- Changes out of region alert handling (through use of delegate)
- Adds notification for when user is outside selected region
- Fixes bug with setting Custom API URLs
- Fixes bug with bookmark edits causing crash
- Optimization for iPhone 6/6+ screen resolutions
- Updates to iOS 8 location management
- Updates status label to match minute colors
- Tapping map tab button while in Map tab now centers on current location
- Analytics updates and fixes
- Added new setting for high color contrast and reduced transparency
- Improve problem submission process
- Improve contact us by email feature
- Changed minimum iOS version to 6.0
- Upgraded TestFlight SDK, updated event tracking
- Enhanced back button path for StopInfo
- Improved memory management
- General cleanup
- Added support for finding and contributing information about bus stops in Stop Details page for Puget Sound (see http://stopinfo.pugetsound.onebusaway.org for more details)
- Added option to show experimental servers (such as Washington D.C.)
- Added feature to create groups for bookmarks
- Fixed address search by updating to Google Geocoding V3 API
- Fixed "Out of Service Area" message appearing for certain covered areas
- Made various accessibility improvements for VoiceOver
- UI consistency improvement
- Upgraded TestFlight SDK
- Added Google Analytics
- Attached subject and footer with relevant info to e-mail under "Contact Us"
Special thanks to the volunteer developers and many testers for their work on this version!
Startup on last opened tab
Design for iOS 7 users
Load arrivals beyond 35 minutes in the future
View your current location on the route map
Link to feature request tracker, be sure to vote on and suggest new features from the Info tab
Link to Facebook page
What's new message in app
Analytics package to help determine what parts of the app are most popular as well as fix bugs and crashes
Display usage purposes of location services on initial permission prompt
Cosmetic improvements
Improved search results at high zoom levels and when searching at locations not near your current location
Improved map status message logic
Improved list view when no stops present
Improved debugging information
Fixed bug where trips departing in 1 or -1 minutes would appear as departing NOW
Fixed bugs only exposed with location services disabled
Fixed trip problem reporting bugs
Fixed bug where zooming in on current location would force zoom out
Fixed bug where you couldn't select route after searching and receiving multiple route results
Removed obsolete code
- Fixes bug with connection error when location services are disabled
- Fixes bug with "Report a problem"
Special thanks to Sebastian Kießling, Chaya Hiruncharoenvate, and the many testers for their work on this version!
- Added multiregion support - now also includes Atlanta, GA and Tampa, FL
- Extended search radius to 15,000 meters
- Fixed bug where you couldn't select the route if multiple options appeared (e.g. searching for "A Line")
- Updated privacy policy link
- Updated copyright notice
- Fix and improve "No stops at this location" logic
- Other small bug fixes
Special thanks to Sebastian Kießling, Aaron Brethorst, and all other parties involved for making this update possible.
- Support for larger iPhone 5 screen
- New search from map screen
- Updated user interface with OneBusAway branding (green)
- New app icon
- Current location displayed with standard iOS maps blue dot
- VoiceOver accessibility improvements
- Added privacy policy link
- Updated credits
- Default API now points at new Puget Sound API server address
- Code cleanup
- Other random bug fixes