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File metadata and controls

2261 lines (1805 loc) · 58.6 KB

Reconfiguration Management Tool


A system for dynamic node reconfiguration. The core features include:

  • Node registration
  • Node ownership management
  • Label-based node selection
  • User registration and authentication
  • Organization management
  • Access control
  • Support for namespaces
  • Configuration management and versioning
  • Schema management and versioning
  • Schema-based configuration validation
  • Configuration dissemination

Getting Started


  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose


Configurable parameters can be found end set in the tools/.env file. They are listed in the below table:

Parameter Description Default value
NODES_NUM The number of nodes to simulate. 2
MAX_REGISTRATION_RETRIES The maximum number of registration requests a node agent will attempt. 5
STAR_PORT The port number at which the node agent is listening. If there are N node agents running, each of them will be assigned a port number from the range STAR_PORT:STAR_PORT+N-1 11000


On Linux:

# go to tools directory
cd tools

# to start both the control plane and node agents

# to stop both the control plane and node agents

On MacOS:

# go to tools directory
cd tools

brew install findutils

# to start both the control plane and node agents

Note: to make script executable, run command: chmod +x 

# to stop both the control plane and node agents

On Windows, using git bash:

# go to tools directory
cd tools

# to start both the control plane and node agents

# to stop both the control plane and node agents


The control plane is available at http://localhost:5555. It can be accessed via any API testing tool, such as cURL, Postman, Insomnia etc.

The node agents are available on ports specified in the configuration file. The default port number for the first node agent is 11000. As the agents expose a gRPC API, gRPCurl or Postman can be used for interaction.


POST /apis/core/v1/users

The endpoint for registering new users.

Request headers


Request body

	"email": "[email protected]",
	"name": "pera",
	"org": "org",
	"password": "pera",
	"surname": "peric",
	"username": "pera"
property type description
email string User's email. Required. Should be unique.
username string Used later for login. Accepted characters: alphanumeric plus "_", "-", "." Required. Should be unique.
name string First name of the user.
surname string Last name of the user.
password string Account password. Required.
org string Name of the organization. Should be unique. If not provided, it will be created as username_default

Response - 200 OK

	"user": {
		"id": "2435b545-d3e4-11ee-bfa7-0242c0a8700b",
		"name": "pera",
		"surname": "peric",
		"email": "[email protected]"
property type description
id string Unique identifier of the user.
email string User's email.
name string First name of the user.
surname string Last name of the user.

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • User already exists
  • Organization already exists
  • Invalid field values
  • Required fields are missing

POST /apis/core/v1/auth

The endpoint for user login.

Request headers


Request body

	"password": "pera",
	"username": "pera"
property type description
username string Account username.
password string Account password.

Response - 200 OK

	"token": "hvs.CAESICIm77HTJaOAzZFMb6EtxkQix0d85P1jFaR7tPadmgK6Gh4KHGh2cy5zTjVSV2NmZnZJV28zdTVXSDhWT24xVGQ"
property type description
token string Authentication token that should be provided in all requests to protected endpoints.

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • Invalid username and/or password

GET /apis/core/v1/nodes/available

The endpoint for listing all available nodes.

Request headers


Request body


Response - 200 OK

	"nodes": [
			"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
			"labels": [
					"key": "cpu-cores",
					"value": "8.00"
					"key": "memory-totalGB",
					"value": "16.00"
property type description
nodes array of objects A list of nodes not taken by any organization yet. string The unique identifier of the node.
nodes.labels array of objects Node's label set.
nodes.labels.key string Label key.
nodes.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

GET /apis/core/v1/nodes/allocated

The endpoint for listing all nodes owned by an organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"org": "org",
property type description
org string Organization name.

Response - 200 OK

	"nodes": [
			"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
			"labels": [
					"key": "cpu-cores",
					"value": "8.00"
					"key": "memory-totalGB",
					"value": "16.00"
property type description
nodes array of Node objects A list of nodes owned by the organization specified in the request body. string The unique identifier of the node.
nodes.labels array of objects Node's label set.
nodes.labels.key string Label key.
nodes.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

GET /apis/core/v1/nodes/available/query_match

The endpoint for querying available nodes.

