Releases: builtbybel/Bloatynosy
BloatynosyAI - 2.2
Codebase updated and the chatbot assistant in Bloatynosy called "Ava" has been replaced by @microsoft Clippy (from my fun app ClippySupreme). While you're working with BloatynosyAI, Clippy will now support you. He's a bit cheekier and more aggressive than Ava, but that's just how it is after all the stuff Microsoft messed up ;)
It's been quite a challenge to pull off a name change. The plan was to rebrand BloatynosyAI to CoTweaker. I've received countless emails pleading not to ditch the BloatynosyAI UI in favor of CoTweaker, so I've decided to keep both running simultaneously. We might never fully shake off Bloatynosy(AI)...
BloatynosyAI 2.1.82
BloatynosyAI 2.1.60 - (Out of Pre!)
This build brings better detection of preinstalled @microsoft apps, especially regarding newcomers like DevHome. Even as a developer, I don't use this app, and if I want to use it, then I'll damn well download it myself. This stuff shouldn't be forced on us! Some of these preinstalled apps will now receive the label "Microsoft's New Preinstall Sh*t" on the Pinned apps wall.
This section operates akin to the Windows 11 Start menu, showcasing installed apps, but here, removal is as simple as a single click.
BloatynosyAI 2.1 Out of Preview!
You might have noticed that Bloatynosy has evolved into BloatynosyAI. This is due to the current Windows 11 environment and the ongoing AI integration by Microsoft into the operating system.
Last week, the preview of BloatynosyAI was released, and today, we're already able to leave the preview channel.
In this final version, the UI along with its core has been further optimized. To make navigation easier, I've aligned the UI with the Windows 11 Start menu. However, most of the action takes place in the text input field , similar to what we see in the Windows Search or @microsoft Copilot. Additionally, support for Albacore's ViVe Tool has been integrated into this version. Popular feature configurations will also be included in BloatynosyAI.
How does it work?
The three central modules (Privacy, Bloatware Uninstaller, and App Installer) that we know from Bloatynosy are presented directly on the homepage. Plugins can be accessed, for example, via the keyword "Plugin", "#AI" or "Copilot" to remove AI in Windows 11/10. Additionally, many other Windows functions can be accessed and controlled through the search bar. Just give it a try with some queries or keywords.
Oh, and if you still don't like the name, feel free to call the app CoMachina. _I'm still pondering transforming the app into CoMachina. Stay tuned, there might be something coming up soon π¬...
Just FYI! The app still rocks even if you don't have MSEdge installed! (Though I can't fathom why anyone would ditch the browser entirely). In the rare event the app doesn't kick off, just snag the WebView2 Evergreen Bootstrapper to get things rolling (download it here:
Try out the new version and provide feedback in the discussions.
BloatynosyAI 2.0 (Build 100 Preview)
Today, BloatynosyAI enters a new era with the first preview version of version 2.0.
This marks a major release with a hybrid web app foundation.
This version will be given the additional identifier "AI" by me and will now be called BloatynosyAI to emphasize the new Windows character. In addition to the ability to remove AI features in Windows, it also underscores the intelligent approach of the app itself. This version works now on Windows 10 and also supports localizations. If you want to translate the app, feel free to join the discussion here.
All modules have been translated and are also available in BloatynosyAI. Some are in a slightly streamlined form, while others are more powerful and extensible.
How does it work?
The three central modules (Privacy, Bloatware Uninstaller, and App Installer) that we know from Bloatynosy are presented directly on the homepage. Plugins can be accessed, for example, via the keyword "Plugin", "#AI" or "Copilot" to remove AI in Windows 11/10. Additionally, many other Windows functions can be accessed and controlled through the search bar. Just give it a try with some queries or keywords.
Try out the new version and provide feedback in the discussions.
Check if your hardware can keep up with the latest Microsoft AI features with WhyNotWinAI
Language Files
Language files are already available. A German language file can be directly and live installed via the user interface. To do this, simply search for "translate" and/or "German" in the search/chat box and execute. Language files, including the French one attached, can also be manually installed. Simply download the .zip file and unpack it into the "app" directory of BloatynosyAI (allowing existing files to be overwritten). In the future, additional language files will be installable by default via the search box.
Bloatynosy 1.5.0
Functional tests and adjustments are currently being conducted. This will allow certain components to be integrated into some of my upcoming apps.
Bloatynosy 1.4.0
We have a winner in terms of the name. As of today, it's still Bloatynosy.
The surveys have been running for two weeks, and I've also received over 300 responses on Twitter and by email against a name change. We will never achieve representative results when it comes to taste. However, I will still let the survey run for the next few weeks. Maybe something will change, as I now want to finalize the new version (I'm also racing against time) and have numerous other projects in mind (some of which will also go public, see below), I'm releasing the final 1.4 version today. Enjoy the Christmas season, my friends, and see you soon.
Unveiling the New Identity. Bloatynosy or X
Here is a stable preview under the new but still temporary name "Appstrip". The voting for the app name is still ongoing. The vote on Twitter is in favor of a name change. Interestingly, in the second main poll on my blog, Bloatynosy is currently leading over Appstrip. In case you missed it - there is consideration to change the app name. The changes to the core of the application are also substantial, so I am introducing this version a bit more slowly. You can read more about it on my blog.
By the way, I'm still looking for a new icon for the app (whether it's called Appstrip, Bloatynosy, or something else). If anyone would like to contribute, please report it here in the discussions thread. Otherwise, I've seen numerous presentations and tutorials of the application on YouTube and TikTok. If someone is willing to create a brief but professional introduction to the app for the "average" user at home, feel free to express your interest in the discussions.
Bloatynosy 1.2
BloatyNosy has been renamed to Bloatynosy ("the 'n' in 'nosy' is written as one word in lowercase). Due to the renaming of the GitHub repository, the update mechanism is currently unfortunately disrupted.
- Numerous optimizations and bug fixes, along with the aftermath of the final release, have been resolved.
Source of ver 1.2 has been commited. MSI Package will be pushed soon.
Adressed in final release
- Complete UI revision and overhaul
- Extensive optimization of the main analysis functions
- Added New plugin functionality in the main program (WinModder has been replaced and is now obsolete)
- Restore button placed visibly on the main page of the app
- Features can be analyzed individually with a right-click
- Revised logging
- Optimization of numerous features
- Added feature to disable Windows Copilot
- Added feature to disable start menu Bing search
- Removed feature to "enable Windows Subsystem for Linux"
- Optimized Bloatpilot module
- Extensive code refactoring
- Improved high-DPI experience
- Optimized app's memory usage
- 10% Smaller EXE and 40% Less Memory
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Some features from the old version have been removed and may potentially be reintroduced. This decision will be made by the community
Bloatynosy 1.1 - The real Windows 11 Copilot
So, guys! The most important work is done! The thing can safely be handed over to you.
Some fine-tuning is still needed here and there, and a few functions from the old version below 1.0 have been removed and could possibly come back. Overall, we now have a cleaner, more reliable, and faster codebase with a refreshed UI in the Windows 11 style. I will continue to integrate BloatyNosy more with the community (not Microsoft AI π ) in the next versionsβReddit, GitHub, etc. recommendations β to provide users with more security in usage.
Keep being diligent and report bugs and your suggestions for upcoming versions.
A list of all changes can be found here