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The AnyDataset library provides a helper interface, ByJG\AnyDataset\Db\DbFunctionsInterface
, which returns
database-specific SQL operations based on the current database connection.
Method | Description |
concat($str1, $str2 = null) |
Returns the proper concatenation operation for the current connection. |
limit($sql, $start, $qty) |
Returns the SQL query with the correct LIMIT clause for the current connection. |
top($sql, $qty) |
Returns the SQL query with the correct TOP clause for the current connection. |
hasTop() |
Returns true if the current connection supports TOP . |
hasLimit() |
Returns true if the current connection supports LIMIT . |
sqlDate($format, $column = null) |
Returns the proper function to format a date field based on the current connection. |
toDate($date, $dateFormat) |
Returns the proper function to convert a date to a string based on the current connection. |
fromDate($date, $dateFormat) |
Returns the proper function to convert a string to a date based on the current connection. |
executeAndGetInsertedId(DbDriverInterface $dbdataset, $sql, $param) |
Executes a SQL query and returns the inserted ID. |
delimiterField($field) |
Returns the field name with the correct field delimiter for the current connection. |
delimiterTable($table) |
Returns the table name with the correct table delimiter for the current connection. |
forUpdate($sql) |
Returns the SQL query with the FOR UPDATE clause for the current connection. |
hasForUpdate() |
Returns true if the current connection supports FOR UPDATE . |
The DbFunctionsInterface
is especially useful when working with multiple database connections. It helps ensure that
SQL operations are dynamically adapted to the specific database being used, avoiding hardcoding database-specific
details in your code.
$dbDriver = \ByJG\AnyDataset\Db\Factory::getDbInstance('...connection string...');
$dbHelper = $dbDriver->getDbHelper();
// This will return the proper SQL with the TOP 10
// based on the current connection
$sql = $dbHelper->top("select * from foo", 10);
// This will return the proper concatenation operation
// based on the current connection
$concat = $dbHelper->concat("'This is '", "field1", "'concatenated'");
// This will return the proper function to format a date field
// based on the current connection
// These are the formats availables:
// Y => 4 digits year (e.g. 2022)
// y => 2 digits year (e.g. 22)
// M => Month fullname (e.g. January)
// m => Month with leading zero (e.g. 01)
// Q => Quarter
// q => Quarter with leading zero
// D => Day with leading zero (e.g. 01)
// d => Day (e.g. 1)
// h => Hour 12 hours format (e.g. 11)
// H => Hour 24 hours format (e.g. 23)
// i => Minute leading zero
// s => Seconds leading zero
// a => a/p
// A => AM/PM
$date = $dbHelper->sqlDate("d-m-Y H:i", "some_field_date");
$date2 = $dbHelper->sqlDate(DbBaseFunctions::DMYH, "some_field_date"); // Same as above
// This will return the fields with proper field delimiter
// based on the current connection