Request headers


Request body

	"query": [
			"labelKey": "label1",
			"shouldBe": ">",
			"value": "20.0"
property type description
query array of objects A label-based query selector. For a node to match a query, all selectors must be true.
query.labelKey string Key of the label to compare.
query.shouldBe string The comparison operator. Required. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, >.
query.value string Value that should be compared to the label value.

Response - 200 OK

	"nodes": [
			"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
			"labels": [
					"key": "cpu-cores",
					"value": "8.00"
					"key": "memory-totalGB",
					"value": "16.00"
property type description
nodes array of Node objects A list of nodes not taken by any organization yet that match the specified query. string The unique identifier of the node.
nodes.labels array of objects Node's label set.
nodes.labels.key string Label key.
nodes.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • Invalid query format

GET /apis/core/v1/nodes/allocated/query_match

The endpoint for querying nodes owned by an organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"org": "org",
	"query": [
			"labelKey": "label1",
			"shouldBe": ">",
			"value": "20.0"
property type description
org string Organization name.
query array of objects A label-based query selector. For a node to match a query, all selectors must be true.
query.labelKey string Key of the label to compare.
query.shouldBe string The omparison operator. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, >.
query.value string Value that should be compared to the label value.

Response - 200 OK

	"nodes": [
			"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
			"labels": [
					"key": "cpu-cores",
					"value": "8.00"
					"key": "memory-totalGB",
					"value": "16.00"
property type description
nodes array of Node objects A list of nodes owned by the organization specified in the request body that match the query selector. string The unique identifier of the node.
nodes.labels array of objects Node's label set.
nodes.labels.key string Label key.
nodes.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • Invalid query format

PATCH /apis/core/v1/nodes

The endpoint for allocating nodes. The available nodes matched by the query selector will become ownership of the specified organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"org": "org",
	"query": [
			"labelKey": "label1",
			"shouldBe": ">",
			"value": "20.0"
property type description
org string Organization name.
query array of objects A label-based query selector. For a node to match a query, all selectors must be true.
query.labelKey string Key of the label to compare.
query.shouldBe string The omparison operator. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, >.
query.value string Value that should be compared to the label value.

Response - 200 OK

	"nodes": [
			"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
			"labels": [
					"key": "cpu-cores",
					"value": "8.00"
					"key": "memory-totalGB",
					"value": "16.00"
property type description
nodes array of Node objects A list of allocated nodes. string The unique identifier of the node.
nodes.labels array of objects Node's label set.
nodes.labels.key string Label key.
nodes.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • Invalid query format

POST /apis/core/v1/labels/float64

The endpoint for upserting a label for the specified node. The label has a float64 value. The node must be owned by the specified organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"label": {
		"key": "newlabel",
		"value": 25.0
	"nodeId": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
	"org": "org"
property type description
label object Label to be added or updated
label.key string Label key.
label.value float64 Label value.
nodeId string Node's identifier.
org string Organization name.

Response - 200 OK

	"node": {
		"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
		"labels": [
				"key": "cpu-cores",
				"value": "8.00"
				"key": "memory-totalGB",
				"value": "16.00"
				"key": "newlabel",
				"value": "25.0"
property type description
node object The node updated. string The unique identifier of the node.
node.labels array of objects Node's new label set.
node.labels.key string Label key.
node.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization
  • The node is not owned by the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Node doesn't exist

POST /apis/core/v1/labels/bool

The endpoint for upserting a label for the specified node. The label has a boolean value. The node must be owned by the specified organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"label": {
		"key": "newlabel",
		"value": true
	"nodeId": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
	"org": "org"
property type description
label object Label to be added or updated
label.key string Label key.
label.value bool Label value.
nodeId string Node's identifier.
org string Organization name.

Response - 200 OK

	"node": {
		"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
		"labels": [
				"key": "cpu-cores",
				"value": "8.00"
				"key": "memory-totalGB",
				"value": "16.00"
				"key": "newlabel",
				"value": "true"
property type description
node object The node updated. string The unique identifier of the node.
node.labels array of objects Node's new label set.
node.labels.key string Label key.
node.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization
  • The node is not owned by the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Node doesn't exist

POST /apis/core/v1/labels/string

The endpoint for upserting a label for the specified node. The label has a string value. The node must be owned by the specified organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"label": {
		"key": "newlabel",
		"value": "val"
	"nodeId": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
	"org": "org"
property type description
label object Label to be added or updated
label.key string Label key.
label.value string Label value.
nodeId string Node's identifier.
org string Organization name.

