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289 lines (241 loc) · 12.9 KB


Suppose we need to develop a drawing application. A drawing consists of a number of circles and polygons, so we define a class where each instance represents a circle and a class where each instance represents a polygon:

public class Circle {
    private final int x;
    private final int y;
    private final int radius;
    public int getX() { return x; }
    public int getY() { return y; }
    public int getRadius() { return radius; }
    public Circle(int x, int y, int radius) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.radius = radius;
public class Polygon {

    private final int[] coordinates;

    public int getNbVertices() { return coordinates.length / 2; }
    public int getX(int vertex) { return coordinates[vertex * 2]; }
    public int getY(int vertex) { return coordinates[vertex * 2 + 1]; }

    public Polygon(int... coordinates) {
        this.coordinates = coordinates.clone();


(Constructor parameter int... coordinates is a varargs parameter; it is equivalent to int[] coordinates except that it allows new Polygon(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}) to be written more concisely as new Polygon(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).)

A drawing, then, is a sequence of shapes, where a shape is either a circle or a polygon. The order among the shapes is important in case of overlaps: the shapes are drawn in reverse order so that the first shape appears on top. How can we store this sequence? We can store it using an array, but what should be the element type?

What we need is a type Shape that is conceptually the union of types Circle and Polygon: what we want is that an object is an instance of Shape if and only if it is either an instance of Circle or an instance of Polygon.

For this purpose, Java has the concepts of abstract classes and inheritance. We can declare an abstract class Shape and declare classes Circle and Polygon as subclasses of Shape:

public abstract class Shape {

public class Circle extends Shape {
    // class body unchanged

public class Polygon extends Shape {
    // class body unchanged

We also say that Circle and Polygon extend Shape and that they inherit from Shape. Shape is the superclass of Circle and Polygon.

A variable of type Shape is polymorphic: we can use it to store a reference to a Circle instance or a reference to a Polygon instance:

Shape shape1 = new Circle(5, 10, 5);
Shape shape2 = new Polygon(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 20);

This also means we can use an array of type Shape[] to store both circles and polygons:

Shape[] shapes = {new Circle(5, 10, 5), new Polygon(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 20)};

Once we have stored an object reference into a polymorphic variable, we can test whether it refers to an instance of a particular class using an instanceof expression:

assertEquals(true, shape1 instanceof Circle);
assertEquals(true, shape2 instanceof Polygon);
assertEquals(false, shape1 instanceof Polygon);
assertEquals(false, shape2 instanceof Circle);

Static type checking

Java is a statically typed programming language. This means that the computer will refuse to execute any Java program that is not statically well-typed. Specifically, before the computer starts executing a Java program, it first type-checks it. If the type-check fails, the program is not executed. The purpose of type-checking is to ensure that certain types of problems will never occur at run time. In particular, Java's static type system ensures that a well-typed program never tries to call a method named M on an object whose class does not declare a method named M, and that it never tries to access a field named F of an object whose class does not declare a field named F.

To ensure this, the Java type-checker assigns a static type to each expression of the program, based on a simple analysis of the program text. In particular:

  • The static type of a variable reference is the declared type of the variable. For example, the static type of an expression shape1 that appears in the scope of a variable declaration Shape shape1 is Shape.
  • Analogously, the static type of a field reference is the declared type of the field, and the static type of a method call is the declared return type of the method.

Java's static type-checking rules ensure that whenever an expression E evaluates to a value V at run time, then V is a value of the static type of E. For example, Java's static type checker allows an assignment x = E only if the static type of expression E is compatible with the declared type of variable x. This ensures that at any point during the execution of a program, the value stored in a variable is a value of the declared type of the variable.

To prevent bad method calls or field accesses, Java's static type checker allows a method call E.m(...) only if the static type of E is a class that declares a method named m. Similarly, it allows a field access E.f only if the static type of E is a class that declares a field named f.

Java's static type-checker is incomplete, in the technical sense that in some cases it rejects a program even though no execution of that program would go wrong at run time.

For example, the following program never goes wrong, but it is rejected by Java's static type checker:

Shape myShape = new Circle(5, 10, 5);
Circle myCircle = myShape;
int radius = myCircle.getRadius();

Java's type checker rejects the assignment myCircle = myShape because the static type of myShape is Shape and class Shape is not a subclass of class Circle.


To allow programmers to work around the incompleteness of Java's static type-checker, Java supports typecasts. The following program is accepted by Java's static type checker:

Shape myShape = new Circle(5, 10, 5);
Circle myCircle = (Circle)myShape;
int radius = myCircle.getRadius();

Even though the static type of expression myShape is Shape, the static type of expression (Circle)myShape is Circle. The computer checks at run time, when evaluating expression (Circle)myShape, that the value of myShape is in fact a reference to an instance of class Circle. If not, a ClassCastException is thrown.

