio.yaml
  2. Create necessary S3 buckets

    1. Open the Minio UI (2 routes: use UI Route)

    2. Login with minio/minio123

    3. Create buckets for RHODS:

      • workbench
    4. Create buckets for Edge-1:

      • edge1-data
      • edge1-models
      • edge1-ready

    5. [OPTIONAL] Create buckets for Edge-2:
      (Not needed for standard demo)

      • edge2-data
      • edge2-models
      • edge2-ready
  3. Create a new Data Science Project.

    Open Red Hat OpenShift AI (also known as RHODS).
    Log in using your environment credentials.
    Select Data Science Projects and click Create data science project.
    As a name, use for example tf (TensorFlow)

  4. Create a new Data Connection.

    Under the new tf project > Data connections, click Add data connection.
    Enter the following parameters:

    • Name: dc1 (data connection 1)
    • Access key: minio
    • Secret key: minio123
    • Endpoint: http://minio-service.central.svc:9000
    • Region: eu-west-2
    • Bucket: workbench
  5. Create a Pipeline Server.

    Under the new tf project > Pipelines, click Create a pipeline server.
    Enter the following parameters:

    • Existing data connection: dc1

    Then click Configure to proceed.

  6. Create a 'PersistentVolumeClaim' for the pipeline.

    The PVC will enable shared storage for the pipeline's execution.
    Deploy the following YAML resource:

    • deployment/pipeline/pvc.yaml
  7. Create a new Workbench.

    Under the new tf project > Workbenches, click Create workbench.
    Enter the following parameters:

    • Name: wb1 (workbench 1)
    • Image selection: TensorFlow
    • Container Size: medium
    • Create new persistent storage
      • Name: wb1
      • Persistent storage size: (leave default)
    • Use a data connection
      • Use existing data connection
        • Data connection: dc1

    Then click Create workbench

  8. Open the workbench (Jupyter).

    When your workbench is in Running status, click Open.

    Log in using your environment credentials.

Create the AI/ML Pipeline

  1. Upload the pipeline sources to the project tree.

    [!CAUTION] Do not use the 'Git Clone' feature to upload the project, you don't need to upload the big dataset of images!

    Under the Jupyter menu, click the icon 'Upload Files' and select the sources listed below:

    To show the entire modelling process:

    • workbench/clean-01.ipynb

    To show the process segmented in pipeline steps:

    • workbench/pipeline/step-01.ipynb
    • workbench/pipeline/step-02.ipynb
    • workbench/pipeline/step-03.ipynb

    To show the Elyra pipeline definition:

    • workbench/pipeline/retrain.pipeline

  2. Export the pipeline in a Tekton YAML file.

    [!TIP] Reference to documented guidelines:

    1. Double click on the retrain.pipeline resource. The pipeline will be displayed in Elyra (embedded visual pipeline editor in Jupyter).
    2. Hover and click on the icon with label Export Pipeline.
    3. Enter the following paramters:
      • s3endpoint: http://minio-service.central.svc:9000
      • leave all other parameters with default values.
    4. Click OK.

    a. The action will produce a new file retrain.yaml file.

    b. It will also populate your S3 bucket workbench with your pipeline's artifacts.

  3. Import the pipeline as an OpenShift Tekton pipeline.

    From your OpenShift UI Console, navigate to Pipelines > Pipelines.

    [!TIP] Reference to documented guidelines:

    Ensure you're working under the tf project (namespace).
    Click Create > Pipeline.
    Use the following snippet:

    kind: Pipeline
      name: train-model
      namespace: tf
      [Copy paste here contents under 'pipelineSpec']

    Complete the YAML code above with the pipelineSpec (around line 51) definition from your exported YAML file in Jupyter (retrain.yaml).

    [!CAUTION] Make sure you un-tab one level the pipelineSpec definition to make the resource valid.

    Click Create.

    You can test the pipeline by clicking Action > Start, accept default values and click Start.

    You should see the pipeline FAIL because there is no trainable data available just yet.

  4. Upload training data to S3.

    There are two options to upload training data:

    • Manually (recommended): Use Minio's UI console to upload the images (training data):
      • From the project's folder:
        • dataset/images
      • To the root of the S3 bucket:
        • edge1-data
          (wait for all images to be fully uploaded)
    • Automatically: Use the Camel server provided in the repository to push training data to S3. Follow the instructions under:
      • camel/central-feeder/Readme.txt
  5. Train the model.