Response - 200 OK

	"node": {
		"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
		"labels": [
				"key": "cpu-cores",
				"value": "8.00"
				"key": "memory-totalGB",
				"value": "16.00"
				"key": "newlabel",
				"value": "val"
property type description
node object The node updated. string The unique identifier of the node.
node.labels array of objects Node's new label set.
node.labels.key string Label key.
node.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization
  • The node is not owned by the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Node doesn't exist

DELETE /apis/core/v1/labels

The endpoint for deleting a label for the specified node. The node must be owned by the specified organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"labelKey": "newlabel",
	"nodeId": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
	"org": "org"
property type description
labelKey string Label key to be deleted.
nodeId string Node's identifier.
org string Organization name.

Response - 200 OK

	"node": {
		"id": "05ede011-701e-4e9c-b500-f3b6a98a7564",
		"labels": [
				"key": "cpu-cores",
				"value": "8.00"
				"key": "memory-totalGB",
				"value": "16.00"
property type description
node object The node updated. string The unique identifier of the node.
node.labels array of objects Node's new label set. If the label with the specified key couldn't be found, the new and old label sets will be identical.
node.labels.key string Label key.
node.labels.value string Label's stringified value.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization
  • The node is not owned by the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Node doesn't exist

POST /apis/core/v1/relations

The endpoint for creating security policy inheritance relationships between resources.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"from": {
		"id": "dev",
		"kind": "namespace"
	"to": {
		"id": "my-app",
		"kind": "app"
property type description
from object Parent resource. string Parent resource identifier.
from.kind string Parent resource kind.
to object Child resource. string Child resource identifier.
to.kind string Child resource kind.

Response - 200 OK

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user has no permission to manage specified resources.

POST /apis/core/v1/policies

The endpoint for creating security policies.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"objectScope": {
		"id": "dev",
		"kind": "namespace"
	"permission": {
		"condition": {
			"expression": ""
		"kind": "ALLOW",
		"name": "config.get"
	"subjectScope": {
		"id": "my-app",
		"kind": "app"
property type description
objectScope object Object scope resource. string Object scope resource identifier.
objectScope.kind string Object scope resource kind.
subjectScope object Subject scope resource. string Subject scope resource identifier.
subjectScope.kind string Subject scope resource kind.
permission object Permission to be granted.
kind string Permission kind. Values can be ALLOW or DENY
name string Permission name.
permission.condition.expression string Logical expression that activates the policy.

Response - 200 OK

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user has no permission to manage specified resources.

POST /apis/core/v1/schemas

The endpoint for creating new configuration schema version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"schema_details": {
		"organization": "c12s",
		"schema_name": "schema",
		"version": "v1.0.2"
	"schema": "properties:\n  db_config:\n    properties:\n      address:\n        type: string\n      port:\n        type: integer\n    required:\n    - address\n    - port\n    type: object\nrequired:\n- db_config\ntype: object\n"
property type description
schema_details object Schema info.
schema_details.organization string The owner of the schema.
schema_details.schema_name string Schema name.
schema_details.version string Schema version. New schema version will be saved only if it doesn't already exist.
schema string Schema definition. Must be a valid YAML representation of a JSON schema.

Response - 200 OK

	"status": 0,
	"message": "Schema saved successfully!"
property type description
status string Response status.
message string Response message. The value depends on the response status:
0 - Schema saved successfully!
3 - Provided version is not latest! Please provide a version that succeeds 'v1.0.0'!
3 - schema is invalid
3 - Schema details must not contain '/'!
3 - Schema version must be a valid SemVer string with 'v' prefix!

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

GET /apis/core/v1/schemas

The endpoint for getting a specified configuration schema version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"schema_details": {
		"organization": "c12s",
		"schema_name": "schema",
		"version": "v1.0.2"
property type description
schema_details object Schema info.
schema_details.organization string The owner of the schema.
schema_details.schema_name string Schema name.
schema_details.version string Schema version. New schema version will be saved only if it doesn't already exist.

