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Speaker Travel Funds, Compensation, & Mentorship for Tech Conference Talks |
Marginalized people have less access to networks of conference organizers & experienced speakers. People already in those networks can dismiss details as too obvious to mention — not realizing how many much of the system is invisible and unknowable from the outside . So we wind up systematically holding marginalized people at a disadvantage when competing against peers who have more privilege; better access to logistical support, morale support, and a mentors' expertise. It matters when we take steps to level the field for marginalized people to compete for speaking opportunities. Conferences benefit from having more candidates, more varied proposals, more opportunities to wow audiences with highly qualified speakers who bring something new to the table.
- @ches @cczona @raganwald and we pay speakers, freelancers, have free childcare, ASL interpreters/live captioning, inclusive meals, and more
- Want to talk through a CFP idea with our organizers? Request a Google Hangout here …
- Conference organizers who offered proposal-writing and first-time speaking advice, how'd you approach it? /cc @CallbackWomen
- Check out these do's and don'ts for submitting an awesome talk for @DockerCon 2016 - post by @spara: … #DockerCon
CSSconf Nordic on Twitter
We hope submissions span a wide range of CSS-related topics, and wrote a list of words to spark your brainstorming. ...- Good job from my other @spkeazee mentee, one that has grown up to full-blown presenter. Thanks @ru_altom …
- Here are some tips to help you with writing your abstract for the Call for Papers #droidconDE …
- Sponsors make it possible for us to pay our speaker’s travel and accommodation — and to keep ticket prices affordable. 💰🌏
✈️ 🎫👍 - Want to talk through a CFP idea with our organizers? Sign up for a Google Hangout here …
- @hkasera very rare to get speaker travel funding that isn't either by the conference or by one's employer. :-(
- YAPC isn't just about #Perl. All interesting topics welcome! Want to CFP? Ping me! I'll help! …
- Have questions about the CFP for @ngconf? The organizers will hold office hours Thurs 2-11-16, 12pm MST to help! ….
- I've heard great things about @lfnw .. Looks like the CFP is open until Feb 12. Need help with writing your proposal? @CallbackWomen
- best money saving tip. don't give out big meals, draw a map of places around the venue, give time, use that $$ for speakers.
- Organizing a conference is like a organizing a concert. Pay the artist, split the entrance income, or don't do one at all.
- We've done it, while keeping event affordable for devs who make on average $600 - 1200 month salary. If you need help figuring out, holla.
- We always cover speaker costs for events in Colombia, some workshops, but were upfront cfp). No excuses for US/EU. …
- The benefits of "exposure" can be profoundly mixed or sometimes non-existent for speakers from marginalized groups.
- <iframe src="//" class="s-video-content"></iframe>How to Submit a Winning DrupalCon Session … by @megansanicki COO of @DrupalAssoc
- Need some help with writing your abstract? Here is a little help: … #droidconDE
- Looking for tips for a talk proposal?
@rockbot and @sarahmei have loads in this video …
PS: Download for audio
- <iframe src="//" class="s-video-content"></iframe>Lacey Williams Henschel's "Your First Conference Proposal!" at … @laceynwilliams @PyTennessee #pytennessee
- The consequences of speakers-pay tech conferences …
- @ewebber @CallbackWomen absolutely. But we found decoupling our speaker Dev efforts from and CFP increased participation. By ^10 (truly)
- @ewebber @CallbackWomen it's on the to do! Biggest thing we learned. Decouple speaker development programs from speaking on stage.
- Are you a woman who wants to speak at a @PyData or contribute to a @NumFOCUS project? I'm here to help! Sign up at !
- want to remove barriers to diverse speakers? cover costs. don't want to cover costs? cool, but let's be honest about the consequences.
- @rmurphey @CallbackWomen i worked at an agency who wanted me to foot the bill but talk about them, but take vacation time to do so. NOPE
- imo the @jsconf family nails it--pay for speaker attendance, travel & lodging, but offer a sponsorship if speaker's company covers costs
- @denormalize asking for aid — even just an email — means asking: do i deserve it? am i good enough? will i deprive someone else?
