Vector implementation in C2. Based on vector implementation in C by Edd Mann After downloading or cloning c2vector, it is advised to test it with
c2c --test --checkOnly
in the the root directory of the c2vector repository
You can then try an example of usage of vector with
and running the test executable
If no errors are thrown during the testing, everything works and you are good to go
public type vector struct
void** items;
int32 capacity;
int32 total;
public func void init(vector* v);
public func int32 total(vector* v);
public func void add(vector* v, void* item);
public func void set(vector* v, int32 index, void* item);
public func void* get(vector* v, int32 index);
public func void delete(vector* v, int32 index);
public func void free(vector *v);
Always start by declaring and initializing a vector (import c2vector local; and import stdio as io; assumed)
vector vc;
Then you can add any kind of item to the vector with
add(&vc, item);
Get item at any position
get(&vc, 1);
The total function returns the number of elements in a vector.
io.printf("%d\n, total(&vc));
After you are done working with a vector, you can free it with
Lukas Hozda([email protected],, (c)2015
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