    When ALL images have been uploaded, re-run the pipeline by clicking Action > Start, accept default values and click Start.

    You should now see the pipeline succeed. It will push the new model to the following buckets:

    • edge1-models
    • edge1-ready

Prepare the Edge1 environment

  1. Create a new OpenShift project edge1.

  2. Deploy an AMQ Broker

    AMQ is used to enable MQTT connectivity with edge devices and manage monitoring events.

    1. Install the AMQ Broker Operator:

      • AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch)

      Install in edge1 namespace (specific)
      NOT cluster wide

    2. Create a new ActiveMQ Artemis (amq broker instance)
      Use the YAML defined under:

      • deployment/edge/amq-broker.yaml
    3. Create a route to enable external MQTT communication (demo Mobile App)

      oc create route edge broker-amq-mqtt --service broker-amq-mqtt-0-svc
  3. Deploy a Minio instance on the (near) edge.

    1. In the edge1 namespace use the following YAML resource to create the Minio instance:
      • deployment/edge/minio.yaml
    2. In the new Minio instance create the following buckets:
      • production (live AI/ML models)
      • data (training data)
      • valid (data from valid inferences)
      • unclassified (data from invalid inferences)
  4. Create a local service to access the central S3 storage with Service Interconnect.

    Follow the instructions below:

    1. Install Service Interconnect's CLI
      (you can use an embedded terminal from the OCP's console)

      curl | sh
      export PATH="/home/user/.local/bin:$PATH"
    2. Initialize SI in central and create a connection token:

      oc project central
      skupper init --enable-console --enable-flow-collector --console-auth unsecured
      skupper token create edge_to_central.token
    3. Initialize SI in edge1 and create the connection using the token we created earlier:

      oc project edge1
      skupper init
      skupper link create edge_to_central.token --name edge-to-central
    4. Expose the S3 storage service (Minio) from central on SI's network using annotations:

      oc project central
      kubectl annotate service minio-service
    5. Test the SI service.
      You can test the service from edge1 with a Route:

      oc project edge1
      oc create route edge --service=minio-central --port=port9090

      Try opening (central) Minio's console using the newly created route minio-central. Make sure the buckets you see are the ones from central.
      You can delete the route after validating the service is healthy.

Deliver the AI/ML model and run the ML server

  1. Deploy the Edge Manager.
    Deploy in the new edge1 namespace.
    Follow instructions under:

    • camel/edge-manager/Readme.txt

    The Edge Manager moves available models from the edge1-ready (central) to production (edge1).
    When the pod starts, you will see the model available in production.

  2. Deploy the TensorFlow server.

    Under the edge1 project, deploy the following YAML resource:

    • deployment/edge/tensorflow.yaml

    The server will pick up the newly trained model from the production S3 bucket.

  3. Run an inference request.

    To test the Model server works, follow the instructions below.

    1. From a terminal window change directory to client folder:

      cd client
    2. Edit the script and configure the server url with your TensorFlow server's route.

    3. Run the script:


      The output should show something similar to:

      "predictions": ["tea-green", "0.838234"]

Create a trigger for the Pipeline

  1. Create a Pipeline trigger.

    The next stage makes the pipeline triggerable. The goal is enable the platform to train new models automatically when new training data becomes available.

    Follow the steps below to create the trigger.

    To provision the YAML resources below, make sure you switch to the tf project where your pipeline was created.

    1. Deploy the following YAML resource:

      • deployment/pipeline/trigger-template.yaml
    2. Deploy the following YAML resource:

      • deployment/pipeline/trigger-binding.yaml
    3. Deploy the following YAML resource:

      • deployment/pipeline/event-listener.yaml
  2. Trigger the pipeline

    To manually test the pipeline trigger, from OpenShifts's UI console, open a terminal by clicking the icon >_ in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    Copy/Paste and execute the following curl command:

    curl -v \
    -H 'content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"id-edge":"edge1"}' \

    The output of the command above should show the status response:

    HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

    Switch to the Pipelines view to inspect if a new pipeline execution has started.

    a. When the pipeline succeeds, a new model version will show up in the edge1-models S3 bucket.

    b. The pipeline also pushes the new model to the edge1-ready bucket. The Edge Manager moves the model to the Edge Minio instance, into the production bucket. The Model server will detect the new version and hot reload it.