Response - 200 OK

    "message": "Schema retrieved successfully!",
    "schemaData": {
        "schema": "properties:\n  db_config:\n    properties:\n      address:\n        type: string\n      port:\n        type: integer\n    required:\n    - address\n    - port\n    type: object\nrequired:\n- db_config\ntype: object\n",
        "creationTime": "2024-04-10T10:49:29.496643237Z"
property type description
message string Response message.
schemaData object Schema details.
schemaData.schema string Schema definition.
schemaData.creationTime string Date and time when the schema was created.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

GET /apis/core/v1/schemas/versions

The endpoint for getting all versions of a specified configuration schema.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"schema_details": {
		"organization": "c12s",
		"schema_name": "schema",
property type description
schema_details object Schema info.
schema_details.organization string The owner of the schema.
schema_details.schema_name string Schema name.

Response - 200 OK

    "message": "Schema versions retrieved successfully!",
    "schemaVersions": [
            "schemaDetails": {
                "schemaName": "schema",
                "version": "v1.0.1",
                "organization": "c12s"
            "schemaData": {
                "schema": "properties:\n  db_config:\n    properties:\n      address:\n        type: string\n      port:\n        type: integer\n    required:\n    - address\n    - port\n    type: object\nrequired:\n- db_config\ntype: object\n",
                "creationTime": "2024-04-10T10:49:29.496643237Z"
property type description
message string Response message.
schemaVersions array of objects List of schemas.
schemaVersions.schemaDetails object Schema info.
schemaVersions.schemaDetails.organization string The owner of the schema.
schemaVersions.schemaDetails.schema_name string Schema name.
schemaVersions.schemaDetails.version string Schema version.
schemaVersions.schemaData object Schema details.
schemaVersions.schemaData.schema string Schema definition.
schemaVersions.schemaData.creationTime string Date and time when the schema was created.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

DELETE /apis/core/v1/schemas

The endpoint for deleting a specified configuration schema version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

	"schema_details": {
		"organization": "c12s",
		"schema_name": "schema",
		"version": "v1.0.2"
property type description
schema_details object Schema info.
schema_details.organization string The owner of the schema.
schema_details.schema_name string Schema name.
schema_details.version string Schema version.

Response - 200 OK

    "message": "Schema deleted successfully!"
property type description
message string Response message.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

GET /apis/core/v1/schemas/validations

The endpoint for validating configuration against a specified configuration schema version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

  "schema_details": {
    "organization": "c12s",
    "schema_name": "schema",
    "version": "v1.0.1"
  "configuration": "db_config:\n	address:\n	port: abc"
property type description
schema_details object Schema info.
schema_details.organization string The owner of the schema.
schema_details.schema_name string Schema name.
schema_details.version string Schema version.
configuration string Configuration in YAML format.

Response 1 - 200 OK

  "status": 0,
  "message": "The configuration is valid!",
  "is_valid": true
property type description
status int Response status.
message string Response message.
is_valid bool Specifies whether the configuration was valid or not.

Response 2 - 200 OK

  "status": 0,
  "message": "person.age: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string",
  "is_valid": false
property type description
status int Response status.
message string Response message.
is_valid bool Specifies whether the configuration was valid or not.

Response 3 - 200 OK

  "status": 3,
  "message": "No schema with key 'my_namespace/car_schema/v1.0.0' found!",
  "is_valid": false
property type description
status int Response status.
message string Response message.
is_valid bool Specifies whether the configuration was valid or not.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

POST /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone

The endpoint for creating new standalone configuration version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

  "name": "db_config",
  "organization": "c12s",
  "namespace": "default",
  "paramSet": [
      "value": "5432",
      "key": "port"
      "key": "address",
      "value": ""
  "version": "v1.0.1",
  "schema": {
    "name": "schema",
    "version": "v1.0.0"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
paramSet array of objects Configuration parameters.
paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.
schema object [optional] Schema against which to validate the new configuration. string [optional] Schema name.
schema.version string [optional] Schema version.

Response - 200 OK

    "organization": "c12s",
    "name": "nats_config",
    "version": "v1.0.1",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
    "paramSet": [
            "key": "port",
            "value": "8884"
            "key": "address",
			"value": ""
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
paramSet array of objects Configuration parameters.
paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 400 Bad request

  • Schema validation wasn't successful

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone/single

The endpoint for getting a specified standalone configuration version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "nats_config",
	"version": "v1.0.1"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "organization": "c12s",
    "name": "nats_config",
    "version": "v1.0.1",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
    "paramSet": [
            "key": "port",
            "value": "8884"
            "key": "address",
			"value": ""
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
paramSet array of objects Configuration parameters.
paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found.

