Having been both a producer and consumer of queer content my whole life, I often have friends ask me for recommendations for what to watch next with the caveat that there be queer representation in it. This app is an easy thing to point them to. Also, as a viewer I am always looking for something new to watch and end up just reading lists of suggestions that are all the same, so I'm making this because I simply wish that it existed.
Link to Deployed Game: Here!
Instructions: Choose whether you want to watch a movie, a tv show or if you have no preference, and then choose your favorites from the posters presented to get a recommendation that you might like.
- JavaScript
- Github
- Github Pages
- CSS neon font inspiration: The Frontend Dev
- Add titles to go with posters for accessibility.
- Add a button to get a new recommendation with the same qualifying parameters.
- Add animation to the final poster and make it larger.
- Create an API that is much more extensive in terms of data and specificity.