We can use instanceof tests and typecasts to save a drawing given by an array of Shapes as a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file:

public class Drawing {

    private Shape[] shapes;

    public Drawing(Shape... shapes) {
        this.shapes = shapes.clone();

    public String toSVG() {
        String svg = "<svg xmlns=''"
                     + " stroke='black' fill='transparent'>";
        for (Shape shape : shapes) {
            if (shape instanceof Circle) {
                Circle circle = (Circle)shape;
                svg += "<circle cx='" + circle.getX()
                       + "' cy='" + circle.getY()
                       + "' r='" + circle.getRadius()
                       + "'/>";
            } else {
                Polygon polygon = (Polygon)shape;
                svg += "<polygon points='";
                for (int k = 0; k < polygon.getNbVertices(); k++)
                    svg += polygon.getX(k) + " " + polygon.getY(k) + " ";
                svg += "'/>";
        return svg + "</svg>";

    public void saveAsSVG(String filename) throws Exception {
            new File(filename + ".svg").toPath(),
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    	Drawing drawing = new Drawing(
    	    new Polygon(0, 0, 300, 0, 150, 200),
    	    new Circle(150, 100, 80)


Pattern matching

Consider the following piece of code:

if (shape instanceof Circle) {
    Circle circle = (Circle)shape;
    area = circle.getRadius() * circle.getRadius() * Math.PI;

Since Java 16, released in March 2021, we can write this code more concisely as follows:

if (shape instanceof Circle circle)
    area = circle.getRadius() * circle.getRadius() * Math.PI;

This form of the instanceof operator is called the pattern match operator. More generally, a pattern matching expression E instanceof T x is evaluated by first evaluating E to a value V. If V is null or a reference to an object that is not an instance of type T, the pattern matching expression evaluates to false; otherwise, it evaluates to true and pattern variable x is bound to V. It is advisable to use a pattern matching expression instead of a traditional instanceof check followed by a typecast wherever possible.

Class Object

It is not, in fact, strictly true that we needed to introduce a class Shape in order to be able to store Circle objects and Polygon objects in an array. We could have used the built-in class Object instead. The following works:

Object[] shapes = {new Circle(5, 10, 5), new Polygon(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 20)};

This is because

class Circle { /* ... */ }
class Polygon { /* ... */ }

is equivalent to

class Circle extends Object { /* ... */ }
class Polygon extends Object ( /* ... */ }

Indeed, if a class (other than class Object itself) does not explicitly extend another class, it implicitly extends class Object. It follows that class Object is the direct or indirect superclass of all classes in a Java program. It also follows that a variable of type Object can store a reference to any Java object.

This is both a strength and a weakness: if shapes is of type Object[], nothing stops us from storing a String object into it:

Object[] shapes = {new Circle(5, 10, 5), new Polygon(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 20), "Hi!"};

Our Drawing class shown above would crash when trying to convert this drawing to SVG. (Specifically, it would throw a ClassCastException when trying to cast the String object to type Polygon.) In contrast, the statement

Shape[] shapes = {new Circle(5, 10, 5), new Polygon(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 20), "Hi!"};

is rejected by Java's static type checker, since class String is not a subclass of class Shape. Therefore, using a specific abstract class is generally preferable to using class Object.

Class Object and primitive values

Java's primitive types boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, and double are not classes and their values are not objects. Nonetheless, the following works:

Object[] values = {true, 42, 'A', 3.14};

To make this work, Java implicitly converts these values of primitive types to instances of corresponding wrapper classes, as follows:

Object[] values = {

Static method valueOf of class Boolean returns the instance of class Boolean corresponding to the given boolean value. Analogously, method valueOf of class Integer returns an instance of class Integer corresponding to the given int value. This generally involves creating a new object, so it may have a significant cost in space and time. The wrapper classes for types byte, short, long, and float are Byte, Short, Long, and Float.

This feature is known as autoboxing. Java also supports auto-unboxing:

int sumOfIntegers = 0;
for (Object value : values)
    if (value instanceof Integer i)
        sumOfIntegers += i;

Java implicitly calls the appropriate inspector on the wrapper class to retrieve the primitive value. The line sumOfIntegers += i; is equivalent to sumOfIntegers += i.intValue();. Similarly, sumOfIntegers += (int)values[1]; is equivalent to sumOfIntegers += ((Integer)values[1]).intValue();.

Polymorphism and arrays

Arrays are involved in polymorphism in two ways:

  • Arrays are objects, so array references can be assigned to variables of type Object:
    Object o = new int[] {10, 20, 30};
    if (o instanceof int[])
      assert ((int[])o)[2] == 30;
  • Arrays are covariant. That means that if T is a class, a variable of type T[] can refer to an array whose element type is T or a subclass of T. For example:
    Circle[] myCircles = {new Circle(5, 10, 5), new Circle(10, 20, 10)};
    Shape[] myShapes = myCircles; // OK, Circle is a subclass of Shape
    This means, however, that a run-time check is generally necessary to ensure that objects assigned to array components are of the array's element type:
    myShapes[0] = new Circle(10, 5, 10); // OK
    myShapes[1] = new Polygon(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60); // Throws ArrayStoreException
    Since the static type of myShapes is Shape[] and Polygon is a subclass of Shape, Java's static type checker accepts the assignment of a Polygon object to a component of the array. However, since myShapes refers to an array with element type Circle (i.e. its dynamic type is Circle[]), execution of the assignment fails with an ArrayStoreException at run time.