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone

The endpoint for listing all standalone configurations inside an organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s",
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.

Response - 200 OK

	"configurations": [
			"organization": "c12s",
			"name": "nats_config",
			"version": "v1.0.1",
			"createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
			"paramSet": [
					"key": "port",
					"value": "8884"
					"key": "address",
					"value": ""
property type description
configurations array of objects List of configurations.
configurations.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration. string Configuration name.
configurations.version string Configuration version.
configurations.createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
configurations.paramSet array of objects Configuration parameters.
configurations.paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
configurations.paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

DELETE /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone

The endpoint for deleting a specified standalone configuration version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "nats_config",
	"version": "v1.0.1"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "organization": "c12s",
    "name": "nats_config",
    "version": "v1.0.1",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
    "paramSet": [
            "key": "port",
            "value": "8884"
            "key": "address",
			"value": ""
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
paramSet array of objects Configuration parameters.
paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found.

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone/diff

The endpoint for getting a diff between two standalone configuration versions.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "reference": {
        "name": "nats_config",
        "organization": "c12s",
        "version": "v1.0.0"
    "diff": {
        "name": "nats_config",
        "organization": "c12s",
        "version": "v1.0.1"
property type description
reference object Reference configuration for calculating diff.
reference.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration. string Configuration name.
reference.version string Configuration version.
diff object Configuration whose diffs should be taken into account.
diff.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration. string Configuration name.
diff.version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "diffs": [
            "type": "replacement",
            "diff": {
                "key": "port",
                "new_value": "8884",
                "old_value": "1111"
            "type": "deletion",
            "diff": {
                "key": "address",
                "value": ""
property type description
diffs array of objects List of diffs between two configurations.
diffs.type string Diff type. Possible values are: addition, deletion, replacement
diffs.diff map<string, string> Diff info. Fields present depend on the diff type.
addition: key, value
deletion: key, value
replacement: key, old_value, new_value

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found

POST /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone/placements

The endpoint for disseminating a standalone configuration version to the query-selected nodes.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "config": {
        "name": "app_config",
        "organization": "c12s",
        "version": "v1.0.0"
    "namespace": "dev",
    "query": [
            "labelKey": "newlabel",
            "shouldBe": ">",
            "value": "20.0"
property type description
config.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration as well as nodes for dissemination. string Configuration name.
config.version string Configuration version.
namespace string Namespace in which the configuration will be visible.
query array of objects A label-based query selector. For a node to match a query, all selectors must be true.
query.labelKey string Key of the label to compare.
query.shouldBe string The omparison operator. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, >.
query.value string Value that should be compared to the label value.

Response - 200 OK

    "tasks": [
            "id": "eb333bc8-4d7e-4149-bacc-8feb60a94dc3",
            "node": "a4b242c1-bc6e-417e-9708-f164e618d0c2",
            "namespace": "dev",
            "status": "Accepted",
            "acceptedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC",
            "resolvedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC"
property type description
tasks array of objects List of placement tasks. There will be one for each node. string Task ID.
tasks.node string ID of the node that will receive configuration.
tasks.namespace string The namespace in which the configuration will be visible.
tasks.status string Task status. Possible values: Accepted, Placed, Failed
tasks.acceptedAt string Date and time when task was accepted.
tasks.resolvedAt string Date and time when task status was resolved to either Placed of Failed. If the current status is Accepted, this value can be ignored.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • Query format invalid.

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found.

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/standalone/placements

The endpoint for listing placement task statuses for the specified configuration.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "name": "app_config",
	"organization": "c12s",
	"version": "v1.0.0"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "tasks": [
            "id": "eb333bc8-4d7e-4149-bacc-8feb60a94dc3",
            "node": "a4b242c1-bc6e-417e-9708-f164e618d0c2",
            "namespace": "dev",
            "status": "Placed",
            "acceptedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC",
            "resolvedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC"
property type description
tasks array of objects List of placement tasks. There will be one for each node. string Task ID.
tasks.node string ID of the node that will receive configuration.
tasks.namespace string The namespace in which the configuration will be visible.
tasks.status string Task status. Possible values: Accepted, Placed, Failed
tasks.acceptedAt string Date and time when task was accepted.
tasks.resolvedAt string Date and time when task status was resolved to either Placed of Failed. If the current status is Accepted, this value can be ignored.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found.