- @rmurphey @CallbackWomen Or if we're self employed and time at the conference is a direct loss of income.
- @denormalize just having to ask to have costs paid is an emotional hoop
- it's fine to incentivize speakers to pay their own costs; but when speakers-pay is the default, you've given up on inclusivity.
- and i don't mean offering fin aid if speakers jump through hoops. funding speaker costs needs to be starting point, not special case.
- i'm super excited for @pycon & honored they want me to speak but the "everyone pays" model is legit stressful for me as a nonprofit employee
- @gsuttie my point is exactly that no, they may not be ABLE to go to the events w/o support. requiring hoop-jumping for fin aid is insulting.
- conferences don’t exist without speakers. truly diverse lineups CANNOT exist without funding speaker travel/hotel/ticket.
- it’s a double whammy when the speaker doesn’t even get their employer’s support in the form of time off.
- a wee bit ragey as i see speakers wonder if sufficient hoop-jumping will lead to financial aid, or if they’ll have to pay or bow out.
- We have an open call for 2016 speakers. Did you know we not only offer a free hotel + ticket, but we cover travel?
- @sigje this is why @GopherCon is fantastic. Tell you right on home page if CFP accepted Travel etc covered
- @cwebber @beyondthecode15 covered travel and hotel (and had an awesome box of chocolates welcoming us to the event in 2014!)
- Proposals need to be submitted by February 7, BUT individuals have until February 28 to finalize (and ask for help!!) @CallbackWomen
- If you've never spoken before and want to be paired with an AMAZING mentor, sign up for @BSidesLV Proving Ground!
- Ooh. You've got a reprieve. If you need help with an idea, or proposal let me know! @CallbackWomen …
- Here's 12 ways to minimize anxiety when presenting: …
- And read @nedbat on why "25 Minutes is a Bitch" …
- "Free labor is not inclusive." Unpaid internships kill diversity #alterconf
- Looking for tips for making your #esconfs submission? Then look no further > …
- My talk rejection record for 2015. Rejection is a fact of speaking, it happens to everyone. Don’t let it stop you.
- Want to give a talk but need some help with your abstract? Join our free workshop this Saturday:
- Great advice about submitting to #tapia2016 from General Chair @dilmamds …
- Want to learn what speaking at a conference is all about? I’ll be talking about it at @sheffield_js tomorrow.
- Not sure how to submit your session idea? We can help! #droidconDE …
- … because you are not the one curating a conference program, you just have to submit an idea you have. Go for it! …
- … because you are not the one curating a conference program, you just have to submit an idea you have. Go for it! …
- Worried that you are not experienced enough as a speaker or that your topic is not interesting enough? Well, this is not your decision…
- Oh hi!
Looking for some encouragement/talk ideas/editing to give a conference talk?
Check out this workshop! …
- We hope submissions span a wide range of CSS-related topics, and wrote a list of words to spark your brainstorming. …
- Need help writing talk proposal for meetups & conferences ? We can help ! Come to our workshop next week 🙆 …
- Wanna talk at a conference and need some advice? Check out Dublin Diversity CFP Workshop on Jan 30 (1PM) at Zendesk
- Want to get into tech speaking? Come to a free workshop. All levels welcome. 💖💖💖 …
- We’ve teamed up with @ScotlandJS and will run a diversity workshop to help you propose a talk to conferences: …
- Learn how to write your first conference proposal with @laceynwilliams! 😉 You can sign up here 👇 …
- Do you know someone that'd make an awesome speaker and needs encouragement?
Intro them to our 5 workshops: …
- Time to announce our 5th Diversity CFP Workshop… this one is in Berlin!
- Time to announce our 5th Diversity CFP Workshop… this one is in Berlin!