  3. Deploy a Kafka cluster

    The platform uses Kafka to produce/consume events to trigger the pipeline automatically.

    1. Install the AMQ Streams operator in the central namespace.

    2. Deploy a Kafka cluster in the central namespace using the following YAML resource:

      • deployment/central/kafka.yaml

      Wait for the cluster to fully deploy.

  4. Deploy the Camel delivery system

    This Camel system is responsible to listen for Kafka signals to trigger pipeline executions.

    Follow instructions under:

    • camel/central-delivery/Readme.txt

    When successfully deployed, Camel should connect to Kafka and create a Kafka topic trigger. Check in your environment Camel started correctly, and the Kafka topic exists.

    [!CAUTION] You might need to wait a bit until the trigger topic gets created, be patient.

Deploy the data ingestion system

A Camel service deployed on Central will be ready listening for requests to ingest training data.

Upon receiving data ingestion requests, Camel will:

  • Unpack the data and push it to central S3 storage.
  • Send a signal via Kafka to kick off the process of training a new AI/ML model.

  1. Deploy the Feeder

    To deploy the system on OpenShift, follow instructions under:

    • camel/central-feeder/Readme.txt

    Check in your environment Camel has started and is in healthy state.

  2. Expose the Feeder service to the Service Interconnect network to allow edge1 to have visibility:

    oc project central
    kubectl annotate service feeder
  3. (for testing purposes) Expose the feeder service (in edge1) by executing the command below:

    oc expose service feeder -n edge1

Test the end to end solution

This final test validates all the platform stages are healthy. We should see the following processes in motion:

  1. A client sends training data for a new product.
  2. The feeder system (Camel) ingests the data, stores it in S3, and sends a trigger signal.
  3. The delivery system (Camel) receives the signal and triggers the Pipeline.
  4. The Pipeline trains a new model and pushes it to S3 storage.
  5. The edge manager (Camel) detects a new model and moves it to local S3 storage.
  6. The edge ML Server (TensorFlow) detects a new model and hot deploys it.
  7. The platform has now evolved and capable of detecting the new product.


  1. Check the current edge model version in production.

    The edge1 Minio S3 bucket should show model version 2 under:

    • production/models/tea_model_b64
  2. Push training data

    From the central-feeder project, execute in your terminal the following curl command:

    [!CAUTION] If the ZIP file is big, be patient.

    ROUTE=$(oc get routes -n edge1 -o jsonpath={.items[?(\'feeder\')]}) && \
    curl -v -T http://$ROUTE/zip?edgeId=edge1
  3. When the upload completes you should see a new pipeline execution has started.

  4. When the pipeline execution completes you should see a new version 3 deployed under:

    • production/models/tea_model_b64
  5. Test the new model

    Send a new inference request against the ML Server.
    Under the project's client folder, execute the script:


Deploy the AI-powered (intelligent) App

The App connects edge devices to the platform and integrates with the various systems.
It includes an interface capable of:

  • Get price tags for products (inferencing)
  • Send training data (data ingesting)
  • Monitoring platform activity

Install dependencies

Some components are Camel K based.

  • Install Camel K Operator (cluster-wide)
    • Red Hat Integration - Camel K
      1.10.5 provided by Red Hat

Install systems

Under the edge1 namespace, perform the following actions:

  1. Deploy the Price Engine (Catalogue).

    The price engine is based on Camel K.
    From the folder:

    • camel/edge-shopper/camel-price

    First, create a ConfigMap containing the catalogue:
    (make sure you're working on the edge1 namespace)

    oc create cm catalogue --from-file=catalogue.json -n edge1

    Then, run the kamel cli command:

    kamel run price-engine.xml \
    --resource configmap:catalogue@/deployments/config
  2. Deploy the Edge Monitor.
    Deploy it in the new edge1 namespace.
    Follow instructions under:

    • camel/edge-monitor/Readme.txt

    The Edge Monitor bridges monitoring events from Kafka to MQTT.

  3. Deploy the Edge Shopper (Intelligent App).
    Deploy it in the new edge1 namespace.
    Follow instructions under:

    • camel/edge-shopper/Readme.txt

    The Edge Shopper allows for inferencing/data-acquisition/monitoring from a web-based app the user can operate.

  4. Create a route to enable external connectivity:

    oc create route edge camel-edge --service shopper

    Use the route URL to connect from a browser.