POST /apis/core/v1/configs/groups

The endpoint for creating new configuration group version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "app_config",
	"version": "v1.0.0",
    "paramSets": [
			"name": "db_config",
            "paramSet": [
                    "key": "port",
					"value": "1234"
	"schema": {
		"name": "nats_schema",
		"version": "v2.1.0"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
paramSets array of objects List of named configurations in the group. string Name of the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet array of objects List of configuration parameters inside the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSets.paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.
schema object [optional] Schema against which to validate the new configuration. string [optional] Schema name.
schema.version string [optional] Schema version.

Response - 200 OK

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "app_config",
	"version": "v1.0.0",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
    "paramSets": [
			"name": "db_config",
            "paramSet": [
                    "key": "port",
					"value": "1234"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
paramSets array of objects List of named configurations in the group. string Name of the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet array of objects List of configuration parameters inside the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSets.paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 400 Bad request

  • Schema validation wasn't successful

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/groups/single

The endpoint for getting a specified configuration group version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "app_config",
	"version": "v1.0.0"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "app_config",
	"version": "v1.0.0",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
    "paramSets": [
			"name": "db_config",
            "paramSet": [
                    "key": "port",
					"value": "1234"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
paramSets array of objects List of named configurations in the group. string Name of the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet array of objects List of configuration parameters inside the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSets.paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/groups

The endpoint for listing all configuration groups inside an organization.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.

Response - 200 OK

	"groups": [
			"organization": "c12s",
			"name": "app_config",
			"version": "v1.0.0",
			"createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
			"paramSets": [
					"name": "db_config",
					"paramSet": [
							"key": "port",
							"value": "1234"
property type description
groups array of objects List of configurations.
groups.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration. string Configuration name.
groups.version string Configuration version.
groups.createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
groups.paramSets array of objects List of named configurations in the group. string Name of the configuration.
groups.paramSets.paramSet array of objects List of configuration parameters inside the configuration.
groups.paramSets.paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
groups.paramSets.paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

DELETE /apis/core/v1/configs/groups

The endpoint for deleting a specified configuration group version.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "app_config",
	"version": "v1.0.0"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "organization": "c12s",
	"name": "app_config",
	"version": "v1.0.0",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-10 08:44:12 +0000 UTC",
    "paramSets": [
			"name": "db_config",
            "paramSet": [
                    "key": "port",
					"value": "1234"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.
createdAt string Date and time when the configuration was created.
paramSets array of objects List of named configurations in the group. string Name of the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet array of objects List of configuration parameters inside the configuration.
paramSets.paramSet.key string Key of the configuration parameter.
paramSets.paramSet.value string Value of the configuration parameter.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/groups/diff

The endpoint for getting a diff between two configuration group versions.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "reference": {
        "name": "nats_config",
        "organization": "c12s",
        "version": "v1.0.0"
    "diff": {
        "name": "nats_config",
        "organization": "c12s",
        "version": "v1.0.1"
property type description
reference object Reference configuration for calculating diff.
reference.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration. string Configuration name.
reference.version string Configuration version.
diff object Configuration whose diffs should be taken into account.
diff.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration. string Configuration name.
diff.version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "diffs": {
        "db_config": {
            "diffs": [
                    "type": "replacement",
                    "diff": {
                        "key": "port",
                        "new_value": "1234",
                        "old_value": "4444"
        "media_path_config": {
            "diffs": [
                    "type": "deletion",
                    "diff": {
                        "key": "path",
                        "value": "/media"
property type description
diffs map<string, object> Map of diffs by configuration
diffs[key].diffs.type string Diff type. Possible values are: addition, deletion, replacement
diffs[key].diffs.diff map<string, string> Diff info. Fields present depend on the diff type.
addition: key, value
deletion: key, value
replacement: key, old_value, new_value

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found

POST /apis/core/v1/configs/groups/placements

The endpoint for disseminating a configuration group version to the query-selected nodes.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "config": {
        "name": "app_config",
        "organization": "c12s",
        "version": "v1.0.0"
    "namespace": "dev",
    "query": [
            "labelKey": "newlabel",
            "shouldBe": ">",
            "value": "20.0"
property type description
config.organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration as well as nodes for dissemination. string Configuration name.
config.version string Configuration version.
namespace string Namespace in which the configuration will be visible.
query array of objects A label-based query selector. For a node to match a query, all selectors must be true.
query.labelKey string Key of the label to compare.
query.shouldBe string The omparison operator. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, >.
query.value string Value that should be compared to the label value.

