- added AVR109 bootloader.
- allow to send single zero.
- add clear command send on clear button long push.
- fix zero imput handling, when zero is imputed as first character.
- fix multiplex for animations and special characters.
- segments inverted to back side.
- keypad mapping changed to mobile phone layout.
- maximum of 3 digits can be imputed at the time. (There is no owerflow)
- variable single digit multiplex to increase brightness.
First firmware release. This release includes:
- 7 segment display driver.
- key matrix readout.
- USART driver and simple transport packet format.
- Coplete startup and device operation.
- button alignment.
- move 7-segments together.
- generate step file for case design.
- Fix P-MOS driver transistors connections.
- Confirm 7-segmet parts.
- Fix usb data lines connection
- Fixed schematic.
- PCB design completed.
- Gerber files generated.
- Taken over by Juraj.
- Created files structure.