- Google hangout with @RuudTeunissen & @sgershon starting in 15mins! Join the conversation > …
- Come join me for the @ScotlandJS Diversity CFP Workshop in 10 days time! …
- .@ScotlandJS are running Diversity CFP workshops across the UK. Sign up here for the London workshop @FutureLearn: …
- So awesome that @ScotlandJS is running Diversity CFP workshops across the UK next Sat. For London signups: …
- Wanna talk at a conference and need some advice? Check out Dublin Diversity CFP Workshop on Jan 30 (1PM) at Zendesk
- Wanna talk at a conference and need some advice? Check out Dublin Diversity CFP Workshop on Jan 30 (1PM) at Zendesk
- [Video] Tips from our 2015 speakers for applying to speak at #esconfs 2016 – Watch here > …
- ScotlandJS Diversity CFP Workshops: … (Want to speak but not sure how? ScotlandJS is running a workshop.)
- If you always wanted to submit a talk proposal to a conf but didn't know where to start, this would be a good place! …
- I want to commend @ScotlandJS @ScotlandCSS & all those offering to help bring newbies to the stage. I've felt wonderfully supported. Thx
- Hi @CallbackWomen, @nsnorth is holding a new Diversity Workshop in April and is running a CFP. More info here: …
- The second is a new Diversity Workshop. For this we are doing a CFP which is now open. Read more here …
- Want to be on stage at @ScotlandJS or @ScotlandCSS but unsure what to talk about? Ping me, happy to help out!
- .@AlexYates Yes sending @PipelineConf feedback for each submission takes time but it is the right thing to do. We want to help people.
- It's tempting to think everyone in tech makes $$$. Not everyone does. There are so many folks on the margins or underpaid. Include them.
- Diversity reqt: discuss [Y/N & amts] financial support & childcare in the CFP. Decision pt for women, PoC, underemployed, students, parents.
- @CallbackWomen Midwest JS reimburses flight and hotel for all out of town speakers!!
- African American women earn 64% of Non-Hispanic White men salaries. Latinas earn 55%. Equal costs = unequal access. …
- Conf organizers wonder why women/PoC propose less. #paygap makes it a larger financial burden for them vs white men. …
- Conf organizers wonder why women/PoC propose less. #paygap makes it a larger financial burden for them vs white men. …
- Speakers: yes, do ask how a conf is making it financially viable for you to participate. Confs: budget for it from the beginning. Line item.
- We must keep having convos abt systemic barriers to accessing the podium. Pay gap & caregiving means women, esp WoC, take higher cost burden
- When CallbackWomen launched 3 yrs ago, taboo to ask abt fin aid, honorarium, or travel costs. Proud to have made a difference on this issue.
- When CallbackWomen launched 3 yrs ago, taboo to ask abt fin aid, honorarium, or travel costs. Proud to have made a difference on this issue.
- Really great to see so many speakers & confs these days are having the discussions abt travel/lodging costs as a diversity issue. Essential.
- Really great to see so many speakers & confs these days are having the discussions abt travel/lodging costs as a diversity issue. Essential.
- If your talk answers any facet of "How do you write good code in Rails?" then I'd love to see it. …
- From Rails 5 to open source to design, hiring, & security, @railsconf wants to hear about your technical & organizational challenges.
- 📢 the gophercon call for proposals is open!
w/preference given to ppl who haven't spoken at gophercon before!
- One more RailsConf CFP thing. I’m curating a track called “Beyond The Code” — anything about running a Rails team or project is fair game.
- Two blog posts that might help you on conference proposals: … and ….
- Come join me at @ScotlandJS!!
Need help with your proposal? I WILL HELP YOU. 🙌🏽
- Not sure what you should talk about at @ScotlandJS or need some help? More than happy to help, just ping me :)
- CFP ProTip: Email conference organisers with questions. They'll often be happy to advise you on what they're looking for #12DaysOfCfpTips
- CFP ProTip: Always submit two or more talks #12DaysOfCfpTips
- <img src="" alt="A peek into my daily journal.
To-dos, outline for upcoming @opensourceway article, and notes for a @pycon proposal."/>
To-dos, outline for upcoming @opensourceway article, and notes for a @pycon proposal.
To-dos, outline for upcoming @opensourceway article, and notes for a @pycon proposal."/>
To-dos, outline for upcoming @opensourceway article, and notes for a @pycon proposal.