Response - 200 OK

    "tasks": [
            "id": "eb333bc8-4d7e-4149-bacc-8feb60a94dc3",
            "node": "a4b242c1-bc6e-417e-9708-f164e618d0c2",
            "namespace": "dev",
            "status": "Accepted",
            "acceptedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC",
            "resolvedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC"
property type description
tasks array of objects List of placement tasks. There will be one for each node. string Task ID.
tasks.node string ID of the node that will receive configuration.
tasks.namespace string The namespace in which the configuration will be visible.
tasks.status string Task status. Possible values: Accepted, Placed, Failed
tasks.acceptedAt string Date and time when task was accepted.
tasks.resolvedAt string Date and time when task status was resolved to either Placed of Failed. If the current status is Accepted, this value can be ignored.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 400 Bad Request

  • Query format invalid.

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found.

GET /apis/core/v1/configs/groups/placements

The endpoint for listing placement task statuses for the specified configuration.

Request headers

  • Authorization: User's authentication token received upon login

Request body

    "name": "app_config",
	"organization": "c12s",
	"version": "v1.0.0"
property type description
organization string Name of the organization that is the owner of the configuration.
name string Configuration name.
version string Configuration version.

Response - 200 OK

    "tasks": [
            "id": "eb333bc8-4d7e-4149-bacc-8feb60a94dc3",
            "node": "a4b242c1-bc6e-417e-9708-f164e618d0c2",
            "namespace": "dev",
            "status": "Placed",
            "acceptedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC",
            "resolvedAt": "2024-04-10 10:14:22 +0000 UTC"
property type description
tasks array of objects List of placement tasks. There will be one for each node. string Task ID.
tasks.node string ID of the node that will receive configuration.
tasks.namespace string The namespace in which the configuration will be visible.
tasks.status string Task status. Possible values: Accepted, Placed, Failed
tasks.acceptedAt string Date and time when task was accepted.
tasks.resolvedAt string Date and time when task status was resolved to either Placed of Failed. If the current status is Accepted, this value can be ignored.

Response - 401 Unauthorized

  • Invalid authentication token

Response - 403 Forbidden

  • The user is not a member of the specified organization

Response - 404 Not Found

  • Configuration not found.

Example workflow

There is a demo.json Postman collection in the tools directory. It demonstrates a scenario covering all steps that need to be taken from user registration to getting a sample configuration disseminated to a subset of nodes.

After running the collection, and assuming default configuration parameters, the response from node agents should be the following:

 grpcurl -plaintext -d '{
    "name": "app_config",
    "org": "c12s",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "namespace": "dev"
}' localhost:11000 proto.StarConfig/GetConfigGroup
  "organization": "c12s",
  "name": "app_config",
  "version": "v1.0.0",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-10 10:12:32 +0000 UTC",
  "paramSets": [
      "name": "db_config",
      "paramSet": [
          "key": "port",
          "value": "4444"
      "name": "media_path_config",
      "paramSet": [
          "key": "path",
          "value": "/media"
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{
    "name": "app_config",
    "org": "c12s",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "namespace": "dev"
}' localhost:11001 proto.StarConfig/GetConfigGroup
  Code: NotFound
  Message: config group (org: c12s, name: app_config, version: v1.0.0) not found in namespace dev
 grpcurl -plaintext -d '{
    "name": "db_config",
    "org": "c12s",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "namespace": "dev"
}' localhost:11000 proto.StarConfig/GetStandaloneConfig
  "organization": "c12s",
  "name": "db_config",
  "version": "v1.0.0",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-10 10:12:32 +0000 UTC",
  "paramSet": [
		"value": "1234",
		"key": "port"
		"key": "address",
		"value": ""
 grpcurl -plaintext -d '{
    "name": "db_config",
    "org": "c12s",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "namespace": "dev"
}' localhost:11001 proto.StarConfig/GetStandaloneConfig
  "organization": "c12s",
  "name": "db_config",
  "version": "v1.0.0",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-10 10:12:32 +0000 UTC",
  "paramSet": [
		"value": "1234",
		"key": "port"
		"key": "address",